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20 Top Secret Santa gift ideas perfect for just anyone

"The best Secret Santa gifts are the ones which are funny, unique or practical. Use our guide to find gifts you can give to any colleague, friend or family member"<br>

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20 Top Secret Santa gift ideas perfect for just anyone

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  1. □□□□□□ ForHer ForHim ForKids FunGifts ForOccasions□ □ Trending 20Budget-FriendlySecretSanta GiftsthatWillMakeThemLOL RelatedPosts

  2. Everyonelovestoreceivegiftsandthatis why everyone looks forward to a Secret Santa exchange. It can be arranged within a group of coworkers, neighbors,friendsor familymembers.Butitcanbea realchallenge whenyouendupwithachitwhich saysyouhavetobuyagiftforacolleagueyouaren’t 25 Gorgeous Valentine’sDay sofamiliarwith,or worse,youhavetobuysomething forthe boss!Wehavecuratedalistofgiftsthatyou can give to anyone – of any age, and of any personality.YouwillfindreallygoodSecret Santa gifts to give to anyone you know, formally or informally. 25+ Amazing Gift forBookLoversin 20AffordableSecretSantaGifts Ready to nail your Secret Santa gift exchange? Our blog has got you covered with the top pocket- friendly,useful,andfunnygiftideas.Getstartednow 20+ Presents for Knittersthathave andsurprisepeople withthisyear’sgift,andmake thisthe mostmemorableoneyet! 1.MiniEssentialOilsTravelBag 20 Sterling Star Wargiftsforher Subscribe Register forfreshnews.

  3. Insertyouremai SUBSCRIBE Thisis agiftforone wholovestokeeptheirhome smelling nice by using essential oils. They love to indulge in aromatherapy and use essential oils and diffusersincarsandofficestoo.Whenyougivethem this mini portable pouch which can be used for organizing small sample size bottles, they will be abletokeepall oftheirfavorite fragrancesandcarry themwiththemselfwhile travelling.Theywillbeable to carry 10 bottles of 1ml-3 ml size. The essential oils will be protected from sunlight and also keep the bottles handy. The buckle allows it to be attached to a bag or keyring easily to keep the bottles easy to reach.It is also useful for storing bottles neatlyat hometoo. KeyFeatures:

  4. Durable Safeneoprenematerial Hasa buckle 2.MerryChristmasMugwith GreetingCard Whenit’saboutchoosingacoffeemug,this isthe mostaptforaSecret Santaexchange.Themugeven says ‘ Merry Christmas From Your Secret Santa’ and hastheimageofSantaClauslookingall cool wearingsunglassesandhandingoveragift.Thiscan

  5. begiftedtoanycoworkerorfriend.It alsocomes with a cute and colourful greeting Card wishing ‘Merry Christmas & Happy New Year’.The Secret Santa illustration will make the recipient excited about Christmas and will put a big smile on their face. If they have to spend a quarantine Christmas, theywillenjoydrinkingtheirhotchocolateormocha from thismugtilltheycanvisittheirfavouritecafe. KeyFeatures: FreeGreetingCard ‘FromYour SecretSanta’ printedonmug WhiteCeramicMug 3.UnisexHoodedSweatshirt

  6. Thisgiftis perfectforsomeoneyouknowwillspend Christmasloungingontheir sofa.Supplythemwitha hoodie thatwillkeepthemcozyandcomfortable. Thecouch-potatoandhomebodywillbeableto enjoy the day their way in this stylish new hoodie. They can watch their favourite Christmas flicks, sipping on hot cocoa, wearing the sweatshirt given by you. It is a maroon hoodie, a colour which looks good on most men and women. Santa Mickey has beengraphicallyprintedinwhite onthelounger.The hoodedsweatshirt hasaregularfit,soitwillbegood for every body type. It is a cotton sweatshirt with fleece on the inside. It is sos soft and warm that they won’tfeellikegettingoutofit. KeyFeatures: High quality print Kangaroo pockets Hoodiewithdrawstrings 4.CrunchyRoastedBroad(Fava) BeanSnacks

  7. This is for the coworker whocomestothe officefor the free snacks. Or they inevitably miss their breakfast and reach out for the snacks when they reachtheirworkplace.Youknowtheywillbemissing the office snacks during the holidays or are already missing as you all are working from home now. If you are unaware of what makhanas are, they are also known as foxnuts. They are lotus seeds and they are amazingly healthy snacks. They are organic vegan snacks and completely gluten free. This is a combo of 3 jars of superpops – Peri Peri, Turmeric and Pudina. The 100% roasted snacks can be had by any adultorkid. KeyFeatures:

  8. Foranytime snacking Lowcalorie,highnutrition Improvesmetabolism 5.BohoEarrings Foryoursecretsanta, giveherapair ofearrings whichshecanweartoherChristmaspartiesandalso to any other occasion. This is one of the great Secret Santagiftsbecausethiscolourfulpairwillgo well with any style. It is a piece of fashion jewellery and not expensive, so it won’t hurt your pocket too. Any girlorwomanwouldbeabletoachieve the much

  9. popularboho-chicorgypsylookwiththesenon- preciousthreadedgeometricdropearrings.These earrings are completely handmade. The big round earrings have two circles on them on which multicolored threads have been used to give the geometricpattern. KeyFeatures: 6.5 cm long Lightweight Elegantgiftbag 6.Smiley-FacedStarWallHooks

  10. Everyonecoulddowithsomesmilesincurrent times. Give these smiley wall hooks to your secret santa, so that they have a place to hang their keys, face masks, headbands and even glasses after comingbacktothehouse.These hooks canbeused inthe bathroomfor hangingloofahsorinthe kitchen for hanging kitchen towels. These self-adhesive hooks have a capacity of holding a whopping 10 kgs, which is a lot more than these plastic hooks can normallyhold.Theregularonescanbarelyhold3kg weight. Which is why these can be used as broom grippers and can be used to hang tools in the garage,garden,storageorlaundryroomtoo. KeyFeatures: Packof2hooks Suitableformultipletypesofsurfaces Nodamageto walls 7.Snack&JunkFood-Themed Socks

  11. Thisiseitherfor theadorablegluttoninyour office group or the joker. The glutton because the socks with food printed have been designed just for them. Andthejokerbecausewhoelsecancarrysuch socks with aplomb? Socks are anyhow classic Christmas gifts, so giving regular ones will be a done-to-death gift idea. These socks are colourful and funny and unique Secret Santa gifts. Give something totally out of the box which is going to amuse the recipient to no end. There are 4 pairs of sockshavingglassesoftea,burgers,eggsandpizza slices. They can choose the food they are in the moodtoeatandwear itforeveryonetoknow! KeyFeatures:

  12. Funkypatterns Anti-microbial Comfortbandincuffs 8.AmberClip-onReadingLight Thisis fora cousinoranyoneyouknowwhois a voracious reader. They regularly burn the midnight oil . Give this classic-styled booklight to them and this one will keep their eyes protected from bluelight. This amber light is a rechargeable light and is compatible with Kindle as it blocks bluelight. TheLEDreadinglighthas3brightnesslevels.Itwill

  13. helpinkeepingtheeyeshealthyandfeelless strained. If you are in a Secret Santa exchange with a student, this is a nice gift. After a good night’s reading,itwon’tbedifficulttofallasleepbecauseit’s a great sleep-aid light. The light can be rotated at any angle making it ultra-comfortable to read when oneis lyingonthe bedwithabookor device. KeyFeatures: Candle light ambience USBcableincluded Anti-slipgrip 9.WeeklyPlanner

  14. Helpthemstarttheirnewyearinanorganized manner by giving them this weekly organizer. This is oneofthecuteSecretSantagiftsforacoworker who struggles with managing schedules amidst their hectic life. The planner has a very neat, minimalist, easy-to-filllookandisundated.There are52tear-off sheets in the planner and it is not like the dated heavy-duty journals which look a bit daunting. This kind of weekly calendar helps one to minimize procrastinationandbemoreproductive.Onecan usethistoschedule officeworkorhomeworkoruse ittoprioritise thetaskswhichcanbeamixofboth. KeyFeatures: Space for listing 5 priorities Has fitness & water tracker Sheetsforanyear’splanning 10.JuteToteBags

  15. Makeweekendandweekenderrandsmore funfor somebodybygivingthemthis‘HelloWeekend’tote bag. This is a spacious bag which can hold almost anythingtheywanttocarryorhave bought.Thebag can be slung on the shoulder or held by hand. This bag can be used daily too, while going to gyms, whiletravellingorwhilegoingforpicnics.It is an eco-friendlybiodegradablebagmade withjutefibre. It has a big front pocket which gives easy access to whatever is kept there. Though it is a large size bag, it is also light which makes it perfect for shopping, storage,travellingortobeusedasadailybag. KeyFeatures: Largecapacitybag

  16. Longshoulderstraps Durableandeco-friendly 11.IndoorHouseplant Ifyou’re goingtogetagiftforsomeonewhois into gardening and loves collecting pots and planters, giving them a live plant is a wonderful idea. We suggest you give the lovely fern named Bird’s Nest. The plant will be shipped in a small and elegant white decorative planter. It will already be delivered inaplanter,the recipientwillbeabletodisplayitas soonastheygetit. Theywon’thavetotake the

  17. effortofplantingthe ferninapot.ABird’sNestisa tall and full-looking fern. Rippled fronds give a distinctivelooktothisplantwhichmakesitlook beautiful. KeyFeatures: Indoorplant Needsindirectsunlight Tropicalplant 12.DigitalKitchenTimer

  18. Whenyouhavetobuyagiftforafriendoranyone else who is into baking and makes Christmas goodies every year without fail, a kitchen timer is one of the most useful gifts for them. It is equally useful for someone who loves cooking. This stylish timer will look sleek when placed on the kitchen counter too. It’s an easy to operate timer which has the features of auto-memory and auto-shut off. The mostimportantthingaboutakitchentimeristhatthe time should be visible clearly and the alarm should be loud. This timer is excellent on those counts as it hasalargedisplayandthesoundofthealarmis loud but not ear-heating which will beep for a good 62seconds. KeyFeatures: Anti-scratchmagnetsurround Batteryincluded Autoshut-offafter2mins 13.TheUltimatePartyGuide Book

  19. Youdon’tneedthe recipienttobeabookwormin orderforthiscoffeetablebooktobegiftedto them. Anyone who understands how beautiful coffee table books look will be delighted to lay their hands on thisbook.Butthepeople whowillgetthe mostkicks out of this book are music-lovers, especially those wholistentorockmusic,evenofthe 60sand70s. What this book has is the images of 1000 inspirationalrock musiccovers.At atimewhenvinyl records were in use, the covers of albums were almost art pieces which are phenomenally popular even now. You might inspire the recipient of the booktocollectvinyl records! KeyFeatures:

  20. 1000imagesoffamousLPsleeves Basedon60sand70smusic Forrockmusicfans 14.StorageBoxwithSecure LatchingBuckles Thisis anemptystoragetinboxwhichwehavelisted for your diy Secret Santa gifts. Wondering how? You can easily turn this into a home-made gift if you get some popping corn and pop them at home. Fill up the tin with homemade popcorn and give it to the recipientandtheywilllove thedeliciousgift.The tin

  21. hasaveryvintage,retrolook having the pictureofa pop-corncartthatwereseeninoldenandgolden times. It’s just perfect for filling up with golden popcorn. The can is food-safe and the lid fits just right,soyouknowthepopcornwillstaycrunchy. KeyFeatures: Vintagelook 3Lcapacity Canbeusedforstoring anyfooditem 15.WhiskyTumbler

  22. Soyouhaveendedupwiththe whiskyloverasyour Secret Santa recipient? The one who always ends up drinking a little bit more in office parties while complaining about how hectic work has been? We found a very funny whisky glass for them. The glass will give them an idea on how much should the glass be filled, based on how the day has been. No one willevenhavetointerruptthemwhiletheyare chilling with a glass of whisky on how their day has been. One look at the level of drink and the answer willbeclear!Thisfunnoveltytumblercanbegivento anyone wholovesdrinking rum,vodkaorgintoo. One ofthe verycoolSecret Santagifts,don’tyou think? KeyFeatures: Quirky Lo Ball glass DeliveredinaGiftTube Transparentglasswithheavybase 16.NoveltyDeskSign

  23. Youhaveunfortunatelylandedupwiththechit havingthe boss’nameandyouare abitfreaked out. Butyoudon’thavetoworry,we havegotyousorted. True to Secret Santa style, we have found out something funnybutnotsomethingover-the-top. Yourgiftwillnotbearudejoltwhich canbe offensive.Butthisdesksignwillmakeeventhe most serious-looking boss break out into a smile. It is designedlikethosetraditionaldesk signswhich have thenamesanddesignationsofpeople.Butthis onereads‘ManagerofLookingBusy’.Youcangive ittoyourboss,whateverroletheyare inand thiscan beagreatgiftforanyoneinamanagerialposition. KeyFeatures:

  24. Woodensign Retro goldplaque For colleagueorboss 17.CoconutBowlsandWooden Spoons This is a set of 2 handmade coconut bowls and 2 wooden spoons. It is a completely natural set which you can give to a vegan or a vegetarian. They would love it. They can use it to serve popcorn, pasta, noodles, cereals, gruel, soup, chips, salads etc. to theirguestsduringtheirsmallChristmasdinnerparty

  25. oriftheyandtheir significantotherare planningto enjoy a romantic meal at home. These bowls are polished with coconut oil and the whole versatile set looks absolutely beautiful. These bowls look so good that they can be used for tabletop decoration too.These kindsofsetsare traditionalbutsomehow not conventional anymore, which makes them exquisitegiftsets. KeyFeatures: Sustainable and eco-friendly Handcrafted Canbeusedasdecorativebowls 18.PropellerHat

  26. IfyouwanttogivesomeoneahilariousSecret Santa gift which is good fun, give this helicopter propeller cap. The band is adjustable, so anyone will be comfortable wearing it. It is a fun hat for anyone having a sense of humour. The fun of a Secret Santa exchange is that you are free to give anything crazy or silly which can make your recipient coworker look foolish. This hat is going to achieve that purpose. He is goingtolook sillybutadorablemovingaroundthe Christmas party wearing it on his head but it will also makehim standoutfromthe crowdimmediately! And if by chance the party is held outdoors, everyonewillhaveagoodlaughlookingathim with his rainbow cap with a fan whirling because of the wind. KeyFeatures: Seenon‘TheGreatBritishBakeOff’T.V.show Withapropeller Colourful 19.Before-You-GoToiletSpray

  27. Thisis for the one whois onaproteindietor someone who keeps the workplace toilet occupied for more than 5 minutes, and others cannot enter a stallforaverylongtimeafterthat!This Poo-Pourriis even named ‘Secret Santa’ and has full Christmassy elements with a winking Santa on the label which makes it the smartest Secret Santa gift. The spray bottle contains 2 Fl. Oz. of scent. Not only bathrooms, it can be effectively used to mask the odor of unwashed laundry or kitchen bins. The ‘Secret Santa’ has a wonderful smell of a combination of cinnamon, vanilla and citrus. Another thing worth mentioning about the product is that it doesnotsmelllikethose overpoweringsynthetic

  28. smellingtoiletspraysfilledwithharshchemicals. Thisoneismadeusingnaturalessentialoils. KeyFeatures: Canbeused100times Fightsstrongodors Hasnaturalessentialoils 20.FunnyMugwithanEngraved Message

  29. Thisis for the scenariowhenyouknownothingor very little about the recipient. Your office has many workersandthememberwhomyou aresupposed tobuyagiftforis not amemberofyouroffice-buddy group.Youhavebarelyinteractedwiththem.What do you do? Give them a time-tested gift, a mug and staying true to the Secret Santa tradition, a funny mug. This though is a novelty mug that isn’t all rude. The mug will get them to laugh as through this you are basically owning up that you hardly know a thing about them.The mug is also perfect as a Christmas gift as the message‘I got this because my secret santa knows nothing about me’ has been printed in boldredinkonacompletelywhite ceramicmug.The mug will be delivered in a protective foam wrapping andinaboxwhichwillmake iteasierforyoutowrap. KeyFeatures: Microwave and dishwasher safe Anti-fadeprinting Capacityof312grams This is our list of genius gift ideas which you give to people whom you know well and also to the ones you don’t know on a personal level. None of these gifts are rude or offensive, including the novelty items. These gifts are going to please anyone whogetsthem.It isawasteofmoneywhenyouarebuyingagiftwhichthe recipient will bin as soon as going home or regifting it. It is better to give something useful than a value-less item. You will find Christmas Secret Santa gifts whichyouwouldliketoreceivetoo.

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