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OpenSocial. Creating Orkut Applications. Before We Start…. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. During presentation we will create a sample application and run at Orkut. This session is not about OpenSocial container/Shindig. About Me. Doing PHP since 2000.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OpenSocial Creating Orkut Applications

  2. Before We Start… • If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. • During presentation we will create a sample application and run at Orkut. • This session is not about OpenSocial container/Shindig.

  3. About Me • Doing PHP since 2000. • Service Delivery Manager @ Clarion Technologies Pvt. Ltd. CMMI Level 3 Company • My application “Cities I visited” listed at Orkut directory.

  4. Something about you… • How many of you know OpenSocial? • How many of you used Facebook Applications? • How many of you used Orkut Applications?.

  5. Why OpenSocial? • Facebook has its own API. It became popular with launch of applications. • There are many other networking sites like Orkut, MySpace, hi5, linkedin etc. • What if all creates their own API? Developer will have to create different application for each platform.

  6. What an idea…

  7. What is OpenSocial? OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. Built from standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps with OpenSocial that access a social network's friends and update feeds.

  8. Journey of OpenSocial • Launched on November 1, 2007 with initial version 0.5 • Initially supported by Friendster, hi5, MySpace, Ning, orkut and many more. • At launch Flixster, FotoFlexer, iLike, Newsgator, RockYou, Slide, Theikos, and VirtualTourist presented applications. • Current version 0.8 released on May 28, 2008.

  9. Who all are using it.

  10. Basics… Simple “Hello World” Application (helloworld.xml) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="Hello World!"> <Require feature="opensocial-0.8" /> </ModulePrefs> <Content type="html"> <![CDATA[ Hello, world!]]> </Content> </Module>

  11. Listing Friends …1 - xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title=“PHPCamp- List Friends"> <Require feature="opensocial-0.7"/> </ModulePrefs> <Content type="html"> <![CDATA[ <script type="text/javascript"> /* ... */ </script> <div id='main'> Your friends: <div id='friends'></div> </div> ]]> </Content> </Module>

  12. Listing Friends … 2- js <script language=“JavaScript”> gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init); function init() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); var opt_params = {}; opt_params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX] = 20; req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest('OWNER_FRIENDS',opt_params), 'ownerFriends'); req.send(onLoadFriends); } </script>

  13. Listing Friends … 3- js function onLoadFriends(data) { var viewerFriends = data.get('viewerFriends').getData(); var html=""; html='<ul>'; viewerFriends.each(function(person) { var friend_thumbnail = person.getField(opensocial.Person.Field.THUMBNAIL_URL); html +='<li>' + person.getDisplayName() + '<img src="'+friend_thumbnail+'"> </li>'; }); html +='</ul>'; document.getElementById('friends').innerHTML = html; }

  14. Listing Friends … 4- output

  15. What else you can do • Send request to your server and return information in text,XML or JSON format. • Insert activity in users updates. • Use of AJAX. • Store information at Orkut server. • Fetch owner and his friends information.

  16. What you can’t do • Post scraps through your application. • Fetch personal information like phone number, birth date etc. • Communicate between different OpenSocial sites. • Any change at Orkut site. Application runs only at the space allocated to it e.g. profile view and container view. • Run exactly same application on all supported sites.

  17. References… • Orkut OpenSocial Blog http://orkut-open-social.blogspot.com/ • Orkut Developer Forum http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-orkut • Orkut developer Guide http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/orkutdevguide.html • OpenSocial Tutorial http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/articles/tutorial/tutorial-0.8.html

  18. That’s it! • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. • Demonstration scripts and forms can be seen under http://www.myphpdunia.com/phpcamp.html • Feel free to contact me at pravin_nirmal@yahoo.com

  19. Thanks a lot for your interest.

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