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Ran Hinrichs - Plenary Panel: "What Have We Learned in the Last 10 Years and Where Are Serious Games Headed Next?”

Ran Hinrichs, 2b3d Studios This presentation was given at the 2017 Serious Play Conference, hosted by the George Mason University - Virginia Serious Play Institute. Living inside the culture of the content with the client advances narrative as we become digital actors together for long periods of intuitive building. Any expert can be “dropped down” into the environment to crowd source results. In doing so, we structure the interplay to create a virtual culture: “exposing tacit and explicit knowledge digitally, transferring mental models to virtual mental models and nurturing behavior patterns to avatar based patterns” (Jensen, 2017). Today’s development team creates an immersive culture by working in world always with the client. As 2b3d innovates in government, costs are reduced by meeting only in world and task to performance is greatly increased, as we mature serious play. Ethnography is the key. At its very fundamental base, learning is a social activity. Technology enhances social interactions, it does not replace it. Serious play combines augmented reality and virtual reality. In this session, we will challenge you to increase the time you spend inside the technology to ignite and sustain the fire in learning.

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Ran Hinrichs - Plenary Panel: "What Have We Learned in the Last 10 Years and Where Are Serious Games Headed Next?”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Revolution to Evolution Serious Play Conference 2017 Plenary Panel

  2. Expert Witnesses Randy, Tony, Garth, Paulette, Kevin

  3. The Revolutionaries

  4. The Evolution

  5. MOTIVATE (Tony)

  6. INNOVATE (Garth)

  7. HUMANIZE (Paulette)

  8. MEASURE (Kevin)

  9. PREDICT (Panel)

  10. LET’S PLAY

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