

Issues Pertaining to Naturism And The Cell Phone Nudism And The Cell Phone - Before blogged about cell phones here and in other places. Why? Because my campground is thinking about developing a new cell phone policy. I must confess that my initial reaction to hearing discussion about this was frustration and irritation because the policies are commonly created as a result of people demonizing the cell phone. In these past few days by which discussions about cell phones at nudist resortshas been quite common through the naturist world, I am now very, very happy with my naturist campground for thinking about a cell phone policy. Why, you ask? Because we are one of the first clubs to really THINK about and discuss the policy. I am all for thinking! Yay to my camp!!!!! The discussions this past few days has caused me to think, also. I will share below some of the new thoughts that have become evident to me: Naturism And The Cell Phone 1) This isn't completely an age dilemma as I originally thought. I'm learning that many older adults adore their cell phones just as much as I (and other young folks) do! Yay mature people!!! 2) It appears that the cell phone and other technology is being blamed for people's poor behavior. A cell phone doesn't take pictures by itself so, instead of considering a policy for cell phones (and Nooks and Kindles and all sorts of other things) maybe it'd be wiser to talk about the picture taking policy and the effects of not following it. I hadn't actually thought about this, but it truly does make sense. 3) There seems to be an alternative standard for club attendees and service folks at the clubs. When the gas man or the cable guy comes on to the camp's grounds, folks do not think twice about him or her having a cell phone. But if your member or day visitor has a cell phone, somehow this is an issue. Why are members and day visitors more funny than service providers? This is curious if you ask me. 4) One friend pointed out that we can prohibit all cell phones and electronic books and iPads and the list goes on, but, truly, if you're a true bad guy who wants pictures of naked people, all you must do is drive down to Walmart and purchase a pencil with a camera and videocamera built in to it. Pens aren't banned, right? This brings us back to #2. 5) In thinking about the citizenry at a naturist camp, it's almost humorous that folks are so worried about photographs in the first place. Most naturist camps have a high ratio of elderly people (seniors and such) and additionally they have the same high percent of individuals who are heavy and such. Yes, we're accepting of every body and we adore ourselves regardless of what the outside world thinks of us, but, well, are unclothed photographs of granny and grandpa or those with imperfect bodies (we have no airbrushes here at camp! lol) really in of a demand? I do not say this to be rude, it is just a idea to consider. So, no answer has yet been found. But that is ok because folks are discussing the subject, thinking about it, and examining it. That, my friends, is the beginning of common sense prevailing on this particular problem. And isn't common sense the greatest reply, anyhow? This Naturist BlogBy Melissa about Naturism And The Cell Phone was published by - Young Naturists & Young Naturists America Tags: behavior etiquette, clubs and resorts, photography Type: Felicity's Naturist Site About the Writer (Author Profile) 36 year old naturist from Catskill, NY. Love life, hiking, climbing trees, writing, and helping people. Been a nudist since the age of 28 and discovered it to be a life altering way of living.


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