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Fitness_ Myths & Facts

One of the exciting things about health and fitness is that everyone you meet or ask an opinion is an expert. <br><br>For example, if you are doing cardio, they will explain the benefits of weight training. If you are lifting weights, they will start counting the benefits of aerobics. If you work out at home, they will state the benefits of joining a gym for health and fitness in Rhodes.

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Fitness_ Myths & Facts

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  1. Fitness: Myths & Facts

  2. One of the exciting things about health and fitness is that everyone you meet or ask an opinion is an expert. • For example, if you are doing cardio, they will explain the benefits of weight training. If you are lifting weights, they will start counting the benefits of aerobics. If you work out at home, they will state the benefits of joining a gym for health and fitness in Rhodes. • Everyone has their facts when it comes to health and fitness. The main problem is we believe in those myths they consider as facts. • How about busting some common health and fitness myth bubbles and checking out the facts? Stay tuned!

  3. Women should do other exercises than men. • Though you might believe that Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, both belong to the same planet when it comes to health and fitness. Both sexes have the same body structure, except for different hormonal things. • So their muscle strength might be different, but it does not mean that they should follow other workout routines. • Many women believe that if they lift more weights, it will bulk them up. It is not true. • Women can't achieve extraordinary muscle growth without some chemical assistance as women have lower testosterone levels. So, women will not be able to lift the weight, similar to what men lift. However, it does not mean that they should not lift weights.

  4. Always stretch before exercising. • Even some fitness enthusiasts and health professionals will believe that it is a fact. • Most people stretch because someone advised them to do it. • Stretching does help to elongate muscles and help prevent injury, but when you stretch before a workout session, it will weaken the muscle by at least 30%. It might increase the chance of injury. • Stretch only after the workout session and not before it

  5. I can reduce fat in one area. • "I just want to reduce my belly fat." • "I want to reduce fat from my thighs and butts. It is the reason I have joined this studio forfitness in Rhodes." • These are some conversations you might have heard at the gym. However, spot reduction does not work. No matter how many crunches you do to reduce your belly fat, you will never have abs like your friend, who has 8% body fat compared to your 20% body fat. • You need to perform various intense fat-burning exercises such as squats, dips, pull-downs, deadlifts, and others to reduce belly fat.

  6. Fat burns on an empty stomach • It might be true technically. • When you exercise in the morning, your body is deprived of nutrients and uses fat stores. • However, experts believe that it is not the right approach. • When you work out on an empty stomach, it will burn more muscle, and your whole purpose of any fat-loss diet will be defeated.

  7. Shakes are great for weight loss. • Most of the shakes available in the market are full of cheap protein, vitamins, sugar, and colouring agents. • Though they are not bad for you, they will not serve the core purpose. • You should instead aim for whole foods with more fiber that keeps you feeling satisfied. • Also, whole foods require your digestive system to work hard. • So, your metabolism will stay up. If you love shakes, go for whey protein shakes available in the market.

  8. No need to join a gym • It is an entirely wrong approach that must be burst. • There are some superior benefits of joining the gym. • First of all, you will get an excellent environment for working out. • Also, they have the best equipment and machines for cardio and weight training exercises. • Also, you can enroll in personal training if you wish. Buy a membership of the gym near Rhodes now.

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