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Ayurveda the ultimate guide to wellness

KOFOL Immunity Tablets are a clinically tested Ayurvedic Medicine for Immune System which is proven effective on 10 vital parameters of immunity.

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Ayurveda the ultimate guide to wellness

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  1. Ayurveda: The ultimate guide to wellness Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine, which originated in the Vedic age in India. It is one of the oldest holistic treatment and healing systems of the world that aims to heal and rejuvenate the entire body and its organ systems. Along with this, it also helps to prevent the onset of diseases, slow down ageing process and promote general wellness. Ayurveda holds the key to a disease-free long life. Adapting an Ayurveda lifestyle can help you get rid of several existing and chronic illnesses and prevent further illnesses by bolstering your immune system. It promotes overall health and wellness. Ayurveda lifestyle is beneficial not only for your physical health, but it also slowdowns degeneration, and maintains psychological and spiritual well-being. Ayurveda focuses on both the prevention and the cure. It can remove the root cause of a problem. Thus, we can say that Ayurveda is an effective yet affordable system of healing. Here are some Ayurveda tips to help you start your journey towards wellness. 1. Consume a healthy balanced diet - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT One of the most important tenets of Ayurveda is to eat healthy and balanced. Make sure that your meals comprise of not only the essential food groups but are also a healthy mix of all macro and micronutrients. Avoid processed and packaged food as much as possible. A well-balanced diet will help you maintain healthy body weight and keep obesity at bay. Ayurveda has described a very unique concept of Prakruti (body constitution) which should be always considered while selecting your dietary food items. When you eat is also as important as what you eat. Consistency in the timings of your meals every day is important in keeping your body healthy. 2. Exercise regularly Ayurveda strongly emphasizes on exercise to stay healthy and fit. You can practice yoga to start a healthy workout regime. It is very important for us to exercise and move our bodies in some way or the other to stay fit and active and Yoga is the perfect way to do it. It involves various physical exercises, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote the physical and mental well-being of an individual. Yoga has several benefits like improving strength, flexibility, balance, and posture of the body. It has been proven that doing Yoga regularly helps to enhance the concentration power and focus of an individual. Yoga, not only awakens your body, but it also awakens your soul and gives you peace of mind. The Ayurvedic philosophy believes that without taking good care of our body, mind, soul and spirit we cannot grow as individuals and hence, it is important to ensure overall health. 3. Detox your body once a while

  2. Ayurveda has described detoxification procedures in the context of Panchakarma. These customized therapies prove highly beneficial in preventing and treating various lifestyle and metabolic disorders. Panchakarma therapies are known to expel metabolic wastes from the body thereby providing relief in various chronic illnesses. Periodic sessions of these therapies are essential to maintain good immune system and slow down the process of ageing. 4. Shift to herbal medicines Avoid frequent consumption of antibiotics and opt for herbal medicines which boost your innate immunity and protects you from recurrent infections. Herbs like turmeric, tulsi, ashwagandha, giloy etc are known to possess anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory properties which improves your metabolic activities and boost your immune system, eventually providing a healthy life. Regular intake of these medicines offers you the ultimate wellness without any adverse effects. KOFOL Immunity Tablets are a clinically tested Ayurvedic Medicine for Immune System which is proven effective on 10 vital parameters of immunity. It is the best immunity booster tablet that strengthens the body’s defence system against seasonal infections, promotes faster recovery from infections. This Ayurvedic Medicine for Immune System is a perfect combination of potent ayurvedic herbs like Guduchi, Haldi, Triphala Guggul, Shunti, Manjishtha, Chitrak, Pippali, and Black pepper. It is an antioxidant that improves respiratory health, enhances digestion and also stimulates appetite, which makes it a best immunity booster tablet. Source: https://vedistry.gonevis.com/ayurveda-the-ultimate-guide-to-wellness/

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