

Addressing issues and answering questions When we purchased our new health spa, Terlam in Fords, NJ, we were mindful that some of the existing members would have concerns with us holding naturist occasions there. The following is an open letter that addresses those concerns. FKK's new gym / health spa - Terlam Cherished Terlam Members, It has come to our attention that some of the Terlam members and Fords community had questions and / or concerns regarding the FKK Nude Sunday events at Terlam. Please bear with me as I 'll do my best to clarify what we do as well as what we stand for. FKK is an abbreviation of Naturist Portal. It was founded by Felicity and I in 2011 with the goal of growing naturism and http://kroeker-gisela22w214.tumblr.com/post/151834809723/seashores-san-onfre-45-min-north-of-blacks underlying principals and values. Naturism is a doctrine and way of life that is shared by individuals from all walks of life in every corner of the globe. Naturists believe that a person should be judged according to their character and how they behave, not based on their occupation, how they look or how much money they will have. For those who find the world as we do, the nude human body is no more sexual than a clothed one. In reality, we argue that clothes sexualize individuals way more than simple nudity. We use social nudity to promote acknowledgement. We believe in equality and by removing garments, we additionally remove social blots, status symbols and bias. Without such status symbols, a janitor becomes indistinguishable from a lawyer and consequently they're both on an even playing-field. Some of the important dilemmas that FKK handles as an organization are body image and body acceptance, behavioral problems like bullying and fat shaming, women's rights, child pornography, sexuality-related subjects etc. Both Felicity and I have been naturists since the day we were born. For us, the sight of the nude human form is nothing shameful. With that said, we comprehend that some people may believe differently, which is why we're doing our best to teach the general public about what naturism, in its purest form, actually is. You might have read that we are letting teenagers from a certain age attend our events unaccompanied by an adult. Since there's nothing sexual about our events, try to think of it as though they're going to your PG film. If they could afford the price of admission then there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be permitted to join. We offer a safe, family-friendly environment for people who share our values and morals. There has also been concern over the bare use of our swimming pool. Naturists understand that they must shower before entering the pool. This is standard practice at each nudist or naturist place. Actually, swimming naked is https://twitter.com/liwawafikah for many health reasons. Additionally, there are quite a few sanitary gains. Bathing suits commonly include dirt, detergents, dyes, and other household chemicals. Additionally, most non naturist swimming pools do not apply a "shower before swimming" policy so chances are that a naturist pool will be much cleaner with less chemicals. When using the work out equipment, naturists constantly sit on a towel and use any gear while wearing shoes. This is much cleaner than sitting on the bikes with sweaty workout materials. Since naturists are extremely respectful, most will actually wipe down the machines personally after they use them, even though there is no actual motive to do so. Hopefully, this will set most of your concerns at ease. I realize that the initial news of these events may have come as a bit of a jolt and the reaction is clear. When we let our imaginations run wild, the dream is typically far more extreme than reality. If you might have any additional concerns, I will be more than happy to answer them. I'm also willing to come and do a group discussion too. With Love, Jordan & Felicity Tags: body image, new jersey, unclothed occasions, naked swimming, spa Category: Naked News, Naked Party and Unclothed Occasions, Naturist Blog, Social Nudity Blogs About the Writer (Author Profile) Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Naturist Portal.


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