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Education charity helping children of Ukraine

Svitlo School is a UK-registered education charity helping Ukrainian children and refugees to continue their schooling and acquire new skills and knowledge to a world standard. https://www.svitloschool.com/

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Education charity helping children of Ukraine

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  2. SvitloEducationisaregisteredcharityinEnglandandWales (registrationnumber 1201542) withabigmission - toeducate thefuturepoliticalandsocialleadersofUkrainethrougha freeonlineextracurricularschoolinEnglish - SvitloSchool. Outofmorethan 2000 studentsweprovideeducationfor, 14 pupils, whoseliveswereunfairlychangedbythewarin Ukraine, visitedEnglandinsummer 2023. Thestudentswere selectedontheirmeritsduringlessonsandcontributionto theschoollife. Withthehelpofa £7,000 donationfroma privatedonorinUkrainetowardstransportandvisacosts, SvitloEducationwasabletopartnerwithsummerschools acrosstheUKandsecure 14 summerschoolplacesworth £39,289. Wehopeyouenjoyreadingabouttheirexperience...

  3. "Everythingimpressedmeon thetrip, startingwithhowmany newfriendsandacquaintances I made and unforgettableexperiencesand memories. At improvedmyEnglish, became moreopen-minded, andlearned alotaboutlifeinEngland. Therewereincrediblestaffand teachersatthecamp, along withcoolkidsandinteresting excursions, among things. ending with the camp, I other Anna, 15 yearsold, Kyiv, joinedSvitloinOctober 2022 ST GILES INTERNATIONAL UCL, LONDON Svitloisnotjustaschoolfor me; ithasbecomeapartofmy life. I want to develop, work, study, whilealso helping Svitlo achievegreatsuccess. continue to Thank Svitlo, forprovidingsuch incredibleopportunities." you very much, School to

  4. "I everythinginEngland: from thesincerityofthepeopleto the beauty architecture, whichIhadthe opportunity interesting and aroundthecity. Thisjourney washighlyemotionalforme andinspiredmetobecome more independent motivatedtoovercomeany obstaclesinlife. Iimproved my ability to Englishbylisteningtonative speakersandbecamemore confidentincommunication. was impressed by of the Daryna, 16 yearsold, Bratslav, joinedSvitloinOctober 2022 to see fun on MPW COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE walks Everydaybroughtsomething new, andthistripdividedmy lifeintotwoparts: beforeand after. Withthesewonderful memories, I adulthood." and understand step into

  5. Yevhen, 16 yearsold, Bratslav, joinedSvitloinSeptember 2022 "Duringthetrip, Iwasleft with positive fromthevarietyofsightsI saw in the UK cultures. During weeks at MPW successfully spoken English, twofold! Ihighlyrecommend MPWCollege, andIguarantee itwillbethebesttwoweeks ofyoursummer." impressions MPW COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE and the College, improved at other two I my least

  6. "Childrenfromothercountries weresofriendlyandopen! I improvedmyEnglish, learned newwords, learnedmoreabout England, itshistory, rulesof politeness, British andBritishculture. Ihighly recommendDiscoverySummer atShrewsburySchool! traditions Daria, 15 yearsold, Mykolaiv, joinedSvitloinAugust 2022 DISCOVERY SUMMER SHREWSBURY SCHOOL IamverygratefultoSvitlo Schoolforsuchawonderful opportunity. Thankstoit, I havemademanynewfriends fromdifferentcountries. Ihope to have the meettheminthefuture. Thank you very much, DiscoverySummer, forthese amazingtwoweeks!" opportunity to Svitlo and

  7. "OnmytriptoGreatBritain, theculturaldifferencesstruck melikenothingelse. Inthis newenvironment, Ilearnednot to be afraid initiative, becamemoreopen andconfident. Ialsogotto knowmoreaboutthecultureof England. Thecampwasvery memorable! Itwassosadto leaveDiscoverySummer. Not onlydidIenjoythistripasa funactivity, butitalsobecame a significant personal growth. experiencemademeastronger andmorecourageousperson. I'msogratefultoSvitloSchool forthebestsummerever!" to take the Yaroslava, 15 yearsold, Kyiv, joinedSvitloinOctober 2022 DISCOVERY SUMMER SHREWSBURY SCHOOL step in my This

  8. "Forme, SvitloSchoolisa placewhereIcanstudywhat I'minterestedinandtruly enjoy. Despite challengingmaterialinthe lessons, Ifindstudyingat Svitloenjoyablebecauseof thefavorableandrelaxed atmosphere. the Maria, 16 yearsold, Kyiv, joinedSvitloinJanuary 2023 DISCOVERY SUMMER SHREWSBURY SCHOOL Inthecamp, Iwasgreatly impressedbythediversityof mentalities. fascinatingtointeractwith people from cultures and somethingnewaboutthem. I alsohadtheopportunityto improve my developmypublicspeaking skills.” It was different learn English and

  9. "Afterayearofstudyingat Svitlo, Icannotimaginemy futurewithoutthisschool. I amsincerelygratefulforall theopportunitiesthathave beenopenedtome. Ayear ago, Ididn'tevendreamthatI wouldreceiveascholarship to attend the Pearson School, actively helping Svitlo school, member of council, andwillalsogotoa campinEngland. Itwasan incredible experience DiscoverySummerprovedto bethebestchoicefora teenager'ssummervacation. Nikita, 16 yearsold, Sievierodonetsk, joinedSvitloinSeptember 2022 DISCOVERY SUMMER SHREWSBURY SCHOOL American would improve become the student be a Ifeltincrediblysadto returnhome, butitwasa wonderfulsummerthatI willcherishforever. One day, Idreamofmeetingall my friends founders School." and and the of Svitlo

  10. engaging teachers atmosphere, andeveryday isfilledwithunforgettable experiences activities. I gratefultotheentireteam atSvitloforprovidingsuch an incredible Svitlo has numerous emotions, newfriendships, aswellasexcitingjourneys and the opportunity improve my personaldevelopment, and many other experiences." with and positive friendly Liza, 16 yearsold, Bratslav, joiedSvitloinOctober 2022 from am various sincerely BUCKSWOOD OVERSEAS SUMMER SCHOOL opportunity. given positive "At English, learnedalotofnew informationaboutBritainand othercountries, andlearned howtotravelindependently. I wasveryimpressedbythe friendlinessoffthepeople and the architecture. visitingBOSSaslessons BOSS, I improved my me to English, beautiful valuable Irecommend are

  11. Itwasagreat formetovisitacompletely different country peoplewhohavecompletely different Everyonethereisfriendly andkind. Duringmytimeat BOSS, Ihadtheopportunity to further open enhance my skills. Moreover, significant improved levelofEnglish. That'swhy I wholeheartedly recommendBOSS, people there incredible.” experience Anastasia, 16 yearsold, Zaporizhzhia, joinedSvitloinMarch 2022 BUCKSWOOD OVERSEAS SUMMER SCHOOL with mentality. "SvitloSchoolhasbecomea secondfamilytome, andI can'timaginemylifewithout it and the surround me. Svitlo, I'veventuredintonew areas, becomemoreopen- minded, begantoread, and started to enjoy hadn'tnoticedbefore. up and teamwork people Thanks who to I my allthe are things I just

  12. methemostwasthehotand sunnyweather. Duringmy timeatBOSS, Ilearnedhow toconnectwithpeoplefrom diverse cultures, my English, about England, mastered the independenttraveling. The camp was exciting! BOSShaswonderful students and interesting excursions activities. Fromthetrip, I broughtwithmenewfriends and experiences." Alina, 16 yearsold, Romny, joinedSvitloinSeptember 2022 BUCKSWOOD OVERSEAS SUMMER SCHOOL improved more learned and of "Svitlo possibilitiesandtruelightin life that illuminates darkness. I am gratefultothisschooland willgladlyhelpitdevelop andbecomeevenbetter. is a school of skills the incredibly incredibly teachers, and EverythinginEnglandfelt unusual, butwhatsurprised unforgettable

  13. IhighlyrecommendBOSS, becausehereyoucanlearn tospeakEnglishfluently, get an ESOL communicate experiences from different visit picturesque cities, andevenseecrazy seagulls! Oleksandr, 16 yearsold, Vinnytsya, joinedSvitloinAugust 2022 certificate, and with countries, share people BUCKSWOOD OVERSEAS SUMMER SCHOOL British "During camp, independent, learnedafew phrasesinKyrgyz, gained insightsintothehistoryof ColombiaandGeorgiafrom mypeers, andhonedmy teamworkskills. my I time became at the more Incrediblepeopleworkand studyatSvitloschool, andI amextremelygratefulforall the knowledge opportunities studyingatSvitlo." and while I get

  14. Vladyslav, 16 yearsold, Zaporizhzhia, joinedSvitloinMarch 2022 BUCKSWOOD OVERSEAS SUMMER SCHOOL "InEngland, Iwasstruckby howcooltheweatherisinthe summer. Duringmystayat BOSS, Ilearnedtobemore open and friendly. enjoyed the recommendittoeveryone. I am also grateful Schoolfortheknowledgeand thesenseofaccomplishment ithasprovided. Svitloisthe bestmotivator, atruelightin themidstofeverydaylife!" I really so camp, I to Svitlo

  15. Itshowedmethatlearning canbeinterestingandfun, notonlyintheclassroombut alsowhileinteractingwith peersandteachersoutsideof class, playing games, ordancing! Intwo weeks, IimprovedmyEnglish, gained important debating, tried excitingactivities, andhada great time. importantly, I friends from countries, withwhomIamin touchtothisday.” Nikita, 16 yearsold, Kyiv, joinedSvitloinFebruary 2023 HARROW SCHOOL interesting "Themaingoalofthecamp wastoimprovethelevelof English. Weachievedthisby learningtheartofdebateand presentation, participatingin interestinggroupactivities, andcommunicatingwitheach other. skills many in new But made most new different

  16. Valya, 17 yearsold, Zhytomyr, joiedSvitloinJanuary 2023 HARROW SCHOOL cafeteriaoveracupofteaI also learned responsibilityforprojects withinateam, wherewe needed to find ground and compromises eachparticipant. Ihavethe most amazing fromeverythingIsawand experienced. recommendittoeveryone!" to take "At impressed leisure individualapproachtoeach student, andthediversityof cultures. Duringthecamp, I improvedmyEnglish, learned about different stylesinEngland, andeven had the opportunity practiseintheatmospheric Harrow School, by the activities, I was exciting the common reach suited that memories language I highly to

  17. Therearemanycasesinhistorywherewarshavebeenwon butthecitizenswerenotreadyfordemocracy, international tradeanddiplomacy. SvitloisequippingyoungUkrainians withtheworkethic, Englishskills, knowledgeandworldview ofopen-minded, confident, globalcitizens. Itisparticularly importantatatimewhenUkrainianstudentsarecontinuing tolosevaluablelearningtimeduetotheRussianinvasion. Atthemomentwehaveover 2000 studentsinUkraineand theUKwhobenefitfromupto 8 dailylessons . Wewantto continueoursupportanddevelopmenttohelpevenmore children. Butforthiswereallyneedyoursupport! Youcan findusonsocialmediaanduseQRcodetosupportSvitlo! Forpartneership, pleaseemailthefounder, YuliyaKosko yuliya@svitloschool.com Learnmoreaboutusatwww.svitloschool.com SCANTODONATE @svitloschool @SvitloSchool svitlo-education

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