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Mastering Language Basics: Grammar Review Guide

Enhance your grammar skills with this comprehensive review guide covering nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and more. Perfect for students and language enthusiasts looking to strengthen their foundational knowledge.

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Mastering Language Basics: Grammar Review Guide

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  1. Adverbs

  2. Review what we already know! Noun – person, place, thing, or idea dog mountains family Pronoun – takes the place of a noun a dog - it the mountains – they, them our family – we, us

  3. Adjectives – describe nouns answer: which one, what kind, how many a dog – which one? a brown dog the mountains – what kind? the large mountains our family – how many? our entire family

  4. Verb – is an action or state of being Action verbs tell what the subject DOES. A brown dog BARKS. The large mountains ERODE. Our entire family SINGS.

  5. Verb – is an action or state of being State of being (LINKING) verbs link the subject to a noun that renames the subject or an adjective that describes the subject. The brown dogIS a beagle. beagle = noun, renames the subject The large mountainsAREbeautiful. beautiful = adjective, describes the subject Our entire family WAS sick. noun or adjective?

  6. Adverbs – describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs The brown dog barksLOUDLY. (verb) The EXTREMELYlarge mountains erode. (adjective) Our entire family sings VERYbeautifully. (adverb)

  7. Adverb Questions How? The brown dog barks loudly. How does the dog bark? loudly They carefully studied the new clues. How did they study? carefully

  8. Adverb Questions When? Yesterday the brown dog barked loudly. When did the dog bark? yesterday The extremely large mountains are now eroding. When are they eroding? now

  9. Adverb Questions Where? The extremely large mountains are eroding there. Where are the mountains eroding? there Our entire family sings everywhere. Where do they sing? everywhere

  10. Adverb - Intensifiers How much? How often? The brown dog sometimes barks loudly. How often does the dog bark? sometimes They always studied the new clues carefully. How often did they study carefully? always

  11. Adverb Questions To what extent? How much? The brown dog barks rather loudly. To what extent was it loud? rather They very carefully studied the new clues. To what extent were they careful? very

  12. Identify the adverb. • The sprinter ran swiftly. • The football player is very strong. • Recently you studied diseases. • We have often learned about grammar. • We usually review basic grammar. • The fire blazed too wildly for anyone to enter. • Dad often quotes his father. • Put the apples there, and we’ll eat them later. • You can easily fill out your assignment book. • Have you always filled out your assignment book?

  13. dog a brown dog A brown dog barks. A brown dog barks loudly. Yesterday a very brown dog barked rather loudly.

  14. mountain the large mountains The large mountains are eroding. The large mountains are eroding now. The extremely large mountains are noweroding there.

  15. family our entire family Our entire family sings. Our entire family sings beautifully. Our entire family often sings quite beautifully.

  16. Where words: • Away • Here • There • In • Out • Inside • Outside • Up • Down

  17. When words: • Later • Now • Soon • Never • Today • Tomorrow • Daily • Weekly

  18. How words: • Often end in –ly! • Slowly, quickly, carefully

  19. How often words: • Always • Never • Sometimes • Rarely • Not • usually

  20. To what extent? • So • Very • Too • Extremely • Quite • Not

  21. Exercise 7: page 56 • not- to what extent Oklahoma Is • Once- when they LIVED • Still- when they LIVED • Often-how much they ignored • Readily- how they supported • Excitedly- how they hurried • Extremely– how eager they were

  22. 8. later- when they were forced 9. hardly- to what extent they were given… 10. never- how often they will forget

  23. Remember… • When? • Where? • How? • How much? How many? • To what extent?

  24. noun adjective and noun Adjective, noun, and verb. Adjective, noun, verb, and adverb. Adverb, adjective, noun, verb, adverb, adverb.

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