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April 2010

U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command Future Warfare Center . Advanced Warfare Environment (AWarE) An Innovative Approach to IAMD Command and Control. . Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited.

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April 2010

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  1. U.S. ArmySpace & Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command Future Warfare Center Advanced Warfare Environment (AWarE) An Innovative Approach to IAMD Command and Control . Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited April 2010

  2. Commanding General Director Future Warfare Center Deputy Commanding General for Operations Deputy to the Commander for Research, Development and Acquisition Innovative DOTMLPF Integration - Battle Lab - Directorate of Combat Development - Decision Support Directorate Operational Forces - 100th Missile Defense Brigade (GMD) - 1st Space Brigade - Astronaut Detachment - Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Manager - Space Personnel Proponency Office Research, Development and Acquisition Efforts - Technical Center - Test and Warfighter Solutions Center - USAKA/RTS and HELSTF - Contracting and Acquisition MATERIEL REQUIREMENTS OPERATIONS

  3. Space and Missile Defense Future Warfare Center Mission: Space and missile defense – from Concept to Reality Develop and integrate innovative DOTMLPF capabilities for Army and joint space, missile defense and high altitude. Mr. Larry Burger “Our military culture must reward new thinking, innovation, and experimentation.” - President George W. Bush, 11 December 2001

  4. Space and Missile Defense Future Warfare Center Director / Deputy Director Innovative Ventures Office Operations Division JADO-H JT&E Office SMD Battle Lab Directorate of Combat Development Decision Support Directorate Operations Division Missile Defense Division Missile Capabilities Division Studies & AnalysisDivision Concepts & Wargames Division Space Capabilities Division Models & SimulationsDivision Experimentation Division Training & Doctrine Division Information and Computational Engineering Division Space Division Joint Blue Force Tracking Division Force Development Division JADO-H: Joint Air Defense Operations - Homeland JT&E: Joint Test and Evaluation

  5. Mission The Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab (SMDBL) executes the Concept Development and Experimentation processes within the assigned missions including Space, High Altitude, and Missile Defense and Joint Blue Force Tracking. SMDBL produces Space, High Altitude, and Missile Defense technology prototypes in support of experimentation or rapid equipping initiatives by enabling the development of the best capabilities for the future warfighter and documenting those capabilities through the CDE process; superbly supporting the current warfighter with rapidly developed and transitioned Space, High Altitude, and Missile Defense technologies; and effectively and efficiently executing our business processes and human resource systems to maximize our personnel potential and utilization of the resources entrusted to our care. • Prototyping • Rapid Capability Development • In Support of Experimentation • Experimentation • Concept Development Core Competencies

  6. Prototyping Approach Part 1 • How do we do it?: • Leverage prior investment • Maintain core services in a government off the shelf (GOTS) prototyping platform • Organize community of the willing to participate • Provide value to our customer at minimal cost • Thought Process: • Gap Analysis – Problem Statement • What are we trying to demonstrate? • How much can be done with available services? • What functionality needs to be added to acquire experimental observations? • “Best available” vice “good enough” tradeoffs

  7. Prototyping Approach Part 2 • Applications: • IAMD experimentation • Surrogate for Programs of Record • Interface Programs of Record • Tailored to specific functionality • Contingency requirements • Adapted to meet unique requirements • Rapidly deliver the capability • Platform Attributes: • Interoperable with community standards • Adaptable to meet the needs of the customer • Affordable, transportable • Easy to train and employ • Readily Available ~> Sustain Information Assurance (IA) Compliance • Non-Proprietary

  8. What is AWarE • Integrated set of Services/Functionality • Menu of applications • Leverage other customer funded applications • Flexibility built into a software backplane • Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) development environment • Communications interfaces and message protocol translators • Track management and Visualization services • Planner system interfaces and planner tools • Information Assurance planning, it begins with each planned change • Focused on the needs of the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Community • Member of the JIAMD Community of Interest (COI) • Member of the Common Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) XML Schema (CIXIS) Configuration Control Board (CCB) • In use by the US Army Air and Missile Defense Command’s (AAMDC) for air and missile defense attack planning and battle management tasks • Customer feedback used to tailor software

  9. Advanced Warfare Environment(AWarE) Functional Overview System Activity Model Communications Distributive, Collaborative Planning Intelligence Preparation Of BattleSpace • SATCOM • UHF • VHF • SHF • Network • Etc….. • Tactical Feeds • USMTF • C2PC - Database • OTH Gold • JSTARS - NATO (MTI) (AGS) • DIS - PDU • Radar Feeds • TADIL-J • COT (XML) • CIXS (XML) • - TIBS • TDDS Blue Red Operational Control (Force & Engagement Operations) • Windows-Based • MS Office • MS Tools • CJMTK/ARC GIS • FalconView • BattleScape • STK Shared Situational Awareness Distribution A: Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited Analysis

  10. Prototyping Case Study #1 Air and Missile Defense Experimentation • Case Study #1 • Customer: TRADOC Capability Manager • Role: AMD Experimentation • Demonstrate engagement coordination and C2 functions over 3011C to multiple AMD systems • Available Functional Areas • Message Services • Track Management • Visualization (Map/Image/Terrain etc…) • Battlefield Geometries (Airspace Control Order) • Operating Environment • Coordination message sets • 3011C Engagement Net • Result • TTP and CONOPS development for IAMD engagement coordination • Message sets and engagement capabilities incorporated into Government Owned baseline

  11. Prototyping Case Study #2 Distributed IAMD Planning • Case Study #2 • Customer: AMD Headquarters • Role: Tailored distributed planning services to support deliberate and crisis action for homeland integrated air and missile defense • Functional Areas • Message Services • Terrain Analysis Services • Planning Interoperability Services (JEDA, ACO) • Track Management • Visualization (Map/Image/Terrain etc…) • Operating Environment • Simulated/Real Environment • Result • Planning services for HLD support • Web services and planning tools available to other customers

  12. Prototyping Case Study #3 Fire Coordination Cell (FCC) • Case Study #3 • Customer: US Army Composite AMD Battalion Headquarters (Patriot / Avenger) • Role: Manage three-dimensional Air and Missile Defense Battlespace for all threat sets and US Army Air and Missile Defense systems • Functional Areas • Force Operations and Engagement Operations • Track Management • Visualization (Map/Image/Terrain etc…) • Collaborative Physical Enclave • Voice Over IP Collaboration Systems • Operating Environment • Simulated/Real Environment • Result • Fielded Prototype • Low cost, high payoff leverage of COTS/GOTS technology

  13. Questions?

  14. AWarE Tactical Communications Architecture BattleScape™ STK® FalconView CJMTK/ TIGER Google Earth-KML Others BattleVision®… AWarE BackPlane (XML - CIXS, CoT, CMF etc…) Tactical Feed Controller Geometry Controller DIS-PDU 3rd Party … Others… Others… BFT IAMD THAAD TADIL- J GCCS/C2PC USMTF C2BMC TIBS/TDDS Data Source Data Translator Data Bus Viewer/App

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