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Boiler maintenance tips to reduce your energy bills

High energy bills are never fun, but they're incredibly frustrating in the wintertime when you're already dealing with the cold weather and heaters work overtime. If your energy bills have been creeping up and you're unsure why you should have your boiler inspected. Boilers are one of the most common sources of energy waste in the home. Regular preventative boiler maintenance is key to keeping your energy costs down and avoiding any surprise boiler breakdown in the long run.

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Boiler maintenance tips to reduce your energy bills

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  1. Boiler Boiler Maintenance Tips To Reduce Your Maintenance Tips To Reduce Your Energy Bills Energy Bills High energy bills are never fun, but they're incredibly frustrating in the wintertime when you're already dealing with the cold weather and heaters work overtime. If your energy bills have been creeping up and you're unsure why you should have your boiler inspected. Boilers are one of the most common sources of energy waste in the home. Regular preventative boiler maintenance is key to keeping your energy costs down and avoiding any surprise boiler breakdown in the long run. Preventative maintenance is routine maintenance performed regularly to reduce the likelihood of a boiler breakdown.Your boiler equipment comprises mechanical components, which can cease at any time. By checking on those parts on a regular basis, cleaning them, flushing the components, and so on, you can reduce the likelihood of the boiler failing to start or generating less heat over its lifetime. Preventive maintenance calendars are a perfect way to keep track of your cleaning schedule. Here are a few boiler maintenance tips that will help reduce your energy bills:

  2. 1. Check the pressure regularly 2. Bleed the radiators 3. Descale the boiler annually 4. Get your boiler serviced regularly 5. Insulate your boiler 6. Upgrade to a more efficient model 7. Use a thermostat Check The Pressure Regularly: Most boilers have a pressure gauge that you can check to ensure the pressure is where it should be. If it's too low, add more water to the boiler. If it's too high, discharge some of the pressure by opening the valve slightly. These are easy practices that don't require professional help, but doing so would greatly impact your overall boiler efficiency and help avoid any major boiler breakdown. Bleed The Radiators:

  3. Over time, air bubbles can build up in your radiators, which prevents heat from circulating properly. Simply turn on the bleeder valve at the top of each radiator to bleed them. After that, close the valve once all the air has been released. Descale The Boiler Annually: Descaling is a procedure that removes mineral residues from the inside of your boiler so that it can operate more efficiently. You'll need to hire a professional to do this for you, but it's worth it in terms of energy savings and extended boiler life. Get Your Boiler Serviced Regularly: Boiler servicing is essential for many reasons. Boiler manufacturers typically advise servicing your boiler at least once a year to keep it running as efficiently as possible. Boiler servicing can also help prevent boiler breakdowns, which can be expensive and disruptive. In addition, regular boiler servicing can help extend your boiler's lifespan. While the cost of boiler servicing may seem like an unnecessary expense, it is typically much less than the cost of repairing or replacing a boiler. as a result, regular boiler servicing is a vital part of responsible boiler ownership.

  4. Insulate Your Boiler: Boiler insulation is one of the most energy-efficient and cost-effective ways to reduce boiler breakdowns and improve boiler maintenance. You can keep boiler heat in by insulating your boiler, making boiler operation more efficient. In addition, boiler insulation prevents boiler metal from coming into contact with boiler water, which can lead to boiler corrosion and boiler breakage. Boiler insulation is easy to install and can be done by yourself in just a few minutes. Many hardware stores sell boiler insulation kits with all the materials you need to complete the job. Upgrade to a More Efficient Model: Upgrading your boiler to a more efficient model can have many benefits. Newer boilers are designed to be more energy efficient, which will help reduce your energy bills in the long run. In addition, newer models are often quicker and easier to maintain than older ones, so you'll save time and money on boiler maintenance in the long run. Finally, upgrading to a newer boiler may also help reduce the risk of a boiler breakdown, as more recent models are often more reliable than older ones. If your boiler is over ten years old, it's time to upgrade to a more efficient model.

  5. Use A Thermostat: If you don't already have one, invest in a thermostat for your boiler. This will allow you to set a schedule for when you want the heat to be on, which can help you avoid wasting energy when you're not home or when everyone is in bed for the night. Conclusion By following these easy tips, you can keep your boiler running efficiently and help reduce your energy bills this winter. Remember, regular boiler maintenance is key to keeping your boiler in good condition. By knowing the early warning signs of a boiler breakdown, you can take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. So, be sure to schedule a service appointment once a year. And if your boiler is more than ten years old, consider upgrading to a newer model—it'll pay for itself in no time!

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