

Best Superfoods For Cancer Prevention - 3 That Most Appreciate The proverbial "never-ending list" of things that cause cancer seems to grow larger each and every year. People may not realize this, but cancer is actually the second highest cause of death in the United States year after year. The best way to handle this is actually the food that we eat, by ingesting what is healthy, what nature has provided. Specifically, superfoods and this is a term that has gained prominence in the past ten years. Variety really is the key word to think of when considering superfoods. Creating an all-natural diet is really not that hard to do. What happens is you attack cancer either with direct intervention or along the lines of prevention. Some people have been drawing apricots and peppers for decades, knowing that these anti-cancer superfoods are very beneficial for your health. You probably know of others off the top of your head. Though there are some others with similar properties, these are just a couple we thought to mention. In fact, what gives apricots their distinctive color is the high amount of beta carotene that they possess. You can find vitamin C and lycopene in them as well. By simply eating these every day, you can prevent cancer, get your daily vitamins, and do this in a natural organic way. There are so many sources for these particular beneficial ingredients, we only mentioned dried peppers to give you an alternative. The tomato is one of the most nutritional vegetables out there, very versatile and full of benefits. You can help protect against cancer, which is why it is also a superfood. Perhaps you have heard of lycopene? It is an antioxidant within tomatoes that has been under scientific scrutiny for decades. Science has shown that colon cancer and cardiovascular disease can be prevented by taking the phytochemical lycopene regularly. Many vitamins such as A, C, and E have free radical fighters just like this. Since super foods have multiple compounds, they can have multiple benefits on your system as a whole. It's fine to identify one as helping to fight cancer or another disease, but there's more to the back story in most cases. Broccoli is often mentioned as a superfood, and one reason for this is that it's rich in indoles, a powerful phytonutrient. Indoles aren't well known, but it's not that difficult to consume them once you know where to find them. Indoles have properties that help your body rid itself of toxins with carcinogenic qualities. Additionally, indoles help the body maintain healthy estrogen levels, which is quite significant. An excess of estrogen can be a factor in the formation of some cancers. As you may know, all people get too much estrogen through its artificial use in some foods. Indoles are healthy for everyone, but if you're concerned about illnesses such as breast cancer you should go out of your way to consume more of them. You may want to make a list of the most powerful superfoods and the specific benefits they will give you. That's actually a smart approach to your diet and maintaining good health. Although some people equate these foods too bad medicine they remember as a child, they are not that bad, and you should get into the habit of eating them. Also, remember this is about ensuring a high quality of life in later years.


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