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Gastric Sleeve Surgery is also well known for weight loss surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of bariatric surgery/weight loss surgery. It is a type of bariatric surgery that involves removal of the outer two-thirds of the stomach so that the person feels full even after eating a small amount of food. Unlike a bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy does not interfere with the normal digestive procedure. Like other bariatric surgery procedures, sleeve gastrectomy ( also known as vertical sleeve, gastric sleeve, or tube gastrectomy)<br><br>To know more click here :- https://www.bestbariatricsurgeon.org/gastric-sleeve-surgery-mumbai/

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery is also well known for weight loss surgery

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  1. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is also well known for weight loss surgery

  2. Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of bariatric surgery/weight loss surgery. It is a type of bariatric surgery that involves removal of the outer two-thirds of the stomach so that the person feels full even after eating a small amount of food. Unlike a bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy does not interfere with the normal digestive procedure. Like other bariatric surgery procedures, sleeve gastrectomy ( also known as vertical sleeve, gastric sleeve, or tube gastrectomy) is now covered by insurance. Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of India (OSSI) has defined obesity as a disease and not a lifestyle disorder. • Want professional consultation? Dr Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of gastric sleeve surgery in mumbai

  3. What is gastric sleeve surgery? • It is a surgical procedure in which outer two-third of the stomach is divided surgically and removed. This leads to formation of a long and narrow tube of the stomach. Post gastric sleeve surgery, appetite is reduced, as is the capacity to eat. Eventually it leads to increased insulin sensitivity which in turn leads to healthier and fitter life. • How does vertical sleeve gastrectomy help? • The benefits are not limited to just losing weight; it reduces the risk of many life threatening diseases and conditions such as • Type 2 diabetes • Heart disease and high blood pressure • Stroke • Cancer • Infertility • Obstructive sleep apnea • Indications for Gastric Sleeve • Bariatric/metabolic surgery should be considered a treatment option for acceptable Indian patients with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2, with/without presence of any obesity related co-morbidity.

  4. 2. Bariatric/metabolic surgery should be considered a treatment option for acceptable Indian patients with a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, in presence of two or more obesity related comorbidities. • 3. Bariatric/metabolic surgery should be considered as a non-primary treatment option for acceptable Indian patients with a BMI ≥ 27.5 kg/m2, with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes despite optimum medical management. • 4. Any bariatric/metabolic surgery for an Indian patient with BMI < 27.5 kg/m2 should be strictly performed under experimental study protocol with prior ethics committee approval and informed consent from the patient. • 5. Bariatric/metabolic surgery should be considered as a treatment option for acceptable Indian patients with central obesity with a waist circumference ≥ 80 cm in females and ≥ 90 cm in males along with type two diabetes and other obesity related co-morbidities.

  5. 6. Bariatric/metabolic surgery may be advised as a treatment option for acceptable Indian patients who qualify for the above BMI criteria if they are ≥ 18 years of age. It may be advised as a treatment option to patients younger than 18 years of age under special circumstances with approval of a multi-disciplinary team constituting a paediatrician, endocrinologist, dietician, psychologist and the bariatric team including a bariatric surgeon. Attainment of puberty and completion of skeletal maturity must be taken into account for this patient population when considering the option of surgery. • 7. Bariatric/metabolic surgery should be advised as a treatment option for acceptable Indian patients who qualify for the above BMI criteria for patients up to 65 years of age. Bariatric/metabolic surgery may also be recommended for patients ≥ 65 years of age if they are medically fit, and the benefits of surgery outweigh the risks. • 8. All patients who are advised bariatric/metabolic surgery as a treatment option should be motivated to enter a long-term weight management program and should be committed to life-long follow up.

  6. Curious about Gastric Sleeve surgery Cost in mumbai? Follow the link to get more information on Gastric Sleeve surgery. • Vertical sleeve surgery requires a life time of dedication to stick to a healthy diet and exercise • You need the best team of doctors and surgeons, dieticians, and exercise trainers to work with you after a gastric sleeve surgery. The dietician will give a documented guide on how much to eat after the sleeve surgery, and the trainer will help you get more active and make a workout program that you can easily stick to. • Modern gastric sleeve surgery is done using a laparoscopy which makes it a minimally invasive procedure with quick recovery times and fewer complications. You will back to regular life within 7 to 10 days of the surgery. • Things to keep in mind post sleeve gastrectomy surgery mumbai: • Eat at a slow place. If you eat too much and too fast you might get a choking sensation or feel like vomiting. • Nausea is common for a few weeks after surgery • You need to maintain a healthy diet and make sure that you intake a balance of vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin, B12, folate, vitamin D, protein etc. • You will continue to lose weight for months after the vertical sleeve surgery before it stabilizes to a normal weight.


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