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What can you do with your Law Degree?

What can you do with your Law Degree?. Presented by the Lawyers Assistance Program Facilitated by Robert Bircher . What can you do with your Law degree?. Purpose of this course: To provide a context or framework for your career transition and to inspire you to act on it

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What can you do with your Law Degree?

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  1. What can you do with your Law Degree? Presented by the Lawyers Assistance Program Facilitated by Robert Bircher

  2. What can you do with your Law degree? • Purpose of this course: • To provide a context or framework for your career transition and to inspire you to act on it • To connect and interact with other Lawyers

  3. What can you do with your law degree? • Powerpoint Notes

  4. Introduction • 30 seconds of fame • Let us know your name • Tell us something about why you are here

  5. How to be a Participant • Participate fully-don’t hold back • Be honest with yourself • Drop your “image” • Be “Present”-your body is obviously here-are you? • Be here now, thoughts of past and future will take you away • Ask questions-put out your own experiences

  6. How to be a Participant-2 • Turn off cell phones/beepers • Give this day to yourself • Do not help anyone outside this room today-I dare you! • Have lots of FUN!

  7. Lawyers Assistance Program • Provides confidential support counselling,referrals and peer interventions for members of the legal community • Help for chemical dependencies, stress, depression, personal problems

  8. Lawyers Assistance Program-2 • If you need help • Someone you know needs help • As a volunteer • Come to our programs

  9. Morning Modules • Why do you want to make a change? • After the fact career planning strategies that work • My dream of Law Vs. Reality • How to get off your “but” and get on with it • SkillScan assessment-what I want to be when/if I grow up

  10. What can you do with a Law Degree? • Changing your relationship with the Law to be more consistent with who you are now • For some this means only tweaking • For others this means a radical change

  11. My Story • Big firm to little firm • Barrister to Solicitor • Took a year off in Asia • Went back to University • Lawyer/Student • Lawyer/Teacher • Mediator/Teacher • Counselor

  12. How did I wind up as a lawyer? • What was your image of what law would be like? • Did you plan it/fall into it? • Did you give any thought to the psycho-social consequences of being a Lawyer? • When/Why did you decide to apply to Law School? • Think/Pair/ Share

  13. Expectations of being a Lawyer • Intellectual Challenge • Helping others • Change the world • High Income • Status/Respect • Recognition • Autonomy • Versatility

  14. Reality of being a Lawyer • Tedium/Boring work • Clients receive more trauma than benefit • Money trumps social justice • Actual income of Lawyers is mediocre • Lawyers are increasingly unpopular • Positive feedback is rare • You are only as good as last months billing

  15. Roots of dissatisfaction in legal careers • Focus on what’s not working • Life that is work focused not life focused • Boundary problems-around money or around what the client wants • Culture of Burnout • Warp speed practice • Increasing competition

  16. My top 3 reasons for change • Why would I want to change my career? • What’s wrong with me being a Lawyer? • What can I get from another career that I can’t get from Law? • Is Law the best place for me? • Think/Pair/Share

  17. How do I make the change? • There are 4 stages to a job change • 1.Self assessment: What do I really want? What is most important to me? What do I really value? • Psychometric tests, career counselors are useful here • Important to distinguish between Ideal self and Actual self

  18. 4 steps to change • 2.Resarch-Job assessment-defining the specifics of the environment and type of work you want • As opposed to having the marketplace define the options for you • Your background alone will not get you a job • What do you have a deep personal connection to?

  19. 4 steps to change • Informational Interviews are critical here-Talk to somebody who is already doing your dream job-otherwise you may be dealing with your own fantasy about what that job is like • 3.Creating Opportunities-getting your resumes and cover letters ready, networking, job searching on the internet etc. • 4.Surrounding yourself with support

  20. Ineffective Career Strategies • Hoping opportunities will fall in your lap • Intellectualizing-but never acting on it • Getting another degree-when it is unnecessary • Waiting until you burnout • Wanting to change without actually changing anything

  21. Disempowering Beliefs • Your own career mindset is important • Does your self talk have empowering or disempowering beliefs? • Empowering belief-any belief that results in action • Disempowering belief-any belief that keeps you stuck • Top 5 beliefs exercise

  22. Top 5 beliefs exercise Disempowering Beliefs 1 2 3 4 5 • Empowering Beliefs • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

  23. SkillScan Psychometric Test • Find the 6 ivory cards • Put competent and minimal or no ability in front of you • Competent-having used the skill in some basic way • Minimal or no ability-lacking the skill even in a basic way • Put the minimal or no ability to one side

  24. Skillscan-2 • Lay out the remaining ivory cards in 4 columns • Major role-love doing-very high priority • Secondary role-like to do Minor role-OK to do will tolerate • Unwilling to use-don’t want to do • Sort as to color • Record results in the personal skill profile

  25. Intuition Exercise Groups of 3 Read your Skill Scan Summary Listeners-Use your intuition What do you see this person doing?

  26. Informational Interviews • Talking to people who are already doing what you want to do • Avoids guessing what a new job would be like • Are my assumptions about this job valid? • How did they get their job • What’s a typical day like? • Salary range

  27. Informational Interviews-2 • What is the demand for the service like? • What training do you need? • How do hear about new openings? • What is most interesting about this job? • What would you change about your job? • What is the toughest part of your job? • What one piece of advice would you give about someone entering this field? • These and other questions are on the Informational Interview form

  28. Lunch Assignment • Pick someone you don’t know-who has done or is doing a job you might like • Go to lunch together • Do an informational interview • Use the form provided

  29. Afternoon Modules • Transition experience • Effective use of time in job searching • Resistance to change • Practical tips especially for lawyers

  30. The Transition Experience • “Change is avalanching upon our heads and most people are grotesquely unprepared for it” A. Toffler Future Shock • We tend to view change as some kind of aberration; whereas it is a natural and normal phenomenon • Life as a wave, sometimes we are going up, sometimes down, sometimes at the top ,sometimes at the bottom.

  31. Transition • Psychological reorientation to changes in life • Why concern ourselves about the psychology, why not just get on with finding a new job? • In my own experience and my experience with other Lawyers the principle problem is in the psychology of change-not that Lawyers don’t know how to look for a job-in fact that is the easy part.

  32. Transition-2 • Misunderstanding resistance to change or being unfamiliar with transition leaves clues • Procrastination • Confusion • Editing yourself out by not applying at all • Hoping something will come along-someday • False arrogance-I can get a new job in a jiffy

  33. Transitions-3 • False humility-I am only trained to be a Lawyer-I cant do anything else. • Self sabotage- not applying, not looking, not following through. • Lack of focus or lack of confidence or lack of commitment

  34. Bridges Model • Transition occurs in 3 stages comprised of an Ending, a Neutral zone, and a New Beginning • From the book Transitions: Making sense of Life’s Changes by William Bridges

  35. Endings Disengagement-separation from the old role or setting Disidentification-Not sure of who you are anymore Disenchantment-one’s world no longer fits that old or prior reality Disorientation-feeling lost and confused, empty

  36. Neutral Zone • Gap between who you used to be and who you are going to be • Symbolically a desert, a time of inner reorientation • In Traditional societies this was handled well-People were taught to chant and fast, and remove themselves from Society-A Walkabout

  37. Neutral Zone-2 • Our culture does not honor such experience • Requires surrender and giving in to the emptiness, not trying to escape it • It is a time of anxiety and we may feel detached or isolated

  38. How To Handle The Neutral Zone • Create alone time • Journal-include hunches and intuition • Write your own job autobiography-What was your favorite job? • Go on a “walkabout” a quiet week away • Ask what excites me?

  39. New Beginning • Attraction to an idea, an impression, an opportunity, a dream, an image • Self doubt is common here • A process of reintegration, a rebirth into a new reality • If you allow it to occur, it will result in new energy and motivation

  40. Transition Tips • Take your time • Make temporary or short term arrangements • Expect fear, uncertainty, confusion and doubt-it is usually not a ‘pretty’ process • Support system is crucial here

  41. Natural resistance to change • Make no mistake:getting out of Law is as difficult as getting in • The only people who appreciate change are babies with dirty diapers • Frogs dropped into hot water will immediately jump out • Frogs put in cold water that is gradually heated will remain until death

  42. Resistance to change-2 • Just do it-Just doesn’t happen! • Lawyers tend to want predictability-not possible in career change • Transitions are a psychological process • Expect some confusion,doubt,tension,and fragmentation • Indecision is a decision-to stay where you are

  43. Resistance to change-3 • Avoiding change has a high cost • Waiting for “something to come up” is just procrastination-nothing ever comes up • What works is being proactive • Career satisfaction must be a high priority-evidenced by how much time you put into it

  44. Change Features • We prefer the security of a known misery to the misery of the unknown or unfamiliar • Average person changes jobs every three years and careers every ten • Are you overdue for a change? • Some people are motivated by a sudden insight or unpredictable event • Some people “tunnel out” -Great Escape style

  45. Change Features-2 • Fear of humiliation, failure,discomfort or pain keep us stuck • Change is rarely linear or predictable • Stress and dissatisfaction is the universe giving you a message

  46. What can I do with a Law degree? • A lot! • The real question is What are you willing to do now? • Lawyers tend to grossly underestimate their ability to do other work • Lawyers are almost pathological in their narrow focus about what they can do

  47. What can I do with law degree-2 • Law degree is a valuable credential • Your work experience is also valuable • Law degree says you are Competent,Intelligent & Responsible • You can set & attain goals • You can commit and are motivated • These are the transferable skills most wanted!

  48. Lawyer Specific Problems • Poor view of your worth • Underestimate your own abilities • Tunnel vision as to what you can do • Irrational and obsessive commitment to a poor choice “It took so much to get here I am not really willing to change-even if it kills me” • Letting go of status,prestige or power

  49. Lawyer Specific Problems-2 • We are trained to focus on what’s wrong with any given situation • We tend to be self critical and negative • We lose sight of our own worth and competence • We tend to be judgmental and competitive

  50. Effective job search strategies • 1-Asses yourself • 2-Assess the market • 3-Allocate your time • -70% Warm contact • -15% Published Ads • -15% Headhunter • 4-Do Informational Interviews

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