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Energi dan efisiensi energi : kerjasama Jawa Tengah dan Denmark

Energi dan efisiensi energi : kerjasama Jawa Tengah dan Denmark. Ian Rowland BA ( Hons ) MA MSc Provincial Advisor Solo, April 2014. ESP3. Environmental Support Programme = Program M endukung Lingkungan Hidup Kerjasama Indonesia-Denmark Lingkungan hidup dan energi Perubahan iklim

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Energi dan efisiensi energi : kerjasama Jawa Tengah dan Denmark

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  1. Energidanefisiensienergi: kerjasamaJawa Tengah dan Denmark Ian Rowland BA (Hons) MA MSc Provincial Advisor Solo, April 2014

  2. ESP3 • Environmental Support Programme = Program MendukungLingkunganHidup • Kerjasama Indonesia-Denmark • Lingkunganhidupdanenergi • Perubahaniklim • Fase 1-2 fokusditingkatnasional, 2005-12 • Fase 3 fokusditingkatprovinsidanpemerintahdaerah

  3. 43.000 km2 • 5.600.000

  4. In 2009 • 51% of electricity from PLN was consumed by households • 36% by industry • 12% by business

  5. Transport and industry are responsible for the majority of total energy consumption • Households are the largest consumers of electricity

  6. Good potential for improving energy efficiency in industrial sector • Industries do not report energy use to DinasESDM • According to Dinas ESDM, the garment and textile industries are perceived to be the largest energy consumers.

  7. Dinas ESDM promotes energy efficiency in government offices • Does ‘socialisation’ activities with the general public and schools. • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have energy programmes for the industrial sector including energy audits.

  8. Integrated Climate Change Strategies undertaken in Solo, Semarang, Salatiga and Pekalongan. Include a priority of “the implementation of energy efficiency in government buildings, private, public, and industrial facilities”.

  9. Angin • 30% • 50% sebelum 2020 Surya • 2012: 200MW • Tambah 36MW per bulan • 2020: 1000MW • 2030: 3400MW

  10. ESP3

  11. Komponen 2: Energi • Mendukungimplementasi RAD-GRK sertakebijakanenergi lain • Proyekpercontohan • Focal point: ESDM

  12. Investment Grade Audit (IGA) • Energy Services Company (ESCO)

  13. Waste to Energy (WtE) • Refuse Derived Fuel (RdF)

  14. Renewables for off-grid locations

  15. Maturnuwunesp3.org

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