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Best Gemstones for Your Jewelry

Looking to add a touch of elegance to your jewelry collection? Look no further! Discover the beauty of precious stones with our carefully curated selection. From the timeless allure of sapphire gemstones to the fiery brilliance of red gemstones, we have something to suit every style. Complete your collection with the enticing Emerald Birthstone or indulge in the vibrant hues of Colombian emeralds. For a soft and feminine touch, our pink sapphire gemstone is the perfect choice. Unleash your inner sparkle with our Best Gemstones for Your Jewelry collection today!

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Best Gemstones for Your Jewelry

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  1. Best Gemstones for Your Jewelry Choosing the right blend of precious stones for your jewelry piece can take its beauty to a new level. Gemstones are alluring creations of Mother Nature that are too beautiful to resist. However, choosing some precious stones for your next jewelry piece can be a daunting experience if you’re the uninitiated. If you’re considering getting yourself a gemstone jewelry piece, we’re here to help you make the best out of this endeavor. In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the best precious and semi-precious gemstones that you can choose to adorn your jewelry piece. So, let’s begin! Diamond The first on our list is diamond, also known as the hardest substance on earth. Diamond is a girl’s best friend, as you know. So, a diamond sounds just about perfect for your next jewelry piece. This gemstone scores a perfect 10 on the

  2. 10-point Mohs scale of hardness, meaning you can create a durable jewelry piece with this gemstone. Diamonds offer extreme hardness and durability. That’s the reason why most people choose jewelry encrusted with diamonds to celebrate their everlasting love. Diamond also offers unmatched brilliance and fire that can excite the curiosities of anyone. Many fashion their jewelry with diamonds to make sure that it always catches the light. Choose a diamond jewelry piece if you like the aura of classic jewelry pieces. Sapphire A sapphire gemstone is another great pick for your next jewelry piece. This gemstone is a personal favorite of aristocrats. You might have heard about Princess Diana’s sapphire engagement ring. From big jewelry designers to the general public, this engagement rings has inspired everyone to invest in sapphires. Many of the jewelry pieces of the British Royal Family are fashioned with sapphires, including tiaras, rings, women earrings and brooches, to name a few. So, this gemstone can be a perfect fit for your queenly nature. Sapphire is also a pretty durable gemstone. It scores a terrific 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. The beauty and durability of sapphire, coupled with its association with royalty, make it an ideal choice for your next bling. Ruby

  3. Also known as the “King of Gemstones”, ruby is a fascinating red gemstone that you just can’t resist. The lure of ruby’s appeal lies in its lush red color that many associate with that of blood. If you’re eyeing a red gemstones, you should choose a Pigeon blood ruby because it has the richest red color of all rubies from various sources. You can pair your red gemstone ruby jewelry piece with diamonds to highlight the blood-like color of your centerstone. When choosing a ruby gemstone, make sure you opt for a stone that’s neither too dark, nor too light. That’s because the too-dark color of a ruby creates a negative effect on its brightness. On the other hand, a too-light color ruby will always be confused with pink sapphire gemstone. So, there you go! Now you know how to choose a ruby gemstone. Emerald

  4. Perhaps there’s hardly any other gemstone that’s as satiating as an emerald. Emerald comes in deep to medium green and bluish-green colors. This gemstone has been one of the most sought-after gemstones right from ancient times. The ancients used to consider emeralds as symbols of fertility and immortality. Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator was known for her passion for colombian emeralds. She used to decorate herself and the palace in emeralds. Emerald was even a hit among authors. Gaius Plinius Secundus, also known as Pliny the Elder, was a Roman author and naturalist who described emeralds in his book Natural History as “…nothing greens greener”. You can choose Emerald Birthstone for your next jewelry piece if you need a gemstone with restful vibes. Tanzanite The next gemstone on our list is tanzanite, and it’s rarer than all the previous ones; in fact, tanzanite is one of the rarest gemstones that you’ll ever come across. This violet-blue to bluish violet to violet purple color gemstone was discovered in the year 1967. Tanzanite has long been an underrated gemstone because of its relatively recent discovery and unknown status. However, this gemstone is rarer than many other gemstones. Tanzanite is only found in one place on earth where it was discovered, Tanzania.

  5. Unlike other gemstones that have various deposits around the world, tanzanite only occurs in Tanzania. Moreover, many say that tanzanite will go extinct in the next few decades. Now you can imagine the rarity of this gemstone. What do you think about choosing tanzanite for your next jewelry piece? Alexandrite If you’re the kind of person who loves magic, you’re going to love this gemstone. Alexandrite is a variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. This gemstone is particularly known for its color changing characteristic. Alexandrite gemstones change their color from green to red when moved from sunlight or fluorescent light to an incandescent light. The gemstone looks green to bluish green in daylight and red to purplish red in incandescent light. What’s even more fascinating about this gemstone is its rarity. Alexandrite is a rare gemstone that requires both beryllium (Be) and chromium (Cr) for its formation. However, these two elements rarely occur in the same rocks or in the geological conditions wherein they can interact with each other. Moreover, the original source of alexandrite gemstones was exhausted after a few decades of mining. The Bottom Line All the gemstones mentioned in this article are extremely popular and famous. They have their own significance in the jewelry world. Now that you’ve learned about all these gemstones, choosing one for your jewelry boils down to your personality and style. If you’re the kind of person who likes classic gemstones, you can choose between diamond, sapphire and ruby. You can go for emerald if you want a soothing gemstone. Or, you can choose between tanzanite and alexandrite if you love rare gemstones. So, which one of these gemstones are you going to pick?

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