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Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Prof. Renato Lauro Rector Prof. Giuseppe Novelli

Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Prof. Renato Lauro Rector Prof. Giuseppe Novelli Dean Fac. of Medicine.

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Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Prof. Renato Lauro Rector Prof. Giuseppe Novelli

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  1. Università degli Studi di Roma“Tor Vergata”Prof. Renato Lauro RectorProf. Giuseppe Novelli Dean Fac. of Medicine

  2. DELEGATIONProf Stefano Elia                   Faculty of MedicineProf.ssa Paola Sinibaldi Faculty of Medicine Prof Claudio Cortese       Faculty of Medicine

  3. Where we are and who studies in: • The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” is located in the South-eastern suburb of Rome close to “Castelli romani” area • The buildings are located in a 640-hectares campus • A theatre has been restructured by UTV and Local Institutions

  4. Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” The Campus The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” offers six Schools: • Law • Medicine (with University Hospital) • Sciences • Economics • Engineering • Humanities Centro di Calcolo e Documentazione

  5. Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” The Campus “specials” • “PTV” University hospital • “Villa Mondragone” Meeting center Centro di Calcolo e Documentazione

  6. Italian System of Education Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” www.uniroma2.it High School Bachelor Degree 3 years Master of Science 2 years PhD programs One-cycle courses (5 or 6 years) Architecture/Law/Medicine

  7. Numbers • The University in figures: • 43.603 Students’ population • 1.571 Professors and Researchers (staff) • 1.066 Personnel of the Administration (staff) • 61 Undergraduate degree courses (3-years) • 55 Graduate degree courses (2-years) • 5 One cycle Degrees (Medicine, Dentistry, Building Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy and Law)

  8. Numbers • University post lauream: • 75 PhD’s (Doctoral Studies) • 49 Specialisation Courses • 378 Laboratories • 3.023 Places for students to study

  9. Numbers Foreign students: • Economics 254 • Engineering 220 • Humanities 294 • Law 237 TOTAL 1.802 • Medicines 666 • Sciences 131

  10. Courses taught in English SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS • M.Sc. in Business Administration • M.Sc. in Economics • M.Sc. In European Economy and Business Law • M.Sc. In Finance SCHOOL OF PHARMACY (in cooperation with University of Nottingham – UK) SCHOOL OF MEDICINEMaster of Sciencein “Physical Activity and Health Promotion”

  11. Courses taught in English - NEW GLOBAL STUDIES (3 years courses) : Science and Medicine Social Science Studies (Economics,Law and International Governance) Humanities and History Pharmacy (one cicle course 5 years) Engineering Sciences Translation Medicine

  12. International Summer Schools July – August 2010: Engineering, Architecture and Cultural Heritage www.summerschool-ch.uniroma2.it/ Italian Language and Culture School http://linguaitaliana.lettere.uniroma2.it/ Medical Summer School www.medicalsummerschool.uniroma2.it/

  13. Facilities for Foreign Students Introductory Italian language courses Assistance with visas and residence permits Accommodation (a new residence will be available in September 2010)

  14. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS 190 Bilateral Agreements between Universities / Higher Education Institutions/ Research Centers and The University of Rome Tor Vergata 55 Bilateral Agreement promoted by the Fac. of Medicine

  15. Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” www.uniroma2.it FACULTY OF MEDICINE and Hospital of Tor Vergata www.med.uniroma2.it 16

  16. Medical and Clinical Departments and Centers Departments Department of Biopathology and Imaging Diagnostics Department of Internal Medicine Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences Department of Neurosciences Department of Public Health and Cell Biology Department of Surgical Sciences Department of Dentistry Centers Center of Space Biomedicine Interfaculty facilities – Animal House (STA) Biostatistic and Bioinformatic Interdipartimental Center (CIBB) Culture and Sport Center Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Center Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology & Innovative Instrumentation (NAST Center)

  17. Tor Vergata Medical School Education: 1) School of Medicine and Surgery (MD program). 2) School of Dentistry (DDS/DMD program). 3) Joint Degree Programs (in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences): Pharmacy, Human Nutrition, Medical Biotechnology. 4) Post-graduate Medical Education: 46 courses for MD, 2 courses for DDS/DMD, 6 courses for Non-physician Health Professionals. 5) Master of Health Science: 20 first level, 22 second level, and 13 specialised courses. 6) School of Nursing: 3 first level, and 1 second level courses. 7) Non-physician Health Professionals Program: 16 first level courses. 8) Sciences of the Sport and Movement: 1 first level, and 2 second level courses. 9) Post-doctoral Studies: 27 Ph.D. courses at the School of Medicine, and 2 joint courses in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences. 10) International Medical Student Education: in collaboration with the Medical School of the University “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” in Tirana (Albany): MD program, DDS/DMD program, Masters of Health Science and School of Nursing. 11) Medical Summer School: Lifelong Learning Program - Erasmus Intensive Program.

  18. Tor Vergata University Hospital • Number of working peoples 1,830 • Number of people who annually receive services in different • delivery systems → 500,000 • N° beds (excluding beds technical) → hospitalization ordinary 335 (750 at the end of 2011) 19

  19. Contacts Tor Vergata web site: http://www.uniroma2.it Contact: International Relations Office relazioni.internazionali@uniroma2.it tesauro@uniroma2.it studentistranieri@uniroma2.it

  20. Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” http://www.uniroma2.it

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