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In the recent updates, we have found out that Plaskolite Inc. is now a proud owner of Optiglass Coating Div. Recently, many changes have been happening in Optiglass PC LLS. One of these changes is selling Optiglass Coating Div. to Plaskolite Inc. Read more here!
Get started Sign In Richard Kimokeo Filiault Follow Jul 6 · 2 min read · Listen Richard Kimokeo Filiault — Optiglass Coating Div. Now Acquired By Plaskolite! What Optiglass PC LLC Is Upto? In the recent updates, we have found out that Plaskolite Inc. is now a proud owner of Optiglass Coating Div. Recently, many changes have been happening in Optiglass PC LLS. One of these changes is selling Optiglass Coating Div. to Plaskolite Inc. In press Plaskolite, President James Dunn said that the purchase is a result of the commitment that they had to expand the Columbus, OH facility. While discussing their plans, Paskolite’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Mitchell Grindley said that this purchase will help the company to offer more products at a competitive price. Richard Kimokeo Filiault, former GE Plastics executive launched Optiglass after buying Si Kote Technologies Inc. a sheet-coating business based in Cincinnati.
Get started Sign In While Plaskolite Inc. was busy buying Optiglass Coating Div. Richard Kimokeo Filiault was busy expanding a new branch of Optiglass PC LLC — bGreen. This is the brand that he is focussing on offering on-site services to clients — meeting their growing need for sustainability and waste reduction. With this initiative, Richard Kimokeo Filiault is trying to help all his clients become greener. In his many conversations, he has bought up his interest in bGreen project, becoming a go-to sustainable solution for clients. Under this branch, he explained, how they are going to give each and every client bins which they can use to dispose of all their waste. Later these bins will be picked by the bGreen team in a periodic manner and will be taken to the Optiglass PC LLC facility. This is where the waste will be weighed, segregated, and investigated. All the details of the waste will then be mentioned in the detailed report which then will be sent to every client. This division of Optiglass is dedicated to finding ways of reducing waste and promoting recycling. Richard Kimokeo Filiault also mentioned that they are continuously working on finding ways of not just recycling plastic but rather finding all kinds of materials which can be recycled. This whole initiative is a plan built around the goal of helping clients become more sustainable and cautious about their waste production. This is expected to be a turning point for the waste management system in Cincinnati. More from Richard Kimokeo Filiault Follow Richard Kimokeo Filiault Has Now Initiated A New bGREEN branch of Optiglass PC, LLC. https://www.spreaker.com/show/richard-kimokeo-filiault
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