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AD0-E201 Practice Exam V8.02 Killtest Adobe Analytics Developer Exam

How to prepare for AD0-E201 Adobe Analytics Developer Exam well? We highly recommend to choose AD0-E201 Practice Exam V8.02 Killtest Adobe Analytics Developer Exam as the preparation materials. Killtest AD0-E201 practice test is a simulation of Adobe AD0-E201 exam with an exactly similar format and resembling questions. Adobe AD0-E201 practice exam from Killtest allows you to take the test multiple times without encountering the same questions. There is a feature to monitor your test results from time to time, so you can measure how much your skill has developed. Keep repeating your learning and practicing until you constantly get satisfying results on your AD0-E201 exam.

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AD0-E201 Practice Exam V8.02 Killtest Adobe Analytics Developer Exam

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  1. The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. 1.In the Adobe Mobile SDK, what is the name of the file where the Adobe Analytics report Suite ID is set? A. ADBMobile.json B. ADBMobileConfig.json C. AdobeMobileMeasurement.kson D. AdobeMobileLimrart.json Answer: B 2.Assuming that all data will be collected from an on-page data layer, when should a data layer property be updated and called by its data element so that the value is accurate for the link click? A. After the s,t() call before the s,t1() call B. After both the s,yt() and s,t1() calls C. Before any server calls are made D. On DOM ready before window,onload() Answer: C AD0-E201 Practice Exam V8.02 Killtest Adobe Analytics Developer Exam A. The Experience Marketing CloudID extension B. The Experience Cloud ID extension C. By custom code, as there is no Launch Extension D. The Adobe Analytics extension Answer: B 3.Ah Adobe Analytics report shows a big percentage of breakdown values as ''Other''. What could be the reason for this problem? A. Conversion event fires without a conversion variable B. Using segments in which in the rule is disabled C. Pages fire outside URL filters D. Unclassified data in classification reports Answer: C 4.How can a developer see which Adobe Experience Platform Launch rules are being fired without using browser plugins? A. _satellite.logger.debug(true); B. _satellite.setDebug(true); C. _satellite.setDebug(); D. localStong,seitem('setDebug[.; true); Answer: B 5.What is the Adobe-recommend way to enable the Experience Cloud ID within Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) Launch? 6.What is true the s,products variable that does not apply to other conversion variables in Adobe Analytics? A. It still needs to have an Expiration value set (i,e; Visit, Day, Week, etc.) B. It can contain characters such as '', © and ® C. It allow for list enablement, where each list entry is limited to 100 bytes. 2 / 3

  2. The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. D. It does not persist beyound a single hit. Answer: D 7.Some variables are being populated correctly in you implementation and others are not Which of the displayed variables uses the correct case? A. s.channel-Help B. s.PageType-Cprt' C. s.Pagename-'Homepage D. s.purchased-1234567899' Answer: A AD0-E201 Practice Exam V8.02 Killtest Adobe Analytics Developer Exam D. Data Sources Answer: B 8.A developer is migrating from a legacy implementation of Adobe Analytics to Adobe Experience Platform Launch. What is the recommend value to enter into the Tracking Server field of the Adobe Analytics Extension? A. Use the domain 207.net B. Leave the field blank C. Use the domain legacy,sc,cmtrdc.net D. Use the same value from the earlier version. Answer: D 9.What is the first step needed in order to configure a mobile application that will implement tracking using Adobe Experience Platform Launch? A. Check the ''enable mobile tracking'' option in the property configuration in Launch. B. Add the Mobile Application extension to the property in Launch. C. Configure the SDK with Environment ID from Launch. D. Add the Launch embed code into the application. Answer: C 10.a banner ad has the wrong campaign ID tracking parameter (tid instead of cid) on the destination URL. Which Adobe Analytics feature can be used to fix this issue? A. Classifications B. Processing Rules C. Event Serialization 3 / 3

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