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Shilanash --A Natural Remedy To Reduce Stone Formation

All the ingredients in this product are natural. There are no artificial chemicals are added. Thus, you can safely consume this proprietary. Minimal processing has been done so that the natural qualities of this product may remain intact.<br><br>Manage stone formation effectively in your body!<br><br>SHILANASH is helpful for all types of stones, whether in the kidney or gallbladder. Reduces stone formation, pains, and other stone-related problems.<br><br>

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Shilanash --A Natural Remedy To Reduce Stone Formation

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  1. Shilanash Shilanash --- --- A Case Study A Case Study The problem of stones is a very painful condition. If it is not treated in time then the operation remains to be the only resort. The stones can be formed in kidneys and gallbladder, and the stones in gallbladder have more serious effect on the human body. In the modern science, in case of gallbladder stones doctors prefer operation and in most cases they remove gallbladder from the body, which leads to further problems. Now let’s discuss about the stones in kidney and gallbladder. Kidney Stones Kidney Stones They are also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis. These are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that are formed inside the kidneys. There are many causes of kidney stones like diet, excess body weight, some medical conditions and certain supplements and medicines. It could be quite painful to passing out kidney stones. These stones usually do no permanent damage if they are recognized well in time, otherwise they can affect any part of your urinary tract – from kidneys to the bladder. The stones are formed when the urine becomes concentrated. It allows minerals to crystallize and stick together.

  2. Following are some symptoms of kidney stones: 1.Severe sharp pain in the side and back, below the ribs. 2.Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin. 3.Severe pain or burning sensation while urinating. 4.Pink, red or brown urine. 5.Nausea and vomiting. Types of Kidney Stones Types of Kidney Stones are are Following are the types of Kidney Stones: Following are the types of Kidney Stones: 1. 1.Calcium Oxalate Stones: Calcium Oxalate Stones: This is the most common kidney stone. It is caused when the urine has low levels of citrate and high levels of calcium and either uric acid or oxalate. 2. 2.Calcium Phosphate Stones: Calcium Phosphate Stones: These stones are formed by the abnormalities in the way the urinary system functions. 3.Struvite Stones: Struvite Stones: It is more common among women. It is the result of certain types of infections in the urinary tract. These stones tend to grow quickly and become large. Sometimes they occupy the entire kidney. They may cause severe urinary tract infections and also loss of kidney function. 4. 4.Uric Acid Stones: Uric Acid Stones: These are more common in men. These stones tend to occur in people who don’t drink enough water or have a diet rich in animal protein.

  3. 5. 5.Cystine Stones: Cystine Stones: These stones are caused by hereditary genetic disorder called cystinuria. The result is excessive amount of amino acid cysteine collection in the urine and that leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and ureters. G Gallbladder stones allbladder stones The gallbladder is a small sac like organ that is located on the right-hand side of the body, on the underside of the liver. Gallbladder stones are stones that develop in the gallbladder or bile duct when certain substances harden. Causes of the formation of Causes of the formation of gallstones: gallstones: Most of the gallstones are formed of cholesterol. However, they can also made of calcium salts and bilirubin. It is exactly not known the cause of the formation of the gallstones, though there are some theories.

  4. •Too much cholesterol in your bi Too much cholesterol in your bile: formation of cholesterol stones. They are generally yellow. The reason of developing these stones is when our liver forms more cholesterol than the bile can dissolve. •Too much of bilirubin in Too much of bilirubin in the bile: the bile: Bilirubin is a chemical when old red blood corpuscles are destroyed by the liver. Sometimes due to the damage of liver and certain disorders of blood may cause liver not to function properly. •Concentrated bile due to a full gallbladder Concentrated bile due to a full gallbladder: For the proper functioning of the gallbladder it should be emptied properly. If the bile becomes concentrated, the stone is formed. le: Having too much of cholesterol in the bile can lead to the Symptoms Symptoms It can lead to the pain in the upper right abdomen. This pain may arise time to time when the fat in the food is quite high, such as fried foods. The pain doesn’t last more than a few hours. Following symptoms may also be experienced by the person suffering from gallstones: •Nausea •Vomiting •Dark urine •Clay-coloured stools •Stomach pain •Burping •Diarrhea •Indigestion Gallbladder stones can lead to many serious problems. These problems might be blockage of duct where the bile moves from the gallbladder. It is known as acute cholecystitis. It is a medical emergency. The other complications can be fever, chills, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

  5. The treatment for stones is generally very expensive and most of the times operation is suggested. However, our ages-old medical system, Ayurveda can remove all sorts of stones in a harmless manner. Following herbs can prove quite effective for removing stones: 1.Jo Khar: Jo Khar: It is known to be quite effective against the problem of stones, particularly the formation of gallstones in women. It has good quantity of fibre. It helps reducing the secretion of bile. It increases the sensitivity of insulin and is also quite effective to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Not only this it dissolves the kidney stones in a harmless manner. It is very helpful for the health of kidney. 2.Kalmi Shora: Kalmi Shora: It is potassium nitrate also called saltpeter or salt stone occurs in nature as a mineral. Though primarily used in gunpowder it has many health benefits and as a result of it, it is used widely in Ayurvedic medicines. It is beneficial for the treatment of kidney stones. Consuming it with water, lemon juice and turmeric regularly can flush out kidney stones in a natural manner. It is also used to form a strong diuretic remedy. 3.Gokhru: Gokhru: Gokhru also known as Gokshura is famous for treating both kidney and urinary problems especially kidney stones. Kidney stones is a urological disorder. There is no better solution to remove kidney stones than Gokhru. It has been always a part of Ayurveda for treating all sorts of urinary and kidney problems. Its regular consumption helps in reducing the pain while passing out urine. It is an excellent cleanser of the excretory system. It helps cure difficult micturition and kidney stones. It consumption helps in urinary output and reduces edema and swelling in kidney failure. 4.Ber Pathar: Ber Pathar: Ber Pathar helps in dissolving and pushing the kidney stone along the course of the ureter. It also reduces the burning sensation in the urine and is helpful in treating dysuria (difficult or painful urination). 5.Makoi: Makoi: It has been long used as an alternative medicine to prevent and treat kidney stones. It is helpful in decreasing uric acid and urinary oxalate levels that are responsible for forming kidney stones. 6.Shatavari: Shatavari: Shatavari root helps in preventing stone formation; it also removes oxalate stones. 7.Akarakara: Akarakara: It is very helpful in maintaining good health of male reproductive organs. Thus, it also helps in preventing formation of kidney stones. 8.Kulthi Dal: Kulthi Dal: Also known as horse gram, it is one of the most nutritious legumes. It grows in arid regions, such as in the dry lands, in southern, central and northern parts of tropical countries namely India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. In Ayurveda horse gram is used as a key ingredient for its indispensable medicinal values. It can calm kaph and vata doshas and increase rakta pitta and kopaka dosha. It is a storehouse of polyphenols, flavonoids, and potent antioxidants. Horse gram is not only useful in treating kidney stones, it is also very important in treating many other diseases like piles, common cold, throat infection, fever and heart diseases. It is rich in many important nutrients like protein, iron, calcium and polyphenols. This dal is generally consumed by the poorest sections of the society. Thus it helps them keeping in good health.

  6. Shilanash Shilanash from the house of Kayasetu Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd ingredients. All the ingredients are natural and there aren’t any chemicals in it. You can safely rely on our product if you are suffering from the problem of stones --- be it of gallstones or kidney stones. It removes the stones in a harmless manner. Many of our satisfied customers are a testimony to it. You can save yourself from painful operations and medicines that are chemical- based and can be quite harmful for your health. Kayasetu Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. is comprised of all the above-mentioned However, if you are suffering from some serious or chronic disease, do consult your doctor before consuming this medicine.

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