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C Languages

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C Languages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TOPICS TO LEARN IN C PROGRAMMING www.digilearnclasses.com

  2. Variables and Data types It is important to understant how to declare and use variables of different data types.

  3. CONTROL STRUCTURES Learn about conditional statements (if, else) and looping structures (for, while, do-while) to control the flow of your program.

  4. FUNCTIONS: Understand how to create and use functions, including function prototypes, parameters, and return values.

  5. Arrays: Learn about one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, as well as arrays of characters (strings).

  6. Pointers: It can be used to pass arguments to functions, manipulate arrays, and create dynamic data structures.

  7. Structures and Unions: Explore how to define and use structures and unions to create custom data types.

  8. Files: Files are used to read and write data to disk, and they are essential for any program that needs to store data.

  9. Error Handling: Error handling is important for any program that can encounter errors.

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