

It's Time for Nudist Clubs to Change Their Policies on Genital Jewelry There is an problem in the naturist world that's long been troubling us as an organization that bases our values on acceptance. It's the dilemma of naturist clubs and naturist resorts that bar entry to people who have body and genital jewelry. FKK Addresses Body Jewelry & Piercings at Nudist Clubs Several years ago, we discussed the problem of nipple piercings. My house club, Rock Lodge, had a rule against them, but they changed this policy not too long after we published this article. Now nipple piercings are permitted. We were extremely happy about that and felt the change was long overdue. As we pointed out in discussing nipple piercings, even Susan Weaver, who was then president of AANR, had her nipples pierced. Despite this, AANR has not taken a stand against clubs that would bar entrance based on nipple or body jewelry. Even if your club is a 100% AANR club, they can have a policy that would technically exclude an AANR president from visiting (though to my knowledge, no club ever told Susan that she couldn't visit, even if they had a rule against nipple jewelry). I haven't come across any club or resort that still has a policy forbidding nipple jewelry. ( in case you know of one please share in the comments.) But the dilemma of body jewelry policies does not quit at nipples. Rock Lodge, along with numerous other naturist clubs, still has a rule against genital jewelry. This disturbs us, for the same reasons as the nipple piercings. Those who are against genital adornment claim that individuals are making nudism sexual by having their genitalia pierced, and that they are doing something wrong by bringing attention to that body part. Let's clarify why this makes no sense. The primary tenet of naturism is that the body can be sexual or not, determined by the context. When individuals are nude collectively in a naturist setting, the genitals are no more sexual, "dirty" or shameful compared to the belly or elbow. Humans are sexual beings, not to mention, being naked does not prevent anyone from believing sexual thoughts about others. Consequently, it becomes quite apparent that your biggest sex organ is really one which you can not see your BRAIN. As it pertains to the human body and sexuality, it is about context. There's a time and place for everything. So it'd go that genital jewelry can merely be just as innocent as pierced ears or a pierced belly button. Or on the flip side, earrings are just like sexual as genital jewelry. There are undoubtedly individuals who get sexual pleasure from their piercings, in private, behind closed doors. Unless a person is treating their jewelry like a sex toy in public, there is really no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to join a nudist setting. As for how it brings attention to the incorrect place, nicely 1. By saying that, are not we treating the genitals like some taboo body part in the same way that society at large does? 2. I can say from experience that unless someone has decorated their crotch like a Christmas tree, nobody appears to have any trouble with staring. You look or you peek at it, just like you'll at a necklace, then you return back to taking a look at the person's face. These anti-piercing arguments were even more troubling when it came to nipples, which aren't sex organs. The primary function of female breasts / nipples would be to feed babies. Some people, of all genders, do get sexual pleasure from their nipples in a sexual context. Just like some people get sexual pleasure from their ears, but we do not forbid piercings on them. The other argument against piercings has to do with the idea that they're unsuitable in family settings where children are present. But the issue here always falls on the shoulders of those parents who are generally frightened to deal with their youngsters' innocent questions. (As a side rant to parents, please do not lie to your children or deny them information about their bodies. There's such a thing as age-appropriate replies. We've got . If you're not sure the way to answer a question, Google it or e-mail someone who might have the advice you seek.) If a kid points at a penis ring and says, What's that? The answer is simple: It Is a piercing." If the follow up question is, "Why does have it?" then the reply should be something like, "because he thinks it is pretty. The dilemma of genital jewelry also came up in the circumstance of San Francisco's nudity prohibition. Some of the male naturists were wearing cock rings in public. As we noted in this post, a cock ring is commonly worn on the base of the penis and is used for maintaining erections, but can also only be worn for ornamentation. In that same post we also ran a survey on whether cock rings were too sexual to be worn in public, even if just worn as decoration. Some 300 people took the poll, and these were the results below. Nearly 70% said cock rings should be okay in public if they are only worn as a piece of cosmetic jewelry. A small percent said they thought it should not be worn around children. Cock Ring FKK survey results In the nudist world, views on body jewelry have definitely changed in the past few years. Like it or not, more and more folks have nipple and genital jewelry, especially young adults. Some clubs have altered their policies from necessity, as more visitors or members have showed up with body jewelry. Others, however, are holding onto their policies that seem increasingly outdated for 2015. I mightn't assert that a body piercing is vital to a man's identity or an aspect of themselves that they can not change - like race or sexual orientation. Piercings are removable to some extent but they're a type of self expression. We see this problem as a dent in the naturist doctrine. At least as far as accepting an individual as they are, in addition to comprehending that nudity does not have to be sexual. In the northeast, I've located merely 2* naturist clubs that still forbid genital jewelry: Berkshire Vista (MA) and Rock Lodge Club (NJ). (I have also found that many naturist clubs in the U.S. don't address piercings on their sites at all. I'ven't inquired with every club, but the ones I did contact said they were allowed.) For clubs that do let jewelry, many set that it must be discrete or inconspicuous. I believe this is fair. Nobody needs to walk around with huge chains and bells on their genitalia. Solair Nudist Resort in Connecticut is one co operative club in the northeast that recently changed their rules to allow genital jewelry. We've been speaking to them about this policy for a number of years, so that as a co-op it took time to get enough votes to support it. It was altered this past June and we applaud Solair for becoming a more inclusive, accepting club! Not everyone was on board with their new policy, nonetheless. On a recent excursion to Solair, we met one member who said he believed it went against family values. Sadly he was not able to say how precisely. In 2015, I believe the naturist community is ready to become more inclusive as it pertains to body jewelry. It's time to better practice what we preach. (*In fact there are 3 clubs that bar entry to individuals with genital jewelry if we count Cedar Waters Village in New Hampshire. Cedar Waters is a private resort for heterosexual couples JUST who do not desire to hang out with gay people. They don't permit nipple or genital piercings or same sex couples. You read that rightthey openly discriminate against homosexual people. In 2015.) Young Naturists & Naturists America Tags: acceptance and tolerance, youngsters and kids, clubs and resorts, family nudism, genitals, nipple piercings, sex positive, sexuality Classification: Felicity's Nudist Site About the Author (Author Profile) Writer of Nudist Blog. Cofounder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. Once I'm not active eating, I'm writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun subjects. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!


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