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History of Residential and Commercial Refrigeration

The refrigerator in your kitchen today is a product of thousands of years of refrigerator innovation. Natural food preservation techniques, technological advancements, and new features that help us keep our food colder longer are all part of the history of refrigerators. The latest refrigerator technology is an evolution of ancient refrigeration. For more information please visit website. https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/refrigerators

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History of Residential and Commercial Refrigeration

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  2. Introduction he refrigerator in your kitchen today is a product of thousands of years of refrigerator innovation. Food storage and preservation have always been essential aspects of human existence. Natural food preservation techniques, technologicaladvancements,andnewfeaturesthathelpus keep our food colder longer are all part of the history of refrigerators. Thelatestrefrigeratortechnologyisanevolutionofancient refrigeration.

  3. Ancientrefrigeration Ancientcivilizationsusedtheavailablenaturalcooling techniquestopreservefoodbased on theclimate.By cuttingiceforicehousesordirectlystoringfoodincold water,peoplemadeuseofriversandlakes.Ground-level storagepitswerefrequentlyinsulatedwithsawdustor strawandfilledwithsnoworice.

  4. Coldstoragewithoutelectricity Beforeelectricity,icehouses onlakesandriverswere usefulforkeepingfoodcool.Ificeorsnowwere unavailable,underwaterorundergroundstorage,such ascoldcellars,providerefrigeration.Additionally, peoplestarted making theirowniceboxesforcold storageoutofsnoworicechunksandnatural materialslikesawdustorseaweedforinsulation. Inthe1800s,manufacturediceboxesthatresembled contemporaryrefrigeratorsgainedpopularity.These designsfeaturedinsulatedwoodenormetalcabinets withatrayorcompartmentthatcontainedasizable blockofice.Homeswithiceboxesreceivedtheseice blocksregularly.

  5. Whomadetheinitial refrigerator? The1800ssawaflurryofinventionsthateventually ledtothedevelopmentofthemodernmechanical refrigeration process we use today. In 1834,American JacobPerkinscreatedthefirstvapour compression system.Inthelate1800s,GermanprofessorCarlvon Lindepatentedabrand-newmethodforliquefying gases.Atthebeginningofthe20th century, commercialrefrigeration became widelyused in sectorslikebreweriesandmeatpackingplants.

  6. Whydidpeoplecreatehome refrigerators? Asmorepeople moved intoexpanding citiesand further away from food sources, household refrigerators became essential. Throughout the 19th century, there was an increase in the demand for fresh food. The need to keep perishable food cold duringtransit andathomeincreasedasthedistance between fresh food sources and consumers' homes increased.It ledtothe latestrefrigeratortechnology.

  7. Whatwasthepriceofthefirst refrigerators? The initialpriceofahomerefrigerationunit ranged from $500 to $1,000, or roughly $6,575to $13,150in modern currency. During the early years, refrigeratorswereluxuryitems.

  8. Whendidrefrigeratorsstartto appearfrequentlyinhomes? The popularity of refrigerators in private homes began toriseinthelate1920s.Followingthe invention ofFreon,alesshazardous substitute for the toxic gases previously used in the vapour compression process, home refrigeration became evenmore popular inthe1930s.

  9. The first side-by-side refrigerator was introduced in 1949,and the first bottom-freezer model was in 1947 andgaveconsumersavarietyofstyles.Nowadays, you havetheoption to buyacommercialrefrigerator forsale.

  10. ThankYou GetinTouch 7971414848 11-22717161 suryakant.anand@jci-hitachi.com

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