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How to use epoxy grout on bathroom tiles

Best Epoxy Grout manufacturer company in India.Epoxy grout is the most resilient type of grout and is mostly resistant to mold and stains. Basic cleaning should easily keep epoxy grout well-maintained stain-free grouting system for bathroom tiles, floor tiles, tanks etc.<br><br>For more info please visit at us :<br><br>https://shawarconchem.com/<br>

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How to use epoxy grout on bathroom tiles

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  1. How to use epoxy grout on bathroom tiles

  2. Epoxy Grout for tiles is a grout mixture made of epoxy resins and hardeners that make epoxy grout strong and durable. Tillers have preferred to use epoxy grout in industrial structures for a long time. Nowadays people have been preferring the application of this grout in their homes for stronger structures in the kitchen, bathroom, living rooms, and even hallways. In homes, usually the living room and hallway experience the most traffic over the course of the day in comparison to the bedroom. The outdoor high-traffic areas include malls, hospitals, and restaurants.Epoxy grout for tilesis known for its strength and durability and even heavy machinery can’t crumble or crack this grout.

  3. Epoxy grout's special characteristics are due to its non-porous aspect. Non-porous means that the air and other contents such as liquids are unable to pass through the grout. As the grout repels other substances, it also becomes resistant to stain. Epoxy grout solidifies very quickly in comparison to cement grout, also you don't need to worry about sealing the surfaces. Just careful application of the grout and its regular cleaning of it will work great for years to come. Another great thing about epoxy grout for tiles is that it does not get discolored. There is nothing worse and more frustrating than having a structure’s color change from one week to another. When shampoo or soap lather drops and stains your cement grout, its components can cause discoloration. If you have filled your joints with Epoxy grout for tiles then there is no reason for you to worry.

  4. Epoxy grout is a magical grout as its various advantages go but it is quite a challenge when it comes to its application of this popular grout. It solidifies very quickly after you activate it. So, to work efficiently with epoxy grout you have two main options. One, you can activate a chunk of this grout, divide it into portions and refrigerate the part you’re not using at the moment. The second option is that you can only enable the quantity you need for the section you are working on. You will have to keep in mind its ability to solidify fast, so if you choose to enable the grout in bits, you have to be very quick in applying it. As is the case with all grout applications, you’ll need to clean up excess grout swiftly after application before it will solidify on top of the tiles. In order to do this with speed, it is advisable to work with a partner and take their help to clean up behind you

  5. The most important tip and trick of trade we can share with you is to divide your structure into manageable sections. The grout mixture is also pretty heavy and requires a good amount of strength to smear it around.  You should make the sections depending on how much you can handle at once. So if you want to spruce up your bathroom or make a stylish renovation to the kitchen backsplash, you’ll need to have all the knowledge about the grout and how to grout tiles in the right and proper way. Grout is required for sealing tiles to the surface and to protect them from moisture and mold. Most important thing is that with the knowledge of proper grouting you can make your beautiful ceramic, glass, or stone tiles in your dream home stand out. So here we are to share whatever you need to know about how to use epoxy grout on bathroom tiles. First and foremost is the list of things you would require so that you keep them handy.

  6. Grout powder • Mixing stick • Grout spreader/trowel • Grout sealer • Cloth/microfiber towel It is always recommended to clean the tile joint properly before you start. Remove dust, debris, or adhesive if any from the tiles. While grouting, your aim is to make it as smooth and neat as possible for a clean look. We recommend that you follow the undermentioned steps- 

  7. Preparing the Epoxy Grout Pick the color you need and mix your grout. After you’ve chosen the grout color to match your space, pour some water into a bucket before adding the powdered grout. Mix the grout powder properly with a wooden stick, slowly adding more powder while stirring. Continue stirring until you have a consistency resembling whipped ice cream. If you want to save some time, you can buy pre-mixed grout from the market, though it will cost you more than purchasing the powder alone. Expert Tip: Do not add too much water. Be careful with the quantity of water you use, to get better grout consistency and strength.

  8. Application of the grout to the tiles  Now apply the grout to your tiles using a grout spreader or a trowel. We recommended working the grout into the gaps between the tiles at a 45-degree angle and making sweeping arcs. Then, neatly work the grout completely into all the joints between the tiles, applying more grout wherever necessary. You should try to apply the grout in small portions to avoid it drying out quickly before you finish grouting properly. Expert Tip: Before starting to grout your tiles, it is advisable to do a practice run on a small area first to see how it will look and get a feel of it. 

  9. Cleaning of tiles  When you have finished applying the grout, let the grout dry for around 10 minutes or the specified time mentioned on the package before cleaning the tiles. Then, use a damp sponge to wipe any excess grout off the surface of the tiles. For better results, wipe in a circular motion to clean the tiles properly. You can also use a clean cloth or towel to clean the tiles.  Expert Tip: Always read and refer to the instructions on the package for recommended drying time of the grout. Depending on various brands the grout may require more or less time. 

  10. Sealing the grout  For bathrooms or kitchens, you will have to seal the joints with a grout sealer to make your tiles waterproof. Seal the joints properly with two applications for extra strength and durability. Then wipe away any drips from the tile with a clean towel or cloth.  Expert Tip: Always read the instructions thoroughly and carefully on the grout sealer before applying.

  11. Leaving it to dry Leave the grout to dry completely before starting to polish the tiles to make them shine. Since you’ve taken pains to apply fresh grout, you should make sure it doesn’t get dirty or stained. In this case, you should know how to clean grout on floor tiles to get rid of stains. That’s everything we think you should know about epoxy grout and how to apply epoxy grout on bathroom tiles. It’s definitely something you will like to use to make your bathroom shiny and pretty. We are very positive that these tiles and grout selections will age well and that you are satisfied with your decision to use epoxy grout for tiles in your bathroom, recommend it to your family and friends as well, and devour all the praises everyone will shower on you. Thank You

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