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Tiktaka Ghrita Benefits by - SN Pandit Ayurveda

Tikta Ghrita is a herbal ghee-based Ayurvedic medicine. The foundation of this medication is ghee. It is a pre-Panchakarma therapy as well as a medicine, primarily utilized for skin conditions. Tikta is a term for resentment. Tiktaka Ghrita and Tiktaka Ghritam are other names for it.

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Tiktaka Ghrita Benefits by - SN Pandit Ayurveda

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  2. Tiktaka Ghrita Tikta Ghrita is a herbal ghee-based Ayurvedic medicine. The foundation of this medication is ghee. It is a pre-Panchakarma therapy as well as a medicine, primarily utilized for skin conditions. Tikta is a term for resentment. Tiktaka Ghrita and Tiktaka Ghritam are other names for it.

  3. Uses Benefits of Tikta Ghrita: It is used as medicine and in a pre-operative procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of skin conditions, leprosy, visarpa, carbuncles, burning, dizziness, itching, anaemia, vomiting, non-healing wounds, wounds with pus, sinus, abscesses, blisters, inflammation, psychosis, heart conditions, eye conditions, malabsorption syndrome, leucoderma. Due to its ability to regulate Pitta, Tikta Ghrita is usually used as part of an Ayurvedic fall regimen.

  4. DOSE Quarter to half a teaspoon as medication with water, typically before food, once or twice per day, or as prescribed by an ayurvedic physician. The dosage for the Panchakarma preparation-Snehana process depends on the disease status and the Ayurvedic doctor's discretion. If you are taking this product together with other western (allopathic/modern) medications, ask for your doctor's guidance. A few herbs used in Ayurveda can affect how modern medications work. If both allopathic and ayurvedic medications are recommended at the same time. The dosage for the Panchakarma preparation-Snehana process depends on the disease status and the Ayurvedic doctor's discretion. https://snpanditayurveda.com/product/maha-tiktaka-ghrita/

  5. Pathya Buttermilk, cooked vegetables, and broken rice. You should consume rock salt, ghee, bitter gourd elephant yam, plantains, green gram, and ginger. Avoiding chile, tamarind, and too much salt is preferable. Side Effects This medication has no recognized negative effects. But it's recommended to utilize this product under a doctor's guidance. With this medication, self-medication is not advised. BP should take safety measures. It could result in indigestion and diarrhea in very high doses. Principle The herbs and herb water decoction are infused in ghee to create this herbal ghee.

  6. THANK YOU Address - S N Pandit Health Care Services LLP, 184/1 S N Pandit Street Old Agrahara, Mysore 570004 Phone - (+91) 8951258989 Email - info@snpanditayurveda.com Website - https://snpanditayurveda.com/

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