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Bizarre Headlines 12-22-22

The crazy times keep getting more insane. Now we have a list of<br>words we can't say.<br> From: https://patvojtaskovic.substack.com/

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Bizarre Headlines 12-22-22

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  1. From https://patvojtaskovic.substack.com/ The crazy times keep getting more insane. The things being taught to our children and grandchildren keep drifting further away "education". A more accurate term would be social engineering. The days of teaching how to think for yourself are over. Critical thinking is not welcome in education anymore. Nor is freedom of speech. Instead, the institutions are much more likely to teach them what to think and how to react when someone says a word that “offends” them. Don’t worry, the school tells them what should offend them. Words spoken by others (you and me) on their list of forbidden words are certain to spark outrage. Can you imagine being taught to look for things to be upset about? Microaggressions is one of many popular buzzwords taught by todays lords of education. Here is a partial list of words and suggested replacements.

  2. The term “Karen” is to be replaced with “demanding or entitled white woman”. Why did they feel compelled to bring race into it? Do they really care about ending racism or not? This is in addition to other words and phrases that were previously banned. For instance, cultural Marxism. You can’t say that, or you are:

  3. You are a far right Jew hating conspiracy theorist. That’s right. Many things are known facts about you for simply saying certain words or phrases. It really doesn’t matter how much evidence something is true, the name calling is inevitable if you say something that is forbidden. The FBI needs no help in being discredited. It’s doing a fine job of that on it’s own. If everyone is a “conspiracy theorist” then none of us are. The term is now cliché. So is “misinformation”. Don’t let them shut you up with their meaningless name calling. Instead, start your own substack and let them have it!

  4. Start writing today. Use the button below to create your Substack and connect your publication with Bizarre, mysterious, unexplained but true happenings. Start a Substack It’s obvious there must be an agenda in play here. The name of the game clearly isn’t peace and harmony. Why does “divided we fall” come to mind? Did I mention Stanford just might add America to their list of forbidden words. Bizarre? Indeed. It’s clear the purpose of education has shifted. We are not getting smarter; we are getting dumber. We aren’t progressing, we are regressing. We are becoming less civilized. This says it all. Confusion is more than just a common symptom the global culture is suffering from. We have all be influenced by the religion of people in high places. Positions of power and influence. Woke culture, critical race theory, common core are all little harlots of a single mother whore. Mystery Babylon. (My grammar checker in ms word just scolded me for using mother. Something about “inclusiveness”.) Before you dismiss that idea as crazy, do yourself a favor and take just 10 or 15 minutes reading my 2-part story on the ancient mystery of sego canyon. We simply must realize that the religion that was prevalent before in what is now the USA has

  5. reclaimed former glory. We haven’t progressed to something new and better. The “new age” is a misdirection to confuse you. Society is in overdrive reverting back to a before Christ mindset. Sadly, even the Christian church is playing along in most cases. The mistake I made and will now admit to you is as follows. I have all my life thought of this nation I love as a Christian nation. That was true for a good portion of my life but is no longer true. I am at fault for not recognizing that the Indigenous religion had replaced my own. It has reclaimed all it’s former glory and then some. I say that because there are a lot more people now than there was way back then. I want to leave you with this one final thought for today. If you are a Bible believing Christian as myself, you probably know that in the last days a one world system with one religion would form on this earth. It is time to stop thinking of these things as being in the distant future. The Mystery religion of the last days is here. That’s all for now. Pat https://patvojtaskovic.substack.com/

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