

Nudism , Feminism and Women Nudism with a Feminist Angle: I've been reflecting lately about why there aren't more girls, especially young women, involved in naturism. Generally speaking, it is clear we live in a society where individuals are afraid of nudity, embarrassed of it, and deem it only acceptable during sex or bath. But when it comes to girls and nudity, is there another factor at play called patriarchy? There was a recent post from a feminist website entitled "Go Naked; it's good for everybody (but particularly for women)" about naturism and feminism that got me thinking. Nigel Keer "naked rambler" First, the "naked rambler" story from a feminist perspective. A guy named Nigel Keer was lately was fined under the Public Order Act for walking nude at Otley Chevin, a popular nature area in the united kingdom. That is all he was doing. He was spotted by a girl who had a "distressed frown" on her face, in accordance with the off duty police officer that stopped him. (This storyline is a lot like the instance of of naked hiker John Cropper, except he was not seen by anyone else. Maybe it'd have turned out otherwise if your female witness had been involved.) This girl was never identified, never testified, and never spoken to. Nevertheless, it was enough to convict Nigel. As a feminist would immediately point out, the girl was supposed to be a "casualty," weak in front of the strolling nude man. Ironically, this officer unwittingly violated girls everywhere by deciding this female victim was distressed and needed his protection. Nonetheless, in one of the opinions, a girl identified with the female victim. She says, "Yes, not all men are sexual predators, and walking naked does not necessarily equate to predatory behavior, but the sad fact is that many, many girls have experienced sexual violence at the hands of guys and seeing a nude guy when you're outside for a walk could well make a woman feel endangered, and could even trigger her." Yes, many women have been victims of sexual assault or rape, and I can comprehend a lone girl feeling threatened or bothered seeing Nigel. But when does walking nude ever equate to someone being a sexual predator? When they assault. It doesn't make sense to detain someone for only "causing alarm" because they're doing something uncommon. A lone nude guy is an assumed predator, maybe even a rapist? As the writer, CP Reece, intelligently comments, rape has nothing related to nudity, but with exercising power over someone. Reece points out the hypocrisies of female nudity. It's OK in promotion and trashy magazines, but not OK in the park or on the playa. Breasts usually are not even okay to reveal in public breastfeeding. She notes that we live in a patriarchal society where men have always had control over how much skin women can show in public. Is this why there aren't more young women involved in naturism? If girls relate taking off their clothing merely with hot modeling, acting, and displaying their bodies, then they might think they have to appear good enough to go bare in front of others. Of course looking being tall and thin like the unattainable ideal we find everywhere in the media. "I'm just leanin' against a tree, enjoyin my new jeans." For female nudity, patriarchy appears to play an important role, particularly with to topless rights. Reece says, "To require girls to cover up their breasts in public is an extremely visible expression of patriarchal control." Truly women don't have to cover up breasts because they're breasts, but because they are girls. Reese reminds us of the officer in the documentary, My Daughter the Teenage Nudist, who, between the topless woman and man, went after the girl to put her top back on. "Why?" Reese asks. Because she has a vagina. It's a sexist, partriarchal law; or in this case, a sexist norm imposed by this policeman, since it's legal to go bare in public in the UK. It exists in a society by which men hold the power. But what about male nudity? They obtained the right to go topless first. Will they be outside enjoying unclothed hiking before us women? Seems crazy, and I expect that won't be the situation.. Sending back to the title, how is naturism great for everyone and especially for girls? It fosters gender equality, which will be especially excellent for women whose bodies for once aren't being put on display for male enjoyment. (Yes there are guys that will still stare or join for that goal, but it's a completely different feeling in a real naturist setting. As Reece says to ladies, "a naturist man will look you in the eye!") Naturism also advocates positive body image and celebrates all body types beyond the media's ideal. Many people are nude and equivalent, free of any sexist fabric restraints and with much less stereotyping, ruling, labeling, profiling, etc. Naturist couple on the sand To be continued in a second post about Reece's call for extreme activity for naturist rights Read: Go naked; it is good for everybody (but particularly for girls) Part 1 and Part 2 Naturists and Naturists Top Free And Feminism Websites By Felicity Jones For - Young Naturists And Naturists America FKK Tags: activism, culture, discrimination, feminism, sex, laws, topfreedom and topfree equality, topless / topfree Class: Felicity's Naturist Website, Feminism and Women's Problems and Human Rights, Social Activism


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