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You can eat as much as you like and lose weight - you are having a good dream. In fact,<br>there are no mysterious fat-burning foods that will make you lose weight overnight. You<br>decide the success by choosing the method and foods that are best suited to you....<br>

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  1. BEST WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE What type of weight loss are you? You can eat as much as you like and lose weight - you are having a good dream. In fact, there are no mysterious fat-burning foods that will make you lose weight overnight. You decide the success by choosing the method and foods that are best suited to you. ● 1st basic Rule: if you want to lose weight, you need to consume more calories than you eat. ● 2nd rule of thumb: If you want to lose weight long-term, it's important to know what you're eating, if you're getting enough exercise, and what's fueling you. Sustainable weight loss works through a permanent lifestyle change, where diet, exercise and motivation play an important role. What are the foods that make you lose weight? If you want to reduce your weight, you need to change your eating habits and choose the right foods to lose weight. First, foods must taste good, be low in calories, satiating and provide all the important nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. You can also eat larger amounts of low-calorie foods, which will fill you up better than small portions of high-calorie foods. Foods that make you lose weight are: ● Low-calorie foods that help save calories. ● Foods rich in fiber and protein that contribute to the sense of satiety. ● Foods with valuable vitamins and minerals that contribute to a normal energy-yielding metabolism. The best foods for weight loss We have compiled a list of foods that best meet the three criteria described above. Here are the top 15 weight loss foods:

  2. 1. Water 2. Unsweetened tea 3. Konjac noodles 4. Rhubarb 5. Zuchinis 6. Spinach 7. Grapefruit 8. Broccoli 9. Green beans 10.Buttermilk 11.Strawberries 12.Low-fat cheese 13.Potatoes 14.Protein bread 15.Oatmeal Below we explain why these foods are good for weight loss and how your personal success strategy can help you with your plan. Below you can find more information about the respective foods and their benefits. Click on To get the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan: No.1 Cook Yourself And Save Calories

  3. Nutrition plays a particularly important role in weight loss. Determine your daily calorie intake. If you cook often and like to cook yourself, you can ensure your long-term weight loss success with the right food choice. According to a study, people who cook for themselves eat healthier. According to researchers at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, study participants who cooked at home several times a week consumed less sugar, fat and calories than people who didn't cook for themselves on a regular basis. Your goal should be, eat healthier in the long run without having to give up much. And now we will show you how you can achieve this with the help of a reduced calorie diet and healthy foods for weight loss. Create a calorie deficit The basic principle of a weight loss diet is explained quickly: if you take in more calories than you consume, you get fat. If you consume more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. So, by reducing your daily calorie intake, you create a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit of 500 calories is enough to achieve measurable weekly fat loss. However, it is rarely as simple as it seems in reality. Many factors play a role in weight loss. Nonetheless, it is possible to control your weight to a great extent by eating the right foods to lose weight. What to eat to lose weight fast? Now you know that a low-calorie diet can help you maintain or reduce your body weight. But what is good for losing weight? Essentially, good foods for weight loss provide few calories and lots of nutrients. These include vegetables, fruits, legumes, potatoes, whole grain products, low fat dairy products and low fat meat. In combination with nuts and vegetable oils, you can cook balanced, nutrient-rich, filling meals without too many calories. Vegetables that make you lose weight Vegetables are the absolute favorite when it comes to healthy foods for weight loss. They are low in calories and fat, but high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber.

  4. This means that it is possible to eat large quantities of vegetables without taking in too many calories. What vegetables to include in the list to lose weight: 1. Broccoli Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium: these are just some of the micronutrients contained in broccoli. Plus, it has just 31 kilocalories (kcal) per 100 grams (g) and provides both protein and fiber. Conclusion: the perfect vegetable that makes you lose weight. 2. Champignon mushrooms Mushrooms are 90% water. They are also rich in protein and, with their 25 kcal per 100 g, they are low in calories. Mushrooms are therefore one of the best foods for weight loss. 3. Fennel Not everyone likes fennel, yet it should be on the table more often. With its 23 kcal per 100 g, the vegetable is also excellent for losing weight and saving calories. It is also rich in calcium, iron, vitamins B, C and E. It makes fatty dishes more digestible. 4. Cabbages

  5. Mainly known in grandma's time as a winter dish, kale today also convinces in salads, as an alternative to chips or in smoothies. The combination of 4.3 g of protein, 6 g of fiber and only 44 kcal per 100 g makes kale a good weight loss food. Did you know that? This raw leafy vegetable contains about twice the vitamin C of a lemon. 5. Cucumbers Cucumber has only 13 kcal per 100 g, because it is 96% water. This makes it an ideal vegetable for losing weight. 6. Carrots Carrots are one of the oldest domestic vegetables and were the most consumed side dish until the advent of the potato. The crunchy vitamin A bombs contain only 38 kcal per 100 g. This low-calorie vegetable is therefore good for the figure. 7. Rhubarb One of the vegetables with the least calories is rhubarb with 12 kcal per 100 g. From a botanical point of view, rhubarb is considered a vegetable. In cooking, however, it is treated like a fruit due to its fruity flavor. The spring vegetable also contains valuable nutrients such as vitamin C and calcium. 8. Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts have the perfect nutritional values for foods that can help you lose weight: 4g of protein and 4.3g of fiber with only 3.5g of carbohydrates and 0.5g of fat. This means only 43 kcal per 100 g. Also, Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin C. 9. Salad You have probably already guessed that lettuce is the ideal food that makes you lose weight quickly thanks to the negligible number of calories and fiber it contains. On average, leaf lettuce contains 18 kcal per 100 g. Eat chicory, lamb's lettuce, and arugula guilt-free. 10. Celery

  6. Celeriac is made up of 90% water and therefore contains few calories: 28 kcal per 100 g. In terms of nutritional values, celery is a great food for weight loss. Contains 94% water and a small amount of 15 kcal per 100 g. 11. Asparagus Asparagus, both green and white, have 27 kcal per 100 g, as they are over 90% water. Asparagus also contains many vitamins and minerals. The perfect seasonal vegetable to lose weight in spring, while the other vegetables are still ripening in the fields. 12. Spinach In addition, to lose weight, you need to cook healthy dishes with spinach on a regular basis. Spinach is low in calories (23 kcal per 100 g) and provides lots of protein and fiber. So you can add this veggie to your list of foods for weight loss as well. 13. Tomatoes With 21 kcal per 100 g, tomatoes are a particularly low-calorie food and also contain valuable dietary fibre. They also provide other nutrients such as vitamin C, folic acid and the secondary plant substance lycopene. 14. Savoy cabbage Another type of cabbage is a great vegetable for weight loss. Thanks to the high water content, cabbage is low in calories (31 kcal per 100 g) and at the same time provides many nutrients such as vitamins C and E and vegetable proteins. 15. Zucchini A very popular summer vegetable, courgettes are suitable for numerous dishes. With 19 kcal per 100 g, it contains very few calories and is therefore a light component but rich in vitamins and minerals in vegetable cuisine. You can get Healthy Eating Books to improve your health click on it

  7. Fruits that make you lose weight Not only vegetables are suitable for losing weight. If you crave something sweet, fruit is a great choice to satisfy your cravings. Because fruit is a real super food and tastes incredibly good. However, fruits don't have the same calorie content as vegetables because they are sweeter and contain more fructose. Two portions of fruit (about 250 g) per day are therefore sufficient. Which fruit is for weight loss and which you shouldn't do without: 16. Bodies Unpeeled apples provide many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, C and B vitamins. All with about 55 calories per 100 g. 17. Avocado Potassium, healthy fats, and fiber make avocados a great weight-loss food. The fruit, which botanically belongs to fruit, fits wonderfully into a salad. But be warned: with 144 kcal per 100 g, avocados aren't exactly low in calories. Therefore, it is best enjoyed only in moderation. 18. Berries

  8. Whether raspberries, strawberries or blackberries, all berries have an average of 45 kcal per 100g in their fresh or frozen, unsweetened form. They also contain valuable vitamins and minerals. 19. Grapefruit Craving a healthy snack and wondering what you can eat to lose weight. Then there's no avoiding grapefruit. In addition to 30 kcal per 100 g, the sweet and sour fruit contains valuable vitamin C. By the way: the redder the pulp, the sweeter the grapefruit. 20. Watermelon Plenty of water and nothing else? Watermelons are made up of up to 95% water, but this refreshing summer fruit has even more to offer for the beachy silhouette: At just 31 kcal per 100g, it's low in calories. In addition, watermelon provides important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins. Food that keeps you full for a long time As for low - calorie foods that fill you up , many vegetables and fruit are particularly suitable . The advantage of low-calorie foods is that they contain few calories thanks to the water and fiber present in a large volume. If your stomach is full and your body needs some time to use the nutrients in food, you feel full. However, it is often side dishes that contribute to satiety. They do this because they usually contain a lot of carbohydrates. Even if side dishes aren't the best foods for weight loss, you don't have to do without them completely. Here is a list of foods that fill you up: 21. Beans White kidney beans and kidney beans provide protein and fiber. This makes them a great filling side dish. Green beans, on the other hand, have a low calorie content: they have only 31 kcal per 100 g. 22. Brown rice Rice is often viewed critically when it comes to foods that aid in weight loss. It is full of carbohydrates and therefore high in calories. However, if you choose the dark variety

  9. (brown rice) instead of white rice, you're getting a little more protein, but more importantly, a sizable amount of fiber. 23. Potatoes Potatoes are the perfect side dish for losing weight: they keep you fuller for longer, contain high quality proteins, vitamins and minerals, are fat-free and have fewer calories than you might expect: 100 g of cooked potatoes have a average of only 77 kcal. 24. Konjac products Konjac root-based pasta - also called "shirataki" - contain only 9 kcal per 100 g and are therefore a good alternative to low-calorie pasta that doesn't make you fat. The dietary fiber glucomannan from konjac root can help you lose weight as part of a low-calorie diet if you take one gram at least three times a day. By the way: konjac rice is also low in calories. Foods with dietary fiber Does your diet need a little more fiber to lose weight? Fiber should be present in the diet like other nutrients, because it is important for digestion and stomach feeling . Also, the dietary fibers found in foods have a low energy density. 25. Chia seeds Chia seeds are rich in fiber (32g / 100g) and attract water, increasing their volume. Additionally, chia seeds contain about 23 g of protein. 26. Psyllium Husk Psyllium husks consist of 81% dietary fiber and swell strongly in liquids. Due to their high swelling capacity, psyllium husks (ground) are the ideal aid for low-carb cooking. They help retain moisture in bread or pastries, so they're nice moist gluten-free and don't crumble. This source of fiber can also be easily used to thicken smoothies, porridges, sauces and soups. 27. Rolled Oats Oatmeal is the basis of a healthy breakfast that provides energy and satiety. They are full of good carbohydrates, fiber and protein. They can also be combined with many other weight loss foods, such as berries and natural yogurt. 28. Whole grain bread

  10. In the case of bread, preferably wholemeal. Because wholemeal products contain valuable nutrients thanks to the preservation of the outer layers of the grain: they contain more dietary fibre, secondary plant compounds, minerals and vitamins than white flour products. Are you looking for the right bread with lots of protein and fiber? With nu3's nutritious protein bread mix , you can make your own protein bread quickly and easily. Thanks to the flax and buckwheat flour and the selected seeds, there is a good supply of fiber and protein. Slimming Drinks Drinking plenty of fluids is important when dieting and eating healthy. In general, it is good to prefer low-calorie drinks, such as water, unsweetened tea or coffee. 29. Water First, water has no calories. For this reason alone, it is the ideal drink for all those who want to follow a calorie-conscious diet. But this staple can help you lose weight even more.

  11. Drinking a glass of water before each meal is a classic weight loss trick. The stomach fills up and the feeling of satiety comes sooner. A little water also helps curb hunger between meals. In addition, the body consumes additional calories when drinking, especially if the water is cold and needs to be heated in the stomach. 30. Land Unsweetened tea with ginger is a good slimming drink if you want to lose weight. It's great for warming up in the colder seasons, but it can also be very refreshing. Just add a few ice cubes and a squeeze of lemon for a delicious lemon ginger iced tea. No. 2: Lose Weight With Diet Shakes If you still find it difficult to change your diet at first, then losing weight with the help of so-called meal replacement products may be a solution for you. You can't go wrong with anything and you don't have to watch out for calories. You can achieve the calorie deficit by replacing one or two main meals a day with a diet shake each as part of a low-calorie diet. Weight loss shakes have fewer calories than a regular meal, but still contain important nutrients your body needs. In stressful everyday life, the meal replacement shake from BEAVITA is also quick and easy to prepare. Craving for solid food? No problem: BEAVITA offers ready-made meal replacement products such as smoothies, soups, bars or muesli. No. 3: Lose weight quickly with sports and protein food Do you want to reach your weight loss goal faster ? Therefore, in addition to the right diet, it is also necessary to devote oneself to sport and sufficient physical activity in everyday life . If you move as much as possible and increase your calorie burn , it's easier to lose weight. Also, you need to exercise at least two to three times a week. Strength training activates the metabolism and maintains the muscles at the same time. If you want to further stimulate fat burning, it is ideal to supplement strength training with resistance training such as cycling, jogging or swimming at a moderate pace. To lose weight and build muscle, the body also needs a sufficient amount of protein.

  12. Foods with lots of Proteins The foods that should be on the weight loss list are protein foods. The reasons: Proteins have a positive effect on satiety. In addition, the body needs energy to convert dietary protein into body protein, which ends up in fat stores. And protein is important for building and maintaining muscle. The vegetable and animal protein sources useful for weight loss are: ● Legumes such as chickpeas, beans and lentils ● Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts (maximum a handful per day) ● Low-fat dairy products, such as buttermilk, low-fat quark, natural yoghurt ● Fish such as tuna, salmon, herring (1-2 servings per week) ● Low-fat meat such as chicken or turkey breast What are the foods to avoid? What should I not eat if I want to lose weight? You've probably asked yourself this question. There are, of course, foods that you should avoid or eat only in small quantities when losing weight. However, we often underestimate how important it is for our food to taste good . If you focus too much on low-calorie products that you may not even like, it

  13. can be difficult to stick to them in the long run. Likes, personal preferences and habits also play a role in food choices. This overview shows which foods to avoid when losing weight and how to replace them with tasty alternatives: Do without Try it instead ✗ Biscotti ✓ Wholemeal bread with shelled fruit cream ✗ Chips ✓ Vegetable sticks with herb cheese ✗ Chocolates ✓ Fruit covered in dark chocolate ✗ Yogurt cream ✓ Quark ✗ Ready sauces and sauces ✓ Homemade guacamole ✗ Fruit juice and lemonade ✓ Water and lemon slice When losing weight, you should also consider the following tips to change your diet: 1. Eat a varied diet and combine plant and animal foods. 2. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. 3. Cook for yourself to save calories and avoid hidden sugars in processed foods. 4. When cooking, use mainly vegetable fats such as canola or olive oil instead of mayonnaise, cream and butter. 5. Before your meal, treat yourself to a "water-rich" appetizer, such as a green salad with a light dressing or a clear soup, because it fills the stomach and leaves less room for high-calorie foods. 6. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea a day. Click on To get the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan:

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