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Perissodactyla Artilodactyla PERISSODACTYLA Equus zebra Equus grevyi + Equus burchelli quagga Equus burchelli PLAIN ZEBRA Equus kiang Equus asinus Equus hemionus E. c. przewalskii E. c. ferus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Perissodactyla Artilodactyla


  3. Equus zebra Equus grevyi

  4. + Equus burchelli quagga Equus burchelli PLAIN ZEBRA

  5. Equus kiang Equus asinus Equus hemionus

  6. E. c. przewalskii E. c. ferus

  7. Phylogeny, geographic distribution, diet, and body sizes of the Family Equidae over the past 55 My

  8. Ceratotherium simum WHITE RHINO

  9. Diceros bicornis BLACK RHINO

  10. Rhinoceros unicornis INDIAN RHINO

  11. Rhinoceros sondaicus JAVAN RHINO

  12. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis SUMATRAN RHINO

  13. Tapirus pinchaque MOUNTAIN TAPIR

  14. Tapirus indicus ASIAN TAPIR

  15. Tapirus terrestris BRAZILIAN TAPIR Tapirus bairdii BAIRD’S TAPIR


  17. HORNS AND ANTLERS pronghorn giraffe


  19. HORNS

  20. HORNS

  21. Suidae Phacochoerusafricanus (African Warthog) Babyroussa

  22. Suidae Potamochoerus Babyroussa Sus scrofa

  23. Tayassuidae Tayassu tajacu Catagonus wagneri

  24. Hippopotamidae Hexaprotodon liberiensis Hippopotamus

  25. Camelidae Camelus dromedarius Camelus bactrianus

  26. Camelidae Lama guanicoe Vicugna vicugna

  27. Giraffidae Giraffa camelopardalis Okapia johnstoni

  28. Elaphurus davidianus Cervuselaphus Cervidae Alces Rangifertarandus

  29. Cervidae Pudu Muntiacus

  30. Antilocapridae Antilocapra

  31. Bovidae

  32. Saiga Bovidae Pseudoryx nghetinhensis SAOLA

  33. Bovidae Capra Ovis Oreamnos

  34. Ovibos Bubalus depressicornis ANOA Bovidae Syncerus caffer Bubalus bubalis

  35. Bovidae Bison bison Bison bonasus

  36. Bos sauveli KOUPREY Bovidae Bos primigenius + 1627

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