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USA corporate wellness market analysis 2018-2023 by Arizton

Extension of wellness programs to family will boost the corporate wellness market in USA, analysis by Arizton. <br>

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USA corporate wellness market analysis 2018-2023 by Arizton

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  1. CORPORATE WELLNESS MARKET IN US 2018-2023 presentedby:

  2. SUMMARY Market at a Glance Market Dynamics Segmentation Trend Analysis Vendor Lists ContactUs

  3. The growing requirement for healthy eating habits, e x e rc ise, the high prevalence of obesity, and reduction of insurance andhealthcare c o s ts are s o me of the major factors driving the growth of the corporate wellness marketin th e U S. The increasing fo c us on work-life balance and implementation of company- wi de employee-centric healthcare campaigns th at offer lifestyle coaching and benefits wi ll revolutionize th e market in the region. The introduction of innovative platforms wi ll promote the growth of the corporate wellness market in the US generating revenues of o ver $13 billion by 2023 and isexpected to g row at a C AGR of m ore th an 8% during the forecast period. Market at aGlance

  4. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) to offer customized education and solutions to each individual as per their needs will transform the corporate wellness market in the US. The usage of AI will improve employee engagement between human touchpoints, build a deeper profile about the employees in real-time, and aid in scaling up the wellness programs without relying heavily onresources. MarketDynamics RESEARCHANALYST-ARIZTON Read theReport

  5. The rapid increase in healthcare c o st is fueling the popularity of preventive c are thereby driving the growth of the HRA market segment. Various companies are u s ing o n- demand healthcarea s s i s t an ts in th e s e programs. The integration of corporate wellnessprograms i nto facility operations in o r der to m ake th em permanent with the workplace culture to b o ost market growth. On s i te s e r vi c es include nutrition, fitness, recreation, health education, p e rs o n al health c o ac h i n g, a nd immunization s e r vi c es either offered by the employer or in partnership wi th a third party. Segmentation enquiry@arizton.com

  6. TrendAnalysis Increased Incorporation ofIncentives Data Analytics Increasingly PoweringWellness Use of Technology to ImproveOutcomes Growing Reign of Artificial Intelligence Extension of Wellness Programs toFamily Request aSample

  7. KeyVendors CompsychWellness CorporateSolutions Virgin Pulse Provant HealthSolutions VendorLists The market in the US ishighly fragmented, and theleading four players account forless than 15% of thetotal ProminentPlayers Beacon Health Options, Ceridian, Exos, Marino Wellness, OptumHealth, Privia Health, The Vitality Group, Wellsource, Wisdom Works Group, andWorkStride corporate wellnessmarket share. Read theReport

  8. ContactUs! Arizton +1-312-235-2040 Facebook LinkedIn Blog Twitter

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