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U niportal VATS Applications

U niportal VATS Applications. Erdal Okur Thoracic Surgery Dep ., Ac ibadem University Medical School, Istanbul. Increased popularity of m inima l invasive surgery In thorax , Thoracoscopy videothoracoscopy video- assisted thoracic surgery VATS. Thoracotomy.

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U niportal VATS Applications

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  1. Uniportal VATS Applications ErdalOkur ThoracicSurgeryDep., AcibademUniversityMedical School, Istanbul

  2. Increasedpopularity of minimal invasivesurgery • Inthorax, • Thoracoscopy • videothoracoscopy • video-assistedthoracicsurgery • VATS

  3. Thoracotomy

  4. 3-4 port VideoAssistedThoracicSurgery

  5. Uniportal VATS

  6. Method

  7. Anesthesia - Localor general - Singlelungventilation

  8. Paincontrol • Pre-emptive local anesthesia • Post-procedurelocal anesthesia • Parenteralanalgesicwhilechesttube is in place

  9. 2013 Inyear 2017, morethan 1000 uniportal VATS cases

  10. Advantages • Lookingstraighttooperativefield as in opensurgery • Singleincision- singleintercostalnervedamage- lesspain - Bettercosmesis Disadvantages -Instrumentswording

  11. Conclusion Most of allthoracicsurgeryprocedures can be performedby uniportal VATS Uniportal VATS is lessinvasive but as effective as classical 3-4 port VATS

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