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Homebrew Lasers

Homebrew Lasers. Florian Gahbauer. OSA Latvia Student Chapter Seminar November 5, 2007. Disclaimer.

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Homebrew Lasers

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  1. Homebrew Lasers Florian Gahbauer OSA Latvia Student Chapter Seminar November 5, 2007

  2. Disclaimer I myself have never made or attempted to make any of the devices described in this presentation or anything like them. Everything that I know about this devices I learned from the internet. Thus, I cannot guarantee the accuracy or safety of the designs. The purpose of this presentation is to present interesting ideas and perhaps stimulate future projects, but anyone attempting to realize these projects will have to take responsibility for their own safety. At the same time, I have tried to give credit where credit is due, by including links. I apologize, if I have failed to acknowledge any sources of information.

  3. WARNING: Construction and operation of any laser device is hazardous. Do not attempt to construct or operate a laser without adequate safeguards and safety practices. Most lasers involve high voltages, toxic chemicals, high vacuum, laser radiation and other hazards. The author specifically disclaims any and all liabilities associated with the construction and use of such devices. Designs presented here are in the interests of providing information on operational principles only and do not represent safe nor ANSI safety compliant designs. http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/mcsele/lasers/LasersTEA.htm

  4. Outline • Basic principles of lasers • The Nitrogen TEA Laser • Different examples of N2 TEA Lasers • High Voltage supplies

  5. Basic Principles of Lasers (1):Population Inversion http://www.unc.edu/~dtmoore/intro2.jpg http://www.sp.phy.cam.ac.uk/~SiGe/Population%20Inversion.html

  6. Basic Principles of Lasers (2):Stimulated Emission http://www.jyi.org/volumes/volume3/issue3/features/peterson.html

  7. Typical Laser Schematic http://www.rp-photonics.com/lasers.html

  8. The TEA Nitrogen Laser • Medium: Nitrogen gas (N2) • Pump: electric discharge • Resonator: not needed http://www.fineartradiography.com/hobbies/lasers/nitrogen/

  9. N2 TEA Laser Schematic http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/mcsele/lasers/LasersTEA.htm

  10. N2 Laser Circuit Schematic http://new-electronics.gr/n2/pic/schem01.html

  11. Advantages of the TEA N2 Laser • Can operate in air (72% nitrogen) • No optics required • Amplification of nitrogen is very high • Significant reduction in cost and complexity • No vacuum required • Parts are generally inexpensive

  12. Disadvantages of the TEA N2 Laser • Timing of spark pulse is critical: ns • Upper state lifetime: t[ns] = 36/(1+P[torr]/58) • Beam profile is not so good and small • Hard to use as dye laser pump (1.5mm-2mm) • Light output is in UV (337.1 nm) • (but fluorescence visible on paper) • Some people recommend the N2 laser in vacuum • Less critical electronic requirement

  13. Possible Parts List + HV supply http://spt06.chez-alice.fr/00/lasers.htm

  14. Nitrogen Laser by Thomas Rapp(http://pulslaser.de)

  15. Prof. Csele’s Basic TEA Laserhttp://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/mcsele/lasers/LasersTEA.htm

  16. Improved TEA Laser by Prof. Csele

  17. Jarrod Kinsey’s TEA Laserhttp://www.jarrodkinsey.com/pages/howtobuild.html

  18. Some Critical Issues • Timing of discharge circuit • Must be very fast (<2.5 ns at P=1atm) • Therefore, must avoid stray inductance in capacitors • Alignment of Electrodes • Electrodes must be aligned to within micrometers (according to one source) • Smoothness of Electrodes • Electrodes must be smooth to avoid discharges at sharp edges

  19. Prof. Csele’s Nitrogen Laser

  20. Nitrogen TEA Lasers in Operation • Tour of Homemade TEA Laser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-_ZgVmi8r4 • Rapid-firing TEA laser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOcC7FOy0qA

  21. High Voltage Supplies • Laboratory High Voltage Supply • Laser printer HV supply • Ignition coil circuit • Fly-back transformer (from TV) circuit • Electrostatic generator • Flash transformer (from disposable camera)/Cockroft-Walton multiplier • Caution: Camera flash circuits can store dangerous amounts of energy in capacitors

  22. Fly-back Transformer http://www.powerlabs.org/flybackdriver.htm

  23. Fly-back Transformer Circuit http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/mcsele/lasers/LasersTEA.htm

  24. Ignition Coils http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/cannon/sparky.html

  25. Ignition Coil Circuit http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/lab/5322/coildrv.htm

  26. Cockroft-Walton Multiplier http://home.earthlink.net/~jimlux/hv/cw1.htm

  27. Cockroft-Walton Multiplier and Neon Sign Transformer http://www.rtftechnologies.org/emtech/cockroft-walton.htm

  28. Electrostatic Generator • http://www.jarrodkinsey.com/pages/howtobuild.html

  29. Dangers • Laser radiation • 337.1 nm is in UV, i.e., invisible • High Voltage • 20 kV but only a few mA • Careful of energy stored in capacitors • Spark Gap • UV • Noise: noise can be more damaging than it sounds. Enclose the spark gap or use ear protection

  30. Links • Professor Csele’s Site http://technology.niagarac.on.ca/staff/mcsele/lasers/LasersTEA.htm • Sam’s Laser FAQ http://repairfaq.ece.drexel.edu/sam/laserfaq.htm • Jarrod Kinsey’s Site http://www.jarrodkinsey.com/pages/howtobuild.html • Thomas Rapp’s Site http://pulslaser.de/

  31. More Information http://www.osa-latvia.lv

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