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Tinger Track 2 All Terrain Amphibious vehicles for hire - 1800 Buggies

The Tinger Track 2 All Terrain Amphibious vehicle from 1800BUGGIES is the world leader when it comes to fully tracked Rubber ATV's. You donu2019t need to look any further than this remarkable fully tracked ATV Vehicle. This unique ATV is designed and built to take you and your passengers in style and comfort to the most remote and extreme terrain.<br><br>

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Tinger Track 2 All Terrain Amphibious vehicles for hire - 1800 Buggies

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  1. Tinger Track 2 All Terrain Amphibious vehicles forhire

  2. Tinger Track2 The Tinger Track 2 All Terrain Amphibious vehicle from 1800BUGGIESis the world leader when it comes to fully tracked Rubber ATV's. You don’t need to look any further than this remarkable fully trackedATV Vehicle. This unique ATV is designed and built to take you and your passengersinstyleandcomforttothemostremoteand extremeterrain.

  3. The Tinger is tough and powerful with a 57HP water cooled unleadedengine,coupledwithaCVTtransmissiontheTINGER Track 2 will take youanywhere. The TINGER is designed to withstand the most treacherous terrainandistheultimateATVforMudflats,saltlakes,snowy mountains,swamps,rivers,solarfarms,minesitesand100% amphibious.

  4. Capability 40 degrees uphilloperation 45 degrees downhill operation 30 degree sideslops operation Able to crossditches gaps

  5. Features includes: Lightweightconstructionand500widetracks. The TINGER Track 2 has a massive groundclearance of330mm,thebestinitsclass. 500kg Pay load, 800KG towingcapacity TheTINGERhasagroundspeedof40Kmperhour speed.

  6. ContactUs 2/30SimcockStreet,SomervilleVictoria,Australia 1800 284443 https://1800buggies.com.au/

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