

"Least Likely to Become a Nudist" First Naturist Blog By Nick Alimonos About Becoming a Naturist Become a Nudist - Anyone who knew me as a child could not imagine my writing this memoir. Certainly, I 'd have been voted "least likely to become a nudist" if this type of class existed in my third grade yearbook. You have to start with my mum, who was the polar opposite of hippie on the human spectrum of personalities. She suffered from a really real case of OCD, and among her many obsessions was appropriate look, and with how her family should dress. I occasionally felt like a doll. Shorts were a rarity in our family, except for use at the beach, and sandals made you look "low class." Going barefoot on anything but carpet caused arthritis pain later in life. My closet was full of button down Polos, and even during sex, I had to seem like I was off to the queen's ball. Honestly, if I ever meet the guy who invented long sleeve, button pajamas, I Will smack him. And for some reason my mother preferred two sizes bigger than was crucial, so I appeared to be floating in a bag of clothes, like I was preparing for a wing suit dive. If the temperature hovered anyplace below 75 degrees, my outfit comprised jacket and sweater. None of this helped my too scrawny to be 3-dimensional appearance, but my ego didn't matter. Worst of all, for the longest time, I was under the impression that shoes were designed to cause the maximum amount of pain. Being of Greek ancestry, my parents were devoted to visiting the motherland in the summer, not to mention, new shoes were needed for every darn excursion, so my mother could establish to my aunts and uncles how upper class we were. Walking through JFK airport was complete torture. But from kindergarten to eighth grade, my Baptist Christian school was far more stringent. At all times we were required to wear light blue button tops, navy blue pants and, wait for it . . . TIES! Is there any piece of clothing more heinous than the usual tie? It is essentially a choking danger and it cuts off circulation to mental performance. Our teachers conformed to the dress code with a Nazi-like passion. God forbid I be permitted to learn anything that day sans my oxygen-depriving tie! A Young Nick Alimonos: Become a Naturist Chances are you might think I'd have learned to loathe clothing, that I rebelled and became a nudist, right? No way! Despite my baggy Polos and shoes made for Geishas and ties suited to auto-asphyxiation, I loathed attention considerably more. Clothed or otherwise, I was extremely shy, and introverted to the point that folks in high school only presumed I was using drugs (never did), which is why I dreaded "physical education." Our locker room didn't have curtains or private little stalls like you find at a water park. No, it was one huge square, with lockers on one side and nozzles on another. Nowhere to be unobtrusive! Showering became such a problem for me that I shouted to my mother, until Trainer So and So announced to every third grade boy, "O.K. now, nobody make fun of Nick when he takes a shower." This, as anyone who went to elementary school can let you know, had the precise opposite effect. In summary, there was no escape for me. Full Monty showering was as mandatory as ties on Wednesdays. Oddly enough, no one had any trouble exposing their dick but me. [flv: ../../upload/96.jpg 100% 300] Heck, I did not even look at myself, so bathing in my own bathroom became a preposterous, obsessive compulsive ritual. It started with telling my family, "O.K., am taking a shower now! Whatever you do, don't come in!" Me? Become ? Never in a million years! But then, needless to say, I became one. Find out why in Part 2 of this storyline, coming next week! Now take a look at Part 2: Boobs, Boobs Everywhere. My Naturist Narrative Part 1: Least Likely to Be A Nudist was published by - Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK Tags: body shame, modesty Type: Naturist Website About the Writer (Author Profile) By age six, I understood I was born to write, and by 12, found that clothes was unneeded. Please see my blog 'The Writer's Disorder' to learn more:


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