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Facilitation Skills

Facilitation Skills. An Overview of the Facilitation Skills Workshop presented by Russell Martin & Associates (317) 475-9311 info@russellmartin.com www.russellmartin.com “It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”

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Facilitation Skills

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  1. FacilitationSkills An Overview of the Facilitation Skills Workshop presented by Russell Martin & Associates (317) 475-9311 info@russellmartin.com www.russellmartin.com “It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” - W. Somerset Maugham

  2. But first…. A word from one of our Sponsors

  3. Who are …. Russell Martin & Associates (317) 475-9311 info@russellmartin.com www.russellmartin.com

  4. We are …. a consulting company that delivers learning experiences. We design a fun, measurable solution quickly and specific to your unique problem. Some of the topics include: Facilitation Skills Introduction to Critical Thinking Customer Service Management Managing Risks 10 Steps to Successful Project Management

  5. Russell Martin and Associates is proud of their partnership with ADNET Technologies. We are both working to deliver learning solutions for you to help your bottom line! It’s all about partnerships

  6. Who is involved and why might they be? A preview of the Facilitation Skills workshop

  7. What is Facilitation? Facilitator and Scribe Team Client Who and What is involved? Agenda Defined Process Software Tools

  8. Communication has been: inconsistent (or non-existent) slow inaccurate Facilitation helps by: shortening the communication process including all parties in the process WYSIWYG Why Facilitation?

  9. Facilitation can be used to define and create… Scope statements Mission statements Problems/opportunities Plans and schedules Process flow/sequence Using Facilitation

  10. Benefits Of Facilitation ADVANTAGES • Saves time • Increases ownership • Saves $ by shortening project • Increases quality and thoroughness DISADVANTAGES + -

  11. Ice-breakers Why?

  12. Examples: Three Common, One Unique Three Truths and a Lie Share a Story – first car, first job, first kiss, favorite way to get news, funny story about someone else (or self if really brave) Draw poster of your team (hobby, family, birthplace, etc.) Ice-breakers (continued) Success Factors: • More than just introductions, should share something • Do it when group first gathers, additional ones for team building • The amount of time spent should be proportionate to the length of a session  described in back of book

  13. Three Truths and a Lie This technique is an icebreaker and team building exercise that is a fun and safe way to get to know each other better. It is best used when participants know each other somewhat. Have each team member work silently for a couple of minutes making a list of four things they want to tell the team about themselves. One of the things should be a lie. The rest of the group will then try to guess which statement is the lie. Give an example such as “I was born in California” or “I tossed pizzas in high school.” Then have them make their lists. Once everyone has made their list, you, as the facilitator, should go first so that everyone will feel safe. After you have given your list, ask them which one of the items they think was the lie. Give them a few seconds to express their opinions. Repeat your options one or more times, as needed. You are not looking for concurrence, but rather giving them a few moments to express their opinions. Then reveal the lie. Then ask for a volunteer to go next or start at one end of the table and move around systematically. (continued)

  14. Three Truths and a Lie (continued) Be sure to keep this exercise moving. To do that, allow a few moments for discussing the lie and emphasizing what the truths were, but then move on to the next person. Do not allow too much time for picking the lie either. Ask the member to reveal their lie after you feel everyone has some chance to voice their opinions. Feel free to ask any questions or get clarification before your demonstration. Example: 1. I majored in Latin in college. 2. I played the flute with the Boston Symphony Orchestra as my first job. 3. I have four children and 21 grandchildren. 4. My hobby is gardening. One of these should be a lie.

  15. Three Common, One Unique This is an ice breaker that can be used when few people in the group know each other. People will feel closer to each other and find connections to others after the ice breaker. Instructions: 1. If there are more than 5 people in a team, break them into teams of 3 or 4. 2. Have each team appoint a scribe. 3. Have them talk among themselves until they have found three things that they all have in common (other than the obvious like work for same company, live in same town, are human). Ask them to stretch their imaginations and tell them you will reward the team with the most unique commonalities. 4. Also have them explore one thing that is unique to each person in the group (for example one person may be an only child while the rest have siblings, one person collects stamps, the rest do not) 5. Have the scribes share their team’s common and unique traits with the rest of the teams. They may name names if they want to. Feel free to ask any questions or get clarification before your demonstration.

  16. Your group will be drawing a poster to introduce your members. The poster should include names, jobs and any other interesting facts that you wish. One person will be the “artist” and one person will be the group facilitator. Everyone else will provide input on what the poster will look like but cannot help in any other way. You have 5 minutes. Debriefing: 1. What did your group do well? 2. What could you have done better? 3. What roles did participants play? Who was the task leader? 4. What helped meet the goals? 5. What hindered meeting the goals? Exercise

  17. Andrews, Dorine C. and Leventhal, Naomi S. Fusion. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993. Atre, Shaku. Database: Structured Techniques for Design, Performance, and Management. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988. Baggerman, Lisa. “The Futility of Downsizing.” Industry Week, January 18, 1993. Benham, Barbara Tzivanis. “Reducing Confusion in Project Design.” Best’s Review. Boddie, John. Crunch Mode: Building Effective Systems on a Tight Schedule. Yourdon Press, New Jersey, 1987. Champy, James and Hammer, Michael, “Reengineering the Corporation.” HarperBusiness, New York, 1993. Davenport, Thomas H., “Managing Information in a Process Context,” Ernst & Young Center for Information Technology and Strategy, Working Paper #13, April 1992. Decision Strategies Group, “The Management of Distributed Computing Environments - Balancing Service and Complexity.” Greenwich, CT., November, 1992. DeMarco, Tom and Lister, Tim. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams. Dorset House Publishing: New York, 1987. Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Houghton Mifflin: Los Angeles, 1979. Florida, Richard, “Rebuilding America - Lessons from the Industrial Heartland.” Carnegie Mellon University, 1992. Frank, A.L. A Guide to Software Entrepreneurs. Prentice-Hall, Inc.: New Jersey, 1982. Bibliography

  18. Harless, Joe. 1987 NSPI National Convention Proceedings. Horwitz, Johnathan and Kimpel, Howard. “Taking Control: Techniques for the Group Interview.” Training and Development Journal, October 1988. Information Week, May 10, 1993, Special Supplement on Reengineering. Kahn, Lloyd. “The Art of the Interview.” Whole Earth Review, Winter 1987. Litecky, Dr.. Charles E. “Better Interviewing Skills.” Journal of System Management, June 1985. McGarvey, Robert. “Dealing With It.” USAIR Magazine, December 1989. Michalko, Michael. “Thinkertoys A handbook of Business Creativity”. Berkley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1991 Russell, Lou. “The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook: Making the Instructional Process Fast, Flexible, and Fun”. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999. Russell, Lou. “Project Management for Trainers: Stop “Winging It” and Get Control of Your Training Project”. Alexandria, VA: ASTD, 2000. Russell, Lou. “Leadership Training”. Alexandria, VA: ASTD, 2003. Russell, L. and Feldman, J. “IT Leadership Alchemy”.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002 Russell, L. Training Triage. Alexandria, VA: ASTD, 2005 Russell, L. 10 Steps to Successful Project Management. Alexandria, VA: ASTD, 2007 Schank, Roger with Childers, Peter. The Creative Attitude. Macmillan Publishing: New York, 1987. Ury, William. Getting Past No. Bantam Books: New York, ISBN: 0-553-37131-2. Weinberg, Gerry. Quality Before Design. Wood, Jane and Silver, Denise. Joint Application Development. Wiley Publishing: New York, 1989. Bibliography (continued)

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