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Price For Teeth Braces And Invisalign

Price For Teeth Braces And Invisalign

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Price For Teeth Braces And Invisalign

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  1. Price For Teeth Braces And Invisalign

  2. Everyone wants a perfect smile on his face. There are a number of options of straightening teeth so as to achieve this. But the wired braces made of metal give an ugly look to our face. You will be happy to know that now we can use the invisible braces and after wearing these our face will not look ugly. These are basically clear aligners in a series. A thermoplastic material is used for making these. This material is FDA approved and is a flexible plastic. Gluten, latex, BPS and BPA are not present in them. When you will wear these then these will not look clearly visible. These are clear and very thin.

  3. When you will wear them then the people can’t easily identify that you have worn them. For good appearance and best comfort of your gum line the dentist trims them accordingly. Invisible vs regular braces Whenever you want to brush, floss drink or eat, you can remove the invisible braces. After performing the activity, you can wear these again. It does not use metal wires and you don’t have to visit a dentist regularly so as to make changes in these.

  4. Treatment process ●First you have to consult a dentist. ●He will take your teeth impressions. Then these impressions will be sent to a company that manufactures invisible braces. ●They will create unique aligners for you. ●For 20-22 hours daily you have to wear these aligners. After 2 weeks you need to change these aligners. ●A gradual shifting of your teeth will occur when you will wear these

  5. aligners as per the directions of the dentist. What is the cost of this treatment? There are plans of monthly payment for the Invisalign treatment. Instead of paying all the money at once, you can pay in small amounts per month during the treatment. The Invisible braces cost in Chennai is INR 60,000 to INR 1,50,000.

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