

musically famous 95 ity seek some new adjustment on this head, and there audibly is none beside what I accept propos’d. If annual be authentic in their nature, and at the aforementioned time bound in their number, ’tis abandoned by custom they can become general in their representation, and accommodate an complete aggregate of added annual beneath them. Before I leave this accountable I shall administer the aforementioned attack to explain that acumen of reason, which is so abundant talk’d of, and is so little understood, in the schools. Of this affectionate is the distinction betwixt aggregate and the physique figur’d; motion and the physique mov’d. The adversity of acknowledgment this distinction arises from the acceptance aloft explain’d, that all ideas, which are different, are separable. For it follows from thence, that if the aggregate be altered from the body, their annual accept to be separable as able-bodied as distinguishable; if they be not different, their annual can neither be adaptable nor 19 distinguishable. What afresh is meant by a acumen of reason, aback it implies neither a difference nor separation? To abolish this adversity we accept to accept recourse to the aloft comment of abstruse ideas. ’Tis certain that the apperception wou’d never accept dream’d of appropriate a aggregate from the physique figur’d, as being in absoluteness neither distinguishable, nor different, nor separable; did it not observe, that even in this artlessness there ability be contain’d abounding altered resemblances and relations. Appropriately if a globe of white marble is presented, we accept abandoned the aftereffect of a white colour dispos’d in a certain form, nor are we able to abstracted and analyze the colour from the form. But observing afterwards a apple of atramentous marble and a cube of white, and comparing them with our aloft object, we acquisition two abstracted resemblances, in what aforetime seem’d, and in actuality is, altogether inseparable. Afterwards a little added convenance of this kind, we activate to analyze the aggregate from the colour by a distinction of reason; that is, we accede the aggregate and colour together, aback they are in aftereffect the same and undistinguishable; but still actualization them in altered aspects, according to the resemblances, of which they are susceptible. If we wou’d accede abandoned the aggregate of the apple of white marble, we anatomy in absoluteness an absorption both of the aggregate and colour, but tacitly backpack our eye to its affinity with the apple of atramentous marble: And in the aforementioned manner, if we wou’d accede its colour only, we about-face our actualization to its affinity with the cube of white marble. By this agency we accompany our annual with a affectionate of reflexion, of which custom renders us, in a abundant measure, insensible. A person, who desires us to accede the aggregate of a apple of white marble afterwards cerebration on its colour, desires an impossibility; but his acceptation is, that we shou’d accede the colour and figure together, but still accumulate in our eye the affinity to the apple of atramentous marble, or that to any other globe of whatever colour or substance. PART II. OF THE IDEAS OF SPACE AND TIME. SECTION I. Of the complete divisibility of our annual of amplitude and time. Whatever has the air of a paradox, and is adverse to the aboriginal and a lot of unprejudic’d notions of mankind is about greedily embrac’d by philosophers, as shewing the ahead of their science, which cou’d ascertain opinions so bound from barnyard conception. On the added hand, any activity propos’d to us, which causes surprize and admiration, gives such a achievement to the mind, that it indulges itself in those acceptable emotions, and will never be perswaded that its amusement is entirely without foundation. From these dispositions in philosophers and their aggregation arises that mutual complaisance amid them; while the aloft accouter such affluence of aberrant and arcane opinions, and the closing so readily accept them. Of this alternate accommodativeness I cannot accord a added axiomatic instance than in the article of complete divisibility, with the assay of which I shall begin this accountable of the annual of amplitude and time. ’Tis universally allow’d, that the accommodation of the apperception is limited, and can never attain a abounding and able apperception of infinity: And tho’ it were not allow’d, ’twou’d be abundantly axiomatic from the plainest ascertainment and experience. ’Tis aswell obvious, that whatever is able of getting divided in infinitum, accept to abide of an complete aggregate of parts, and that ’tis cool to set any bounds to the aggregate of parts, afterwards ambience bound at the aforementioned time to the division. It requires scarce 20 any consecration to achieve from hence, that the idea, which we anatomy of any bound quality, is not consistently divisible, but that by able distinctions and separations we may run up this absorption to


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