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Teeth Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal treatment/ RCT is done when the root area of the tooth gets decayed due to extensive bacteria development. The dental expert will remove all the pulp area which gets infected and put the necessary suitable material in the area. The material will be biodegradable that can properly suit the dental area. It is possible to retain the tooth with RCT.

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Teeth Root Canal Treatment

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  1. Root Canal Treatment Root Canal Treatment/ RCT is done when the root area of the tooth gets decayed due to extensive bacteria development. The dental expert will remove all the pulp area which gets infected and put the necessary suitable material in the area. The material will be biodegradable that can properly suit the dental area. It is possible to retain the tooth with RCT. What is RCT or Root Canal Treatment? Whenever we think of a dentist, one of the first things that comes to mind is ‘toothache’ and ‘root canal’. Whenever there is an extensive development of the bacteria, the chances of decaying increase. In several cases, the decaying of the tooth reaches the root of the teeth, which infects the pulp area. This kind of situation is accompanied by pain and can decay the whole tooth and might need to remove the tooth. So a proper tooth root canal treatment is the better way to treat the decay and save the tooth from damaging further. In fact, a large majority of the people fear RCT as they believe it is a painful procedure.

  2. But, how many of us really know and understand what a root canal is how and why a RCT is performed? RCT is a multi-step procedure that involves: ● Removal of the infected and inflamed pulp ● Cleaning the root canals and disinfecting them ● Filling the canals with an inert material and sealing them ● A post root canal crown or cap When Do You Need a Teeth Root canal Treatment? Now that we know why a root canal procedure is done, the next question that comes to mind is when do you need one? Are there any signs and symptoms that indicate one may require a RCT?

  3. Yes, there are some common situations that demand a RCT and these are: ● Teeth with deep decay ● Broken or cracked teeth ● Teeth with gum diseases ● Failed dental fillings ● Teeth that have suffered a trauma Symptoms that most people are likely to experience that may indicate the need for a RCT: ● Tooth ache: This is one of the first reasons why you would visit a dentist and the pain can range from mild to severe. The tooth ache can increase

  4. on changing position, especially while lying down or biting onto something using that particular tooth. ● Sensitivity: In normal cases, the enamel layer covers the inner two layers and we therefore, do not experience any sensitivity. However, when the dentin and pulp layers are exposed, you might experience increased sensitivity to air, hot foods, sour foods and sweet foods. ● In many cases, the tooth pain might be mild and most patients tend to ignore it. However, even though the pain subsides, the infection can still spread to tissues around the decayed tooth, resulting in a swelling. A large number of patients who report to the dentist with a swelling are treated by root canal procedure. Procedure of a RCT

  5. When you hear the word ‘root canal treatment’, apart from pain, another question that comes to mind is “How many visits does a root canal take?” Well as mentioned earlier on, RCT is a multi-step procedure and it usually takes 1-2 sittings, but can take longer based on the condition of the tooth and the level of infection. Here is what a RCT procedure entails: ● X-ray: X-ray is indispensable for a root canal procedure and is the first step as well. In order to determine the cause of your pain and the extent of decay, one of the first things your dentist does is take an x-ray of the affected tooth. After an x-ray is taken, in most cases, the next step is to inject a local anaesthetic to ensure you have a painless procedure. In some cases, however, since the patient is asymptomatic or the tooth is completely dead and painless, local anaesthesia may be omitted. ● Removal or decay and preparing the cavity: The next step in RCT is the removal of all the decay that can be seen and preparing a cavity in the tooth to access the inner pulp easily. ● Removal of infected pulp, drainage of any pus from underneath the tooth: Once straight-line access has been obtained, the infected and inflamed pulp is removed completely. In some cases, the pulp may have disintegrated and only specks of it remain, which can be washed out by using a saline solution in the canals. In cases where there is pus accumulation beneath the root, accessing and removing the pulp facilitates drainage of pus and provides immediate relief to the patient. ● Cleaning, disinfecting and preparing the canals: Once the pulp has been removed and the canals are disinfected with saline solution, the canals are cleaned and shaped to be able to accommodate the filling material. ● Sealing the canals with inert material and a sealant: In ideal cases, the canals can be sealed with the inert rubber-based material in the same sitting itself. Such a RCT treatment is called as single-sitting root canal. However, in practise, most cases require a gap of 3-5 days before the canals can be permanently sealed. In the interim, the dentist places a calcium-based medication to allow the inflamed tissues to heal. Once the canals are ready to be sealed, rubber-based cones are placed into the canals and sealed. These cones are inert in nature and do not dissolve in saliva or blood and thereby, prevent re-infection of the tooth. ● Post-root canal filling and crown: Once the canals have been sealed, it is time to restore the decayed crown portion of your tooth with tooth filling material. After this, the tooth crown is shaped for the placement of a cap that will strengthen the tooth.

  6. Is throbbing pain after root canal normal? Pain and Discomfort after the teeth root canal treatment is normal for a few days. As our body heals, the area around the tooth can feel a bit sore and tender, which is why it is normal to experience mild to moderate pain for a few days after RCT. Once the RCT is done there are a few things to follow and they are: ● Avoid eating hard food for a few days. ● Try eating soft food like ice-cream, soups and fruit juices ● Start brushing your teeth twice a day ● Start reducing the amount of sugary food in your daily diet. However, if the RCT pain is intense or if the pain persists or if there is swelling, then consult your dentist immediately. What should you know about getting RCT at Sabka Dentist? Sabka Dentist is amongst the best dental clinics in India which specializes in carrying out many dental treatments, such as root canal treatment. The clinic was initially founded in October 2010 with only one clinic at Vile Parle. However, right now Sabka Dentist has more than 100 clinics across different cities in India – namely Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Surat, Bangalore, Navi Mumbai, and even Thane. RCT is amongst the most efficient treatment procedures which can reduce dental ache and also save a very decayed tooth. In this process, the dental surgeons remove affected nerves and also pulp of the tooth carefully and then simply seal this. If this problem remains untreated, then there are possibilities that the neighbouring teeth could also get infected.

  7. Sabka Dentist has got the qualified as well as an experienced group of dental practitioners who are invested in offering the best services and spread smiles across India. How Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is executed at Sabka Dentist? Tooth RCT is executed in three steps, and many of the dental surgeons perform this process in three different sessions. But due to the specialised root canal dentists, staff and also superior services available at Sabka Dentist, this RCT treatment procedure can be completed in just a single session. The dentist first administers local anaesthesia to your treatment area to lower RCT pain as well as make the spot numb. Then a tiny hole is created on the surface of the tooth to remove the affected nerves and dead pulp. Next, the root canal dentists at Sabka Dentist clean and reshape the particular decontaminated hollow area. This hollow empty canal will be lastly filled up with a dental filling to seal off the tooth root canal completely, thus completing the RCT. Immediately after this, the tooth is absolutely dead and has no sensation. Finally, in order to safeguard this lifeless brittle tooth, a crown might be placed on the dead tooth in order to ensure that the patient can make use of the tooth just like before. The RCT price widely varies individually for each person depending on the seriousness of the condition. Many people are doubtful about the rct treatment cost, which makes them avoid the treatment. However,teeth root canal treatment price in India is affordable, which makes it easy to opt for. If you are looking for a root canal dentist near you, Then Sabka dentist is one of the best choices. Sabka dentist provides quality root canal treatment at an affordable cost. Sabka Dentist offers some of the best RCT costs in India. Thus, the next time if you are planning to have an RCT treatment, think about Sabka Dentist as your first choice to solve your dental complications and keep smiling. Expert's Opinion ● Dr. Zita Antao Dental Director of Sabka dentist says “Root canal helps the tooth look and perform normally. Many patients hesitate to take treatment. But if you don’t get the RCT the tooth eventually falls out.” ● Dr. Jena Shah BDS, Dental Director for Audit and Compliance at Sabka Dentist says “Root canal save your tooth structure and a crown will strengthen the structure.” ● Dr. Manan Dhulia Dental Director of Sabka dentist advises “keeping the teeth clean as the large cavity damages the tooth structure.”

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