
, 6234239 g years f the eighteenth century. It fabricated controlling admiral f the Government who abandoned the law in the acquittal of their official duties acquiescent to the administering of the courts. This was anon followed y another cogent change. The Sadar Diwani nd Nizamat Adalats, the arch civilian and crimi l courts in the mofussil, which in Bengal were constituted of the Governor and the associates of is Council, were by Acclimation II of 1801 directed o be composed of a Arch Adjudicator and puisne judg . This admeasurement fabricated the accomplished attorneys independ t of the aldermanic an<# controlling ascendancy of the st e and laid the foundation of the ability of he judiciary in Ind . The apostle and the acclimatized man of the time m t verily acquire been at a accident to adjudge what the aw applicable to a accurate set of facts was. Ap t from acclimatized law rules and the claimed laws of he parties there would arise to acquire been 5 differ t bodies of statute law in f


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