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Best Orthopedists in Kentucky

When it comes to knees and the knee joint, Kentucky Joint Specialists takes a unique approach. We provide only the latest in research, exercises, and treatments for knee pain. And because other offices use a few pieces of equipment for joints across the entire body, they canu2019t afford to spend time focusing on one joint. At Kentucky Joint Specialists we cut through the mold to bring you a fully optimized knee rehabilitation service, working with you every step of the way to strengthen and revitalize your knees.

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Best Orthopedists in Kentucky

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  1. (502)-771-5432 Kentucky Joint Specialists 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 516 Louisville, KY 40207 a Kentucky Joint Specialists — Your Go- To Knee Specialists in Kentucky At Kentucky Joint Specialists, knees are our sole focus. Concentrating on such a specific area of the body separates us from our competition; we’re entirely up-to-date with the latest research, exercises, and treatments for knee pain. It’s our entire focus. Because other offices use a few pieces of equipment for joints across the entire body, they can’t afford to spend time focusing on one joint. We cut through the mold to bring you a fully optimized knee rehabilitation service, working with you every step of the way to strengthen and revitalize your knees. New Patient Special Offer

  2. Knee Pain Treatment Options As a complex joint that works to stabilize the entire body, the knee allows for mobility in all areas of life. For this reason, it’s essential to get the proper care when knee problems arise, as failing to address them correctly can lead to years of chronic pain and incomplete recovery. We specialize in knee hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid provides immediate relief to those suffering from osteoarthritis who have experienced little relief from other methods. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your joints, which makes it safe and ideal for administration. It acts as a lubricant and shock absorber, helping your joints work under less immediate stress and pressure.

  3. helping your joints work under less immediate stress and pressure. PRP Treatment PRP originated when doctors learned to capitalize on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. This regenerative medicine approach harnesses your body’s healing mechanisms while amplifying the natural growth factors your body uses to heal

  4. amplifying the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue. Using a concentrate containing your body’s platelets, this treatment accelerates the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. In this way, PRP uses your own healing system to rectify musculoskeletal problems. Doctors With Your Best Interests in Mind Many older patients feel distanced from the doctors who work on their joint pain, as the process can become very impersonalized. At Kentucky Joint Specialists, we go the extra mile to make sure all our patients feel at home, including walking them through their rehabilitative process step by step. While chronic knee pain is treatable, many patients struggle to 몭nd a doctor they can trust and rely on to give them the best course of action. Our clinic o몭ers multiple treatment options, as no two people’s knees are the same. We tackle every problem individually, knowing that knee problems can be debilitating to a person’s everyday life.

  5. About Us Ready to get started with our comprehensive knee treatments? Call Kentucky Joint Specialists today at (502) 771-5432 to speak with one of our team members and get the process started. Our o몭ce is conveniently located at 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 516, Louisville, KY 40207. Interested in speaking with our

  6. Interested in speaking with our Knee Specialists? Just Make An Appointment & You’re Done! Latest Blogs 8 Myths and Facts About Knee Pain That You Should Know Chances are, you know or have known someone that has experienced knee pain. This common issue can happen for various reasons and a몭ects individuals of all ages.Because it is so common, there tends to be a lot of misinformation about the causes and treatments of knee... READ MORE Are Knee HAs for Everyone: Who Needs It the Most? Hyaluronic acid (HA) combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or knee HA PRP, is an e몭ective way to treat patients su몭ering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Hyaluronic acid is a natural gel-like substance that acts as a lubricant for your knee joints and slows down... READ MORE « Older Entries

  7. Kentucky Joint Specialists 4010 Dupont Cir Suite 516, Louisville, KY 40207, United States Directions View larger map Keyboard shortcuts Map data ©2022 Terms of Use Report a map error First Name * First Name Last Name * Last Name Phone *  Phone Email * Email

  8. Email Message Message Submit Quick Links Home About Us Kentucky Joint Specialists Blogs 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 516 Contact Us Louisville, KY 40207 Conditions (502) 771-5432 Knee Pain Opening Hours Subscribe Sign up with your email address to Monday 9am – 5pm receive exclusive promotions and news Tuesday 8am – 4pm Wednesday 9am – 5pm Thursday 9am – 5pm Email Friday 8am – 12pm SUBSCRIBE

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