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Key Facts Expat Professionals In Israel Need To Be Aware Of To Ensure Professional Success

Israel is known as the Startup Nation and hence has become a favored destination for businesses seeking better growth opportunities as well as ambitious professionals. However, it is important for such businesses and professionals to be aware of the most important aspects of Israeli business culture, to ensure their success in this growing market. In fact, it is the responsibility of the companies providing HR services Israel to inform their clients and expat managers about these facts to help them make an informed decision.

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Key Facts Expat Professionals In Israel Need To Be Aware Of To Ensure Professional Success

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  1. Tel : +972(3)9194430, Web-HI@human-impact.net

  2. Israel is known as the Startup Nation and hence has become a favored destination for businesses seeking better growth opportunities as well as ambitious professionals. However, it is important for such businesses and professionals to be aware of the most important aspects of Israeli business culture, to ensure their success in this growing market. In fact, it is the responsibility of the companies providing HR services Israel to inform their clients and expat managers about these facts to help them make an informed decision. The most important of these facts are discussed in brief as follows. Israelis Value Performance Over Diplomas People in Israel give greater preference to people who perform well and provide results rather than those boasting of several diplomas and pompous positions. Tel : +972(3)9194430, Web-HI@human-impact.net

  3. They are not impressed with people, who are content with what they are doing and waiting to collect their pay at the end of the month. Rather they like to work with someone who is proactive and encourages innovation and comes up with new and daring ideas to get better results. Israelis Respect Professionals With Diverse International Experience Professionals, who have worked in several countries and gained diverse experience are much respected by Israeli people. This is because they believe that a rich international experience helps the professionals acquire the essential skills that can help them to become successful managers. Such professionals gain an in- depth understanding of the different ways to drive performance and efficiency of the people working with and under them. This, in turn, ensures better results with minimal efforts and the development of a motivated work environment. Tel : +972(3)9194430, Web-HI@human-impact.net

  4. Israelis Like People Who Come Straight To The Point Israeli people, in general, do not have much patience and are known to make quick decisions. They are quite inquisitive and love to question their managers and bosses about the smallest of issues. At the same time, they do not like to beat around the bush and come straight to the point. Even the professionals conducting executive search Israel are known to ask direct questions to which they like to get direct answers. Israelis Do Not Believe In Limited Work Hours It is not uncommon for working professionals in Israel to work beyond their established work hours. They do not generally approve of expat professionals who adhere strictly to a 9 to 5 work schedule. Tel : +972(3)9194430, Web-HI@human-impact.net

  5. Any overtime put in by the employees is to be paid for by the employers. However, this does not prevent business organizations from calling up an employee long after office hours to seek their assistance and service. Israelis Expect And Get Salaries As Per The Job Requirements The cost of employment in Israel is proportional to the role responsibilities of an employee. This essentially means that the salary offered to a professional is directly proportional to the requirements of a job. In addition, the industry type, candidate experience as well as the size of the company may also be considered while deciding the most appropriate compensation to be offered to a professional. The overall salary received by individuals can be quite high if they receive any additional bonuses and dividends from their employers. Tel : +972(3)9194430, Web-HI@human-impact.net

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