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Cyber Attacks: Types and how to prevent attacks!

On average, daily consumers experience phishing attacks, ransomware, theft of identity, data invasion, and financial losses. This makes cybersecurity a crucial component of a secure and well-structured digital world.

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Cyber Attacks: Types and how to prevent attacks!

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  1. CYBER ATTACKS: TYPES AND HOW TO PREVENTATTACKS! Let’s open our eyes and face reality- we like in a world that is run by technology; it’s the digital age. Our personal lives, professional lives, and finances- everything gravitates towards the world oftheinternet,cellularcomputing,anddigitalmedia. Sadly, this phenomenon has made us more vulnerable to malicious attacks, data invasions, privacybreaches,phishingscams,andothersuchfrauds. This makes cybersecurity a crucial component of a secure and well-structured digital world. It safeguardsusfromhackers,cybercriminals,andotherfraudulentindividuals. Buthowdoyouensurecybersecurity?Whyisthereaneedforcybersecurity,whatkindofthreats areoutthere,whatarethebestcybersecuritymeasures,andhowdoyoubesafewhenusingthe internet? Well,weareheretodelveintotheseimportantquestions. CYBERSECURITY ISVITAL Accordingtoastudy,cybercrimeshavecosttheworldnearly$2trillionintheyear2019,anditis predictedthatthedamageswouldhit$6trillionby2021.Thisindicatesthatabout$10billionwill beutilizedbytheyear2027tosecureagainstsuchcatastrophiclosses. However, if we look closely, it’s not just the big organizations and businesses that get hit by cybercrimes. On average, daily consumers experience phishing attacks, ransomware, theft of identity, data invasion, and financial losses. It takes about five minutes to hack into an internet- connect device like your smartphone, smartwatch, computers, smart TV, home control systems, and othergadgets. Thisimpliesthatthemorewerelyontheinternet,themoreweneedasecurecybernetwork. WHAT ARE WE FIGHTINGAGAINST? Hackersarereadywithanentiretoolboxoftrickswhenitcomestoinvadingyoursystem:- Denialofservice(DoS)Attacks:- Attackersfloodanetworkwithrequeststhatexhaustthebandwidthcausingabiggernuisance than anythingelse. Maninthemiddle(MitM)Attacks:- Hackersenterthemselvesintoatwo-partycommunication,andoncetheygetin,theystealthe data. PhishingAttacks:- Hackers use fake emails and messages to access users’ private information. This is one of the mostcommontypesofattacksagainstgeneralusers. MalwareAttacks:- This can be further classified into ransomware, spyware, worms, and viruses. Emails or downloadsareusuallythemediumsthatdelivertheseattacksthroughsuspicioussites. SQL InjectionAttack:- In this type of attack, the hackers insert malicious code into the SQL server through a vulnerablewebsitesearchbox.Oncesuccessful,thehackerscanthen seetheinformationthat is otherwise keptoff-limits. PasswordAttack:- Just as it sounds- hackers usually crack a password- one that is often poorly chosen and gain entryintothenetwork. CYBER SECURITYPRACTICES:- Consideringthe number of cyberattacks enough to make you dizzy, employing active cybersecurity servicesiscrucial. Afewsimplestepscanreducetherisksofcyber-attacksandensureasafecybernetwork:- Educating all employees of your organization about the risks of social engineering scams- phishing attacks,etc. Invest in technologies that limit the loss of information, monitor third-party risks and vendor risks,andconstantlyscanrisksofdataexposureandcredentialleaks. Usemethodstoreducecostsaspartofacompletecybersecurityriskassessmentstrategy. Simply adhering to these measures can reduce the likelihood of having a cybercrime on your hands. CREATEDBYIGNITEC

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