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Best Exercises for Bicep Growth

One of the most common fitness goals men and women have is increased bicep size. Biceps are highly visible muscles and are often considered a symbol of strength and power. While some people are naturally blessed with larger biceps, many people must dedicate a lot of time and effort to building their biceps.

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Best Exercises for Bicep Growth

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  1. Best Exercises for Bicep Growth One of the most common fitness goals men and women have is increased bicep size. Biceps are highly visible muscles and are often considered a symbol of strength and power. While some people are naturally blessed with larger biceps, many people must dedicate a lot of time and effort to building their biceps. Various exercises can be done for the biceps, but the following exercises are considered the best for muscle growth of this muscle group. BARBELL CURL (STANDING) Personal trainers often recommend the barbell curl as a must for increasing bicep size. This exercise works the biceps to their max and is one of the most common exercises done in weight lifting. To perform a barbell curl, the barbell must be taken from the rack or ground. The spotter (if available) will lift the bar off of the rack and allow you to take hold of it with an underhand grip. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent for balance, back straight, and head up at all times during this exercise. The curl should be started by slowly raising the barbell to your shoulder level. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your sides. The barbell should then be lowered back to the starting position. This completes one repetition. BICEP CABLE CURL Often done with a rope or handle attachment on a cable machine, the biceps curl is performed by gripping the rope or handle, curling it to your shoulder level, and then taking it back down along the same path. Some people find that this exercise is easier on their wrists than the barbell curl, while others find no difference between this and the barbell curl. A personal trainer in New York City can provide the best exercises for your individual needs. If you don't already have one, check out online trainer directories to locate one in your area.

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