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Tips for Better Conversion Rates on Your Ecommerce Website (1)
X Tips for Better Conversion Rates on Your Ecommerce Website Ecommerce SEO services BigCommerce experts Let’s be honest, the main goal of every business is not to lure in visitors but to actually convert those visitors into customers. Take the example of a physical store having many window shoppers coming in and out but no one actually buying something, will it be enough? The answer is not, right? That’s because the business will earn profit only when the goals of the website are achieved. These goals can vary from business to business like some websites aim that the visitors should either create an account with them, sign up for the newsletter, purchase something from the site or click on something. If you haven’t set any realistic goals for your website than you won’t ever be able to improve, achieve and measure your success. Ecommerce SEO services allow you to not only identify suitable goals for your business but also help you achieve them in record time. The conversion rate of any website is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors on the website multiple by 100. If for example 500 conversions were successful out of 50000 visitors then the conversion rate for your website will be 1% which is the average rate. A good website has a conversion rate of 2% and above but mostly the conversion rate of a business is less than 1%. BigCommerce expertssuggest that if your conversion rate is lower than 1% then it means that you either have a saturated market or the goals of your website are vague or your targeted audience is not being approached. Here are X conversion rates tips for your ecommerce website performance in terms of sales. Better Conversion Rates Tips 1.Quick Loading time The biggest pet peeve of all customers is long loading time of any website, in fact according to a survey around 40% of the customers leave a website if it takes any longer than 3 seconds to open. So make sure you get rid of all those things that bring up the loading time of the website like heavy themes, unnecessary plugins, huge picture sizes, and heavy JavaScript and CSS files among others. Check your site’s performance on Google Page Speed Insights in order to analyze the speed. 2.Insert an Pop-Up at the Right Time Adding the right pop-up on your website at the right time can boost your conversion rate exponentially. On average, the pop-ups have a conversion rate of 3.09% but if
the pop-ups are added according to the customer’s journey and stage on the website than it can even reach the top tier of 10%! A pop-up acts like a catapult for your website’s conversion rates but there is also a thin line to thread on when it comes to pop-ups. A customer can easily get annoyed by this constant blockage of the screen and can end up leaving the site altogether. Make sure the pop-up appears on the screen at least 30-40 seconds after landing on the page. The closing of the pop up should be easy and quick. Lastly the pop-up should appear only once per customer. 3.Easy Navigation and an Appealing Web design The web designing is a very crucial aspect of any ecommerce business as it helps allure in customers, builds credibility, makes the brand aesthetically pleasing and most importantly makes you look professional. BigCommerce experts emphasize heavily on the design, color, picture qualities, graphics, fonts, descriptions and the overall layout of the website. Another very important thing to convert browsers into buyers is by making your website easy to navigate. The sales funnel should be streamlined, easy to configure and should flow seamlessly. Going back and forth for cart contents, prices, discount codes and other details can be frustrating for the customer. 4.Live Chat Feature is An Absolute Must Live Chat feature for ecommerce businesses is just like that friendly salesman in a physical store. Having a live person sitting for the help and guidance of a customer can make a huge difference in the conversion rates. Sometimes a little confusion or a little clearance is what is needed to convert a browser into a buyer. Chabots are another amazing feature that doesn’t even require a live human, you just need to optimize the Chabots and they can be a lifesaver and a cost saver for you. 5.Mobile Friendly Smartphones are the present of online shopping, browsing and searching. Make sure your website is fully accessible on smartphones without any hitch. Almost 90% of the customers land at your website from their smartphones which means that they will most likely click on a link to get there. What if the website can’t open on their phone, will they ever come back? The chances are quite slim, honestly. So make sure your website is fully mobile optimized for better conversion rates. Conclusion Ecommerce SEO services provided by Bigcommerce experts includes improving conversion rates as this is a good indicator to your success. Be sure to pay heed to this aspect and try to improve it.