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Radiation Effects Committee Summary Report

Radiation Effects Committee Summary Report. Marty Shaneyfelt, Chair REC 2 March 2013. 2012 NSREC Finance Conference Chair, Ken Label, NASA GSFG. Income (less loan) = $ 561,090 Includes 22.5k that is still expected from supporters Expenses = $ 487,918

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Radiation Effects Committee Summary Report

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  1. Radiation Effects CommitteeSummary Report Marty Shaneyfelt, Chair REC 2 March 2013

  2. 2012 NSREC FinanceConference Chair, Ken Label, NASA GSFG • Income (less loan) = $561,090 • Includes 22.5k that is still expected from supporters • Expenses = $487,918 • Does not include shipping charges related to TNS • Return = $73,172 (15% of expenses) • All material is expected to be submitted for close-out and audit by the end of February

  3. 2013 CONFERENCE Hyatt Embarcadero, San Francisco, July 8-12, Conference Chair, Jeff Black, Sandia National Labs

  4. Conference Committee

  5. Status • 50th anniversary themed event on Monday night • Event would not be possible without AdCom support • Letter of financial support to past volunteers who otherwise could not attend has been mailed • To date, nine people have accepted • All other social events finalized • Bay Cruise (Main Social), Alcatraz Island, and Muir Woods/Sausalito • 197 Summaries submitted for review • 155 Technical Session • 42 Data Workshop • Comparable to usual submission numbers • Meld Meeting at NASA GSFC March 5-6, 2013

  6. Status • Short Course dry run following meld meeting • Evolution of Radiation Studies on the Path of Moore’s Law: Past, Present and (Foreseeable) Future • Completed draft DVD for 50 years of conference TNS publications (Thanks to Jeff Black!) • Special June 2013 issue of the TNS: edited by Pascale Gouker, Veronique Ferlet-Cavrois, and Jonny Pellish • Funds have been received from 11 of the 12 pledged corporate supporters • 3D Plus (new), Aeroflex, Atmel, BAE Systems, Boeing, Honeywell, International Rectifier, Intersil Corporation, Northrop Grumman, Peregrine Semiconductor (new), Southwest Research Institute, Texas Instruments

  7. Status • The indefinite travel/conference bans initiated by the DEPSECDEF Carter memo of 10 January 2013, recent DoD/DOE cost curtailment regulations, and pending federal budget sequestration have already impacted government supporters • Informed in February that DTRA will not support this year’s conference ($10K gross loss to conference) • Support from the remaining 5 government supporters still unknown ($45K of support) • Conference is assessing impact of potential loss of funds • Expect to see a reduction in government exhibitors • Number of planned exhibitors has been reduced from 62 to 52 booths • An updated budget will be submitted in the April time frame

  8. 2014 NSRECConference Chair, Robert Ecoffet, CNES • First NSREC outside North America (a year with no RADECS) • July 14-18, 2014 • Marriott, Rive Gauche, Paris, France • Committee finalized • Budget approved • Bank accounts in US open, working on opening bank account in France • Expecting IEEE loan soon • Next committee meeting scheduled for April 2013 in Paris

  9. 2015 & 2016 NSRECs • 2015 - Conference Chair, Mike Xapsos, NASA GSFC • July 13-17 • Marriott, Copley Place, Boston • Committee finalized • Preliminary budget to be presented at Spring RESG Meeting • 2016 - Conference Chair, Robert Reed, Vanderbilt • RESG will meet April 3-4 at DoubleTree (and Portland Convention Center) in Portland, OR

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