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Roshan Kumar, Peter Vovsha, PB Petya Maneva, Vladimir Livshits, Kyunghwi Jeon, MAG

Using Detailed Navigation Networks for Modeling Transit Access and Non-Motorized Modes: Application to MAG CT-RAMP ABM. Roshan Kumar, Peter Vovsha, PB Petya Maneva, Vladimir Livshits, Kyunghwi Jeon, MAG . Introduction.

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Roshan Kumar, Peter Vovsha, PB Petya Maneva, Vladimir Livshits, Kyunghwi Jeon, MAG

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  1. Using Detailed Navigation Networks for Modeling Transit Access and Non-Motorized Modes: Application to MAG CT-RAMP ABM Roshan Kumar, Peter Vovsha, PB Petya Maneva, Vladimir Livshits, Kyunghwi Jeon, MAG TPAC, Columbus, OH, May 5-9, 2013

  2. Introduction • All location choices implemented at a finer level of spatial resolution in recent CT-RAMP ABMs • 20,000-40,000 Micro-Analysis Zones (MAZs) -- instead of 2,000-4,000 Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) • Full advantage of MAZs not taken in most ABMs because of a simplified path building procedure • straight line Euclidian distance skims (multiplied by a correction factor)  used for MAZ-to-MAZ walk and MAZ-to-Stop transit access • Some distances substantially overestimated, some distances underestimated

  3. TPAC, Columbus, OH, May 5-9, 2013 Enhanced Spatial Resolution • MAZs nested in TAZs: • CT-RAMP handles all location choices at MAZ level • Assignment & skimming cannot handle MAZ-to-MAZ matrices • Virtual Path (VP) building: • Access and egress time pre-calculated for MAZ-to-station matrices using detailed navigation network (NavTeq) • Station-to-station time/cost matrices skimmed • MAZ-station-station-MAZ path calculated on the fly

  4. TPAC, Columbus, OH, May 5-9, 2013 Fine-Grain LOS (1=Pre-fixed VP) Access Main In-Vehicle Egress 1 1 Origin 1 TAZ/TAP Destination 1 TAZ/TAP 2 2 3 3 4 4 Origin 2 TAZ/TAP Destination 2 TAZ/TAP 5 5 6 6 7 7 Origin 3 TAZ/TAP Destination 3 TAZ/TAP 8 8 9 9

  5. TPAC, Columbus, OH, May 5-9, 2013 Fine-Grain LOS (2=On Fly VP/CT-RAMP) Access Stop-to-Stop LOS Egress 1 1 Origin 1 Stop Destination 1 Stop 2 2 3 3 4 4 Origin 2 Stop Destination 2 Stop 5 5 6 6 7 7 Origin 3 Stop Destination 3 Stop 8 8 9 9

  6. Transit Path-Building Different Origin MAZ (same TAZ) has different walk & transit times Longer walk but no bus transfer Boarding stop requires bus transfer to rail TPAC, Columbus, OH, May 5-9, 2013

  7. Objective • Eliminate “across the board” predetermined correction factors for straight-line distance • Use detailed navigation networksto compute shortest path skims for walk and walk-to-transit access in built areas implementing Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. • Develop a regression model to estimate ratio of shortest path to Euclidian distance for non-built MAZs for future scenarios • Extract non-motorized LOS skims using a hash table

  8. MAZ to MAZ Shortest Paths • Objective: Find MAZ-to-MAZ Walk Paths (less than 3 miles) • Inputs : NavTeq Network, MAZ Layer • Outputs : MAZ-to-MAZ Walk Cloud (cloud[I,J] = walk dist (I,J))

  9. Estimating Pedestrian Shortest Paths • Higher level facilities removed (Functional Classes 1 and 2) • Centroid connectors updated (no connectors to highways; 4 per MAZ) • Nodes close (within 0.5 miles) to highways tagged • MAZ “walkability” identified • All MAZ to MAZ shortest paths less than 3 miles found

  10. MAZ to MAZ Shortest Paths • All MAZ to MAZ shortest paths less than 3 miles found • Dijkstra’s shortest path with a heap structure implemented • Code written in Python • Network data structures modified and code parallelized: • Finding all MAZ-to-MAZ shortest paths takes only 20 minutes • Being implemented to utilize MAZ_8 IDs Compression Factor = • For 3 mile threshold, compression factor = 1.16% (6.25 million paths) • For 1 mile threshold, compression factor = 0.2% (1.08 million paths) Hyperbolic Function Density/Land Use

  11. Benchmarking tests for Hash Tables • Results: • Distances checked for first 10,000 MAZs • 3.7 million out of 100 million MAZ pairs within 3 miles • Space required to store 10,000 X 10,000 matrix was 780 MB • Benchmarking tests for accessing Rectangular Matrix and Hash Table

  12. Storing MAZ Walk metrics as Nested Hash Tables Out of Range Distances within 3 miles MAZ-to-MAZ Distance Matrix Distances within 3 miles Out of Range Hash Table Keys Hash Function Buckets MAZ 1 to MAZ 2 0 mi to 0.1 mi 00 0.1 mi to 0.2 mi 01 MAZ 1 to MAZ 3 02 0.2 mi to 0.3 mi MAZ 1 to MAZ 4 MAZ-to-MAZ within 3 mi 03 0.3 mi to 0.4 mi Distance MAZ 1 to MAZ 5

  13. Future Scenarios • Exact navigation network not available • Certain zones not build yet but expected to be built • Certain zones planned to change the LU substantially • In both cases, LU development plans are available • The method has to be adjusted: • Predict pedestrian conditions and walk-ability for new/changed zones • Integrate built and no-built zones in one procedure seamlessly 

  14. Estimating Shortest Paths • Regression model to estimate shortest path cost Density Land Use Hyperbolic Function Ws = Weighted cost for every land use for every path Walk = 1 if Origin and Destination MAZs are “walkable”

  15. Estimating Shortest Paths • cij=Cost of link (i,j) • wsm = Share of Land use type ‘s’ in MAZ ‘m’ • wjm=Weight of node j within MAZ m in path p. • Ws= Weighted Path cost for land use type ‘s’ • Procedure to calculate Ws • For nodejwithin MAZmin path p, calculate: wjm = (cij+cjk)/2 • Weighted Path cost for land use type ‘s’ is: • Single family high density is assumed as base, since cij cjk Pathp i j k MAZ m

  16. Regression Results Predicted Observed

  17. Regression Results

  18. Regression Results (Most Walkable LU)

  19. Regression Results (Least Walkable LU)

  20. Estimating Shortest Paths for Green Zones • Three types of paths Brown Zone Green Zone Estimate of Shortest Path Actual Shortest Path Green Zone Green Zone Brown Zone Brown Zone Actual Shortest Path

  21. Summary • Replace simplified path building procedure with shortest path algorithm using detailed navigation networks • Algorithm implemented in Python and parallelized • 6.25 million paths less than 3 miles found in 20 minutes • Applied as network processing step in CT-RAMP ABMs developed for MAG, PAG, and CMAP • Regression model that uses land use variables developed to estimate shortest path costs for future built MAZs

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