

Don't buy Gold And Silver, Save In Gold And begin Your Own Nest Egg And that's not it - you can trade ETFs for free at several brokers. Merrill Edge lets you trade ETFs for $0 as long as you have $25,000 in your account. eTrade offers 100 different ETFs you can trade for free. So, on paper it shows that supply is meeting demand when the opposite is true. The crops are harvested in the spring and fall each year, and if food prices are kept artificially low, then over consumption occurs. Each harvest is meant to sustain us until the next harvest is available, but food reserves are at all time lows. Pensions will begin to implode and many will fail. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation will fail as it has never been adequately funded by Congress. Tax-deferred accounts will be seized by Washington and "guaranteed." But they will use the money to fund rollovers of Treasury debt. If you are receiving a pension now, you won't be soon. If you think you will receive one in the future, think again. Now... ten years ago, you could buy a hundred page notebook for fifty cents. Now, it's a couple dollars. At this rate, in ten more years, a notebook will be in the area of eight dollars. If the rate of inflation keeps quadrupling the price of a notebook every ten years, then eventually, it'll be cheaper to just write on money! You can never know too much... strive to learn as much as you can about options and their inner workings, strategies, fundamentals, everything... so that you will be better equipped to profit with options trading.As I've said in the past, options trading is more accessible than ever before. And the profit potential hasn't diminished a single cent. Going out of your way to learn the myriad of ways they can boost your bottom line is the easiest way to discover what works for you. What do we do about the inflated food prices? Once again, you should prepare. What are many economists suggesting you do to fight the coming inflation? Buy hard assets like food, and most importantly gold and silver investing. Gold and silver will go up in value as prices go up, so you won't have to worry about losing purchasing power. Many experts agree that if you do not do something to protect the true value and purchasing power of your dollars, the value of your assets will continue to go further and further down. Since the beginning of mankind, gold and silver bullion have proven to hold their value through good times and horrible times. It is a solid and time tested store of value. If you've taken my advice about finding a good broker, you've already got a ready source of info to turn to. Dozens of Web sites also offer complete details on options trading. So there's just no excuse for ignorance any more... and losing money because of ignorance makes even less sense.

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  • Martinique
  • Joined 11/06/2016


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