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"At SMPLCTY, we provide integrated marketing solutions<br>for situations across the board.<br><br>The vast online space, once a pristine frontier, is now a tight<br>enclosure filled with big and small brands voying for precious<br>attention measured by the second. Without the clearest<br>understanding of contemporary and new generations of<br>consumers, brands are liable to find themselves mired in a deeply<br>inhospitable terrain u2013 which makes accurate communications<br>strategies as well as tactics of paramount importance.
7/19/22, 6:53 PM Best Integrated Marketing Solutions | smplcty.marketing Keeping It Efficient From ground floor to the top of the heap in one go – the easiest communication happens here. Dependably sharp, boldly imaginative and acutely attuned to details, we tell stories and deliver sustainable growth that keep you ahead of the race. With a strategic road map uniquely ours, we handcraft credibility, propagate ideas, promote your products and services straight up – like an insanely good combo. With us, acing the game is truly this simple. OUR SERVICES https://smplcty.marketing 1/4
7/19/22, 6:53 PM Best Integrated Marketing Solutions | smplcty.marketing STRATEGY & PLANNING Top-tier strategy and planning involves accurate problem identification, crafting effective approaches, and sound solution guidelines. With a readiness that's always on alert, we diagnose, plan, and translate strategic communications blueprints ideas that reach millions the eye-catching, heart- ensnaring way. Be it brand awareness or specific product promotion, we pick out the million-dollar questions and create specific solutions, all to make proportional return for your investment. Eyes always on the prize and thoughts moves in advance, your game plan gets the smoothest possible performance under our watch. INTERACTIVE PRODUCTION A good idea without a good delivery is nothing. Beyond regular creative production, we enlist AR, VR, and all the trendiest technologies to immerse more and return more. From wildcard solutions for young blockchain and NFT companies to the more familiar scenarios of technological integrated marketing, we stretch the conventional list of advertising agency services to its limit. Telling stories with the most engaging technological means, we stay ahead of time and make it a lot more innovative, trans- forming passive posts into engaging experiences that attract visits and catch hearts. SOCIAL MEDIA https://smplcty.marketing 2/4
7/19/22, 6:53 PM Best Integrated Marketing Solutions | smplcty.marketing Community matters, engagement counts - social media is always-on. Covering all major platforms, our social media advertising and digital marketing content creation brings you handcrafted online personas and genuine social communities. Savvy with standards and creative integrated digital marketing solutions, we steer your brand into a path of mass identification and acknowledgement that sticks with each like, follow and re-share. Thrive and prosper in the long run - in the most genuine way. PUBLIC RELATIONS On top of earning you much-needed credibility, good public relations should also bring you rewards with vital validation. Knowing How much daily headaches routines such as event promotion and PR advertising brings, our public relations spe- cialists are here to take your worries away. Highly adaptive to both global and local context, we paint your public persona with just the right hue, and make sure your identity is always more than credible to your desired audience. Acutely attuned to details, we help you acquire exactly the ex-posure you desire The Devil Is In The Details At SMPLCTY, we provide integrated marketing solutions for situations across the board. The vast online space, once a pristine frontier, is now a tight enclosure filled with big and small brands voying for precious attention measured by the second. Without the clearest understanding of contemporary and new generations of consumers, brands are liable to find themselves mired in a deeply inhospitable terrain – which makes accurate communications strategies as well as tactics of paramount importance. https://smplcty.marketing 3/4
7/19/22, 6:53 PM Best Integrated Marketing Solutions | smplcty.marketing LOCATION 4/F, 1237 Middle Fuxing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai. 23/F, 1 Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. EMAIL hello@smplcty.marketing SOCIAL © SMPLCTY Ltd., 2022. https://smplcty.marketing 4/4