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Volunteer Development

Volunteer Development. Expanding Your Outreach. Martha A. Nall, Ed.D . Extension Professor University of KY Cooperative Extension Service. What Is A Volunteer?. Definition:

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Volunteer Development

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  1. Volunteer Development Expanding Your Outreach Martha A. Nall, Ed.D. Extension Professor University of KY Cooperative Extension Service

  2. What Is A Volunteer? Definition: An individual with varying degrees of knowledge and skill that goes to the University of Tennessee and plays for a losing basketball team.

  3. What Is A Volunteer – Really? • Volunteers provide work, services, expertise, etc. without expectations of receiving financial compensation.

  4. Why Volunteer? Volunteers gain: • Skill in working with people • Ability to organize, make decisions & solve problems • Contacts • More effective in their work

  5. Why Volunteer? Volunteers gain: • Satisfaction from helping others • Increased self-esteem • Friendships formed • New interests • Confidence • jobs

  6. Volunteering in the U.S.* • 26.8% Americans volunteer* • (1.6 million increase over ‘08) • 63.4 million volunteers – Total Number of volunteers* • 8.1 billion hours – Annual hours volunteered* *www.national service.gov

  7. Volunteering in the U.S. • $169 billion – Total dollar value of volunteer time* • $21.36 – Estimated hourly value of time** • 9.1 million - FTE's for volunteers *www.national service.gov **www.independentsector.org

  8. Volunteering in the US – 2001* • 71% - Percentage of adults who volunteered when asked • 29% - Percentage of adults who volunteered who had not been asked *Study conducted by Independent Sector

  9. Where Americans Volunteer

  10. GEMS A Volunteer Development Program Developed by Ken Culp, III, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service

  11. 1-6 7-10 11-13 14-18

  12. Generate: Needs Assessment • Determining what volunteer jobs need to be done. • A “big picture” look at the organization

  13. Where do people volunteer? • Divide into groups • Make a list of as many volunteer roles in NARFE as you can in two minutes.

  14. Generate: Position Description • Written explanation of the volunteer’s position and role. Include: • Position Title • Time Commitment • Location • General Purpose • Specific Responsibilities • Support Provided • Contact Person/Supervisor

  15. Generate: Identify • Develop a list of individuals and groups to contact for volunteer service. • Look for “non-traditional” volunteers • Example: Singles in youth programs, college students in the nursery, retirees judging public speaking contest. . .

  16. Generate: Recruit Actively search for new volunteers: • Web sites/electronic lists • Master list (printed) for all volunteer jobs • Current volunteers • Personal contacts: • face to face • “no” – ask again • don’t over-recruit

  17. Generate: Screen • Potential volunteer completes application & submits references • Agents contact references • Potential volunteer is interviewed

  18. Generate: Select • Place individuals in the most suitable volunteer positions. • Match: • Talent • Knowledge • Skills • Experience • Goals

  19. Educate: Orient • Begin at the beginning. Include topics about: • History, mission, values, etc. of the organization • Past and current programs and projects • Procedures • Policies • Standards • General expectations • The “why’s”

  20. Educate: Protect • Inform volunteers about risk management strategies and liability issues. • Child Protection • Behavioral Standards • Conflict Resolution • Confidentiality Issues • Financial Management

  21. Educate:Resources • Provide volunteers with the resources necessary to do their job: • Human resources • Clerical support • Curriculum • Financial resources

  22. Educate: Teach • Provide the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill their volunteer role. • Specific subject matter which focuses on program needs.

  23. Mobilize: Engage • Allow volunteers to carry out the task or activity they have been selected to perform.

  24. Mobilize: Motivate • Create an environment which helps individuals or groups satisfy needs or achieve goals. • Motives for beginning, continuing and discontinuing will be different

  25. Mobilize: Supervise • Assisting volunteers to function at their best. • On-going • Continuous

  26. Sustain: Evaluate • On-going process determining if goals are being met. • Should be both formal and informal

  27. Sustain: Recognize • Recognition is: • Essential • Formal and/or informal • Sincere • Provides a sense of appreciation

  28. Sustain: Redirect • Transfers a volunteer to another role within the organization. • Promotion • Reward • Opportunity to succeed

  29. Sustain: Retain • Continues service in the same volunteer role. • Fulfills volunteer’s motives • Ensure a good “fit” between the role and the volunteer • Commitment renewed

  30. Sustain: Disengage • Ending the volunteer/ organization commitment and relationship.

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