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Insights from the field in 2018. 2019 PARIS21 Board Meeting 3 April 2019. 1. IT Strategy – Cabo Verde. Osvaldo M. BORGES, Ph.D PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS Email: borges.osvaldo@ine.gov.cv.
Insights from the field in 2018 2019 PARIS21 Board Meeting 3 April 2019
1. IT Strategy – Cabo Verde Osvaldo M. BORGES, Ph.D PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS Email: borges.osvaldo@ine.gov.cv
NSDS 2017-2021 – III Statistical Agenda (support – PARIS21 and WORLD BANK ) Government of Cabo Verde willorganisea sideeventonApril 11 onthesidelines of the IMF Annual Meeting – Washington DC to awarepartnersaboutthefinancing of SNDS 2017-2021.
NSDS 2012-2016 - II Statistical Agenda (technicaland financial support – PARIS21)
PRAIA CITY GROUP (HANDBOOK ON GOVERNANCE STATISTICS) PARIS21 • MEMBER OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE • CHAPTER LEADER "OPENNESS“ INECV and PARIS21 jointlyorganised in PARIS/OECD a face-to-face meeting of theSteeringCommitterand Leaders/Co-leaderson 18 September 2018 (financial andlogisticalsupport for PARIS21)
Development of an IT Strategy for the Cabo Verde National Statistical System Completed in 2018: • Objective: • Support implementation of the NSDS through an adapted strategy for the implementation of tools and modern IT systems to respond to the mission of the National Statistical System. • Activities: • Overall assessment of the current IT situation to identify the important elements to include in the IT strategy. • Comprehensive review of the different aspects of IT within the institution: • Collection, analysis, processing and publication of data • The necessary tools to ensure the activities • Network management • IT development • Results: • Development of a report of the current IT situation and infrastructure based on a review of various aspects of IT within the institution. • Development of the INE - Cabo Verde IT Strategic and Implementation Plan
2. Using ADAPT for data planning – KyrgyzRepublic Lola Baimatova Head – HRM and International Cooperation Department National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
ADAPT for agile data planning Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 15-19 October, 2018
25 staff from NSO and line ministries trained on ADAPT First ADAPT training in Russian! Quick assessment of the NSS to prepare the next NSDS Activities Pilot results • National capacity strengthened on data planning • NSDS 2015-2019 of Kyrgyzstan digitalised • SDG readiness and gap assessment performed • Key reports on capacity gaps produced
3. Progress in South Asia Aishath Shahuda Director General, Maldives
3a. Nepal: Leveraging Data Sources and Analytics RemoteSensing Geospatial data Mobile data/CDR Policy frameworks PARIS21 Flowminder ADB CBS
3b. Bhutan, Maldives: ADAPT for data assessment National workshops organised to identify national development indicators/data needs and gaps using ADAPT – a collaborative and NSS-wide undertaking led jointly by NSOs and Planning Ministries in support of national planning processes. The results of the assessments will inform the refinements/preparation of new national indicator framework for the 13th Bhutan Five Year Plan and for Maldives’ new national development strategy, respectively. The gaps will be addressed in the preparation of the new NSDS for both countries.
3c. Maldives: NSDS 2019-2030 PARIS21 is providing support to formulate the NSDS 2019-2030 The NDP is expected to be completed by early May 2019 and this can then be used to develop the indicator framework and data needed to monitor the NDP Action plans to addressed the data gaps will be included in the NSDS Government gives a high priority on implementing open data policy and practices and NBS is now working on this aspect as well and will be integrated in the NSDS
3d. Pakistan PBS: areas requiring support Assistance to develop NSDS • There is preliminary document that is not yet finalised. It is the most important document for policy and planning of PBS. Capacity Building for SDGs • Especially for environment related issues and for developing environment accounting flows as it has never done before and needs greater capacity building for PBS as well as ministry of Climate change. Technical assistance for electronic data collection and supporting mechanism
3e. Maldives: Surveys and Census, 2019-2021 Population and Housing Census, combined with an Economic Census for Sep 2021 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2019-2020 • Use of CAPI for the HIES 2019 • Plan to use tablets for Census 2021, depending on the capacity and funds for investment in tablets Agricultural Survey on main agricultural islands in April 2019
4. Progress in SIDS OfaKetu’u Director, Statistics for Development Division Pacific Committee
4b. Strengthening institutions, building capacity Jamaica, Guyana, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritius NSDS preparation Grenada Proposal for Statistics Institute Fiji, Samoa and Guyana NSDS and ADAPT Training Maldives Sector Data Assessment Sao Tome and Principe ADAPT for SDG Readiness Cabo Verde IT Strategy preparation Mauritius NSS Peer Review Dominican Republic, Belize – Data Quality
4c. CARICOM RSDS 2019-2030 The CARICOM RSDS aims to achieve an efficient CARICOM Statistical System that is responsive to the national, regional and global development agenda, enabling a resilient Community with sustained economic growth and development. Strategic Priorities: Standards and Harmonisation Governance Integrated Statistical Systems Innovations Advocacy and Communication Strategic Enablers: IT Infrastructure SDGs Sustainable Capacity Building Gender Mainstreaming
5. Data Quality Framework – Dominican Republic Alexandra Izquierdo Mendez Director, ONE Dominican Republic
5a. Background The Dominican Republic National Statistics Office (ONE) is an active member of the PARIS21 Board since April 2018 At the time of becoming a Board Member, the ONE was President of the statistical group of the Central American System of Integration (SICA). This is a group of 8 Central American countries and includes the Dominican Republic The ONE is a strong advocate for PARIS21 objectives in this forum in an effort to build capacity in the region PARIS21 and ONE recognised the need to reinforce the implementation of the Regional Code of Best Practices in Latin America
Stages to develop a Quality Assurance Framework 5b. Regional Workshop PARIS21, Statistics Canada and the ONE collaborated to realise a regional workshop in Data Quality in November of 2018: Multidimensional approaches to data quality: the role National Statistics Offices play in managing quality of data production in the National Statistical System 15 countries from the region attended the workshop Evaluation and diagnostic Design and implementation Implementation in the NSS Monitoring process and constant improvement
The ONE is committed to confront the challenges presented in implementing a Data Quality Assurance Framework and assure the continuous process of improving the quality of official statistics while understanding that better quality of data translates into better public policy, leaving no one behind. “Con mejoresdatostendremosmejoresvidas”